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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Over 5,000 Signatures in 6 Days: Let’s Stop Legault’s Ban on Public Prayer!

Last Wednesday, we launched a petition to fight against François Legault’s outrageous proposal to ban public prayer in Quebec. In just 6 days, over 5,000 people have signed, sending a clear message: We will not stand by as our Christian culture and freedoms are vandalized!

The Real Problem with Legault’s Ban

Legault claims his intention is to curb “Islamist” displays, but sweeping bans have collateral damage. They target all public manifestations of faith—Christian processions, public rosaries, or even Nativity scenes during Christmas. It’s the kind of “solution” that secularists love: create a crisis, then use it as a pretext to eliminate Christianity from the public square.

Legault needs to understand that if he goes through with this plan, he will look like a tin-pot dictator—a small-scale, communist-style leader aiming to erase religion from Quebec. If he wants to avoid this embarrassment, let him back down now.

Why This Matters Beyond Quebec

This is not just a Quebec problem. Quebec has acted as a "woke laboratory" since the 1960s, cooking up destructive ideas that later spread across Canada and even the world. Abortion, euthanasia, and “same-sex marriage” all gained momentum here before infecting other places.

This proposed ban on public prayer is no different—it’s a mind virus that we need to stop at the source. If we succeed in Quebec, we’ll spare the rest of Canada and the world yet another attack on faith and common sense.

How You Can Help

  1. Sign the petition now if you haven’t already:
  2. Share this petition with your friends and family. Let them know what’s happening in Quebec.
  3. Support this campaign: We need resources to promote the petition online and reach thousands more. Your donation can help us amplify this effort and send a stronger message to Legault.


The Time Is Now

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, this is no time for the government to trample on our freedom to express our faith publicly. Let’s defend what remains of Quebec’s Christian culture—and ensure that this dangerous idea is stopped in its tracks.

Thank you for your support and your prayers. Together, we can make a difference.

For Faith, family and Life, from conception to natural death,

Georges Buscemi

President, Campagne Québec-Vie

P.S. Over 5,000 signatures in just 6 days proves that people care deeply about this issue. Let’s keep the momentum going—sign, share, and help us stop this attack on public prayer!


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A curse and a blessing

By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)

One day this past week, I had three exchanges, albeit of short duration, all with ladies.

Visitor no. 1 – an elderly woman of about 65 years of age, stops in front of me and reads the sign I have hung around my neck before crossing the road. After a moment I asked her: “What do you think about abortion?” To my surprise, she replied: “What do YOU think about abortion?” I talked about the importance of respecting life from conception to a natural death, and she agreed. A few more words were exchanged and then she left.

Visitor no. 2 – a younger woman with a French accent got off the bus and waited for the light to change so she could cross. She gave me a contemptuous sideways glance and muttered: “Haven't you got anything better to do?” I replied: “What do you think about abortion?” to which she rudely replied, “Allez vous faire foutre !” and walked away.

The third lady, about the same age, who had also got off the same bus, overheard my exchange with the second lady and looked at me sympathetically. I said to her: “It happens every now and then.” To which she replied, “I think you are brave.”

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Open letter to Premier Legault

By a grandmother - Photo: Pixabay

It’s almost Christmas, Premier Legault.

We Quebecers are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus-Christ, the Saviour of the world, Emmanuel, “God with us” ... and it is during this Advent season that you have the absurd idea of saying that you are going to concoct a law to prevent us from praying in public?

No, Mr. Legault, that is not a good idea. If you are afraid that foreign religious customs will take up residence in the public space of Quebec — which remembers (“Je me souviens”) its Catholic Christian roots — it is not a vacuum that needs to be created, because religion, like nature, abhors vacuums. What we need to do is to fill the public space with religious carols and big, beautiful nativity scenes. It means allowing grandmothers to pray the rosary in the park while looking after their grandchildren, allowing the Good Friday pilgrimage to unfold in towns on Good Friday, allowing Corpus Christi processions to roam the streets around churches singing beautiful hymns and stopping at the resting place set up in the nearby park. It means allowing young people to organise walking pilgrimages, complete with songs, statues and banners, to the shrines of Quebec. It means allowing pro-lifers to pray in the streets to save women and children from the horror of abortion — and at the same time to save our people, threatened with extinction for lack of births. It means preserving the roadside crosses and the Virgin Mary grottoes that are scattered throughout our landscapes, and allowing your people to gather there to pray the Rosary in difficult times, as was done during COVID. It means never again closing the churches. It means putting back the crucifix in the National Assembly, crucifixes in schools, crucifixes in hospitals. We do not forget. “Je me souviens”.

Ah, Mr Legault, you have a long row to hoe, as you can see. We will pray for you during this time of waiting for the Saviour, and also in front of the manger on the anniversary of his birth. Merry Christmas, Mr. Legault! We will not forget you.

A grandmother who likes to say her rosary in the park while looking after her grandchildren

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Shocking Move by Quebec Premier: Public Prayer Under Threat

I was stunned to hear that last Friday, François Legault suggested banning public prayer in Quebec. This comes in response to incidents, particularly in the Montreal area, involving individuals of Muslim origin. Is he trying to mimic communist regimes that outlaw all public expressions of religion? This is where the abuse of the concept of secularism or "laïcité" leads us.

A distorted view

Laïcité, in its original sense, simply means governance by laypeople rather than clergy. However, in the hands of our leaders, this concept has morphed into a supposed state neutrality toward religion—an impossible stance when some religions promote ideas that are blatantly false, dangerous, or absurd. Worse still, this distorted view is now being used to justify the eradication of all religious expression in public spaces.

Our twice-annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for an end to abortion -- Banned ?

A shocking and totalitarian proposal

If this trend continues, roadside crosses, church steeples, religious processions, nativity scenes, and everything that reminds us of our soul and eternal destiny will be banned. This grotesque proposal immediately reminded me of another major misstep by the CAQ government: when Tourism Minister Caroline Proulx banned Harvest Ministries from the Quebec City Convention Centre for being too pro-life. That case is still before the courts.

Believers penalized under flimsy pretexts

I'm fed up with seeing this government use the missteps of certain groups as an excuse to strip all believers of their rights to express their faith. These measures are thinly veiled attempts to eliminate Christianity’s influence in Quebec under the guise of pseudo-nationalism and "protecting Quebec values."

Our annual LifeChain prayer event -- Banned?

Take action: Sign the petition!

That’s why we’ve drafted a petition that we hope thousands will read and sign. We need to send François Legault a loud and clear message: these attempts to win votes by trampling on believers’ rights are unacceptable and absurd.

If you agree, please sign the petition here:


And please share the petition widely. Banning public prayer is an act of totalitarianism and staggering narrow-mindedness that we must stop. Together, let’s stand up for faith and common sense for future generations!

Thank you for your steadfast support

Finally, a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has contributed to our year-end fundraising campaign. We’ve already surpassed our goal, even though the campaign officially ends on December 18. However, with the ongoing Canada Post strike straining our operations and so many battles ahead of us—including standing up to opponents like François Legault—your support is more critical than ever. Thank you for your generosity!

Donate today >>

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. The freedom to pray in public is a fundamental right that no government should take away. If you believe, as we do, that this proposed ban on public prayer sets a dangerous precedent, sign the petition here. Then share it widely in your networks. The more voices we raise, the stronger our message: we will not stand for this totalitarian drift that seeks to erase Quebec’s Christian heritage. Thank you for your support!

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Pro-life apologetics - role play

By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)

I recently had the privilege of presenting the pro-life message to a group of believers in an innovative way.

I belong to a faith-based devotional group which met last Saturday, 7 December, for its annual social event at which its members were asked to contribute a five-minute entertainment segment to the proceedings.

By far, the most popular contribution is the singing of seasonal devotional songs. In previous years, friends and I have done this, especially as one of us is a gifted baritone singer. This year, however, at the suggestion of our spiritual director, we performed mini skits about the pro-life work I do on the streets of Montreal. There were two performances, each of which was appreciated by those present.

First, wearing the signs I carry with on St. Catherine Street, I interacted with Jim according to the following script:

Brian, sees Jim, greets him: “Hi.” Jim replies “Hi” and stops walking.

Brian: “Did you know that abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy in Canada?” I asked him.
Jim: “No!” I didn’t know that. I don’t agree with abortion when the baby is older. But in the first couple weeks, I don’t really see the problem with it.”

Brian: “Do you believe in human rights?”
Jim: “Of course!”

Brian: “And who should get human rights?”
Jim: “Humans.”

Brian: “If two human beings reproduce, what species are their offspring?”
Jim: “Human, I guess.”

Brian: “Then doesn’t it follow that abortion is a human rights violation?”
Jim: “Yes, yes it does! It’s not okay to kill a child, I get that now.”

In the second role play, I exchanged with Angie.

I see Angie approaching and I ask her: “What do you think about abortion?
Angie: "Well, personally I wouldn’t have one, but I think it should be every woman’s choice what to do with her body.”

Brian: “What about the baby’s body?”
Angie paused and thought. Finally, she said, “Yeah, I guess I never thought about that before.” She took a pamphlet and headed off.

Special thanks go to Justina van Manen for collecting these scripts her book “Stuck: A complete guide to answering tough questions about abortion.”

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15 Years Leading Quebec Life Coalition and 50 Years of Blessings

We're kicking off the fourth week of our year-end fundraising campaign, made all the more urgent by the ongoing Canada Post strike. Your generosity is crucial to keep us going.

This past weekend, I celebrated a milestone: 50 years on this Earth and 15 years as president of Quebec Life Coalition. As I reflect on these years, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings and challenges that have shaped me and our mission to defend life and uphold Christian values in Quebec.

How It All Began

I began my "career" (if you can call it that) in the pro-life movement during my doctoral studies in religious studies at McGill University (class of 2008). Newly returned to my Catholic faith and eager to meet like-minded people, I joined a campus pro-life group called "Choose Life," founded by an American student, Natalie Fohl. One of our first activities was watching a video by Stephanie Gray, a pro-life speaker, which included a stark portrayal of abortion. Seeing that video changed my life (click here to view this video).

Abortion was no longer a topic for polite debate; it was a horrific crime that I could not ignore. I couldn’t justify sipping coffee in a Montreal café, writing about Kant’s moral proof for the existence of God, while mere blocks away, innocent lives were being destroyed. I was, as they say, "redpilled."

I soon connected with Campagne Québec-Vie (Quebec Life Coalition), founded in 1989 by Gilles Grondin, a former Canadian diplomat, in response to the devastating Morgentaler Supreme Court decision of 1988 that decriminalized abortion. Leaving academia behind, I joined this mission full-time.

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Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Under Attack: Here's How You Can Help!

We're kicking off the third week of our year-end fundraising campaign, made all the more urgent by the ongoing Canada Post strike. Your generosity is crucial to keep us going, because there's still a lot of work to be done.

The Challenge: Pro-Life Centers Under Government Attack

The Quebec government has started targeting pro-life pregnancy centers, accusing them of spreading misinformation as part of their pro-abortion action plan. At the same time, the federal government wants to strip these centers of their ability to issue tax receipts, threatening their very survival.

Our Response: Helping More Women with "Enceinte et inquiète"

Despite these attacks, we are not backing down. In fact, we’re committed to expanding our service for pregnant women in need, "Enceinte et inquiète," in 2025. This year alone, we helped over 50 women—that's almost one woman every week—through follow-ups, visits, calls, and attentive listening.

In November, "Daniella," one of the women we helped, gave birth to twins.

Through our Facebook page, website, and toll-free number 1-855-871-4442, we are here for these women—listening to their concerns and connecting them with pro-life resources that won’t push them towards ending their pregnancy.

Freedom to Truly Support Women

Quebec Life Coalition does not issue tax receipts, meaning we are not under government pressure to comply with their pro-abortion agenda, which often ends in the death of the unborn child. We are free to act as a bridge between women in need and pro-life centers, without formal ties that could make these centers vulnerable to attacks from pro-abortion groups and governments.

There’s Still Time to Make a Difference!

We’re just two weeks away from the end of our holiday fundraising campaign. So far, we've raised $10,158, but we still need $4,842 more by December 18. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has already donated. If you haven't yet, please consider giving today to help us expand our support for pregnant women in need. With the ongoing Canada Post strike, your help is more important than ever.

Thank you for standing with us!>>

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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Two Years of pro-life in Quebec : How I Keep Fighting

We're nearing the third week of our year-end fundraising campaign, launched early to tackle the challenges posed by the Canada Post strike. Thank you in advance for your generosity—we have a lot of work ahead of us!

It has been two years since I began working for Quebec Life Coalition (QLC). Since you regularly receive emails from my colleagues—but rarely from me—you might be wondering: what does QLC’s Director of Political Operations and Volunteer Coordinator actually do? (These are the two roles I currently fill within our organization.)

Most of my time is not spent writing emails and articles. Instead, my main tasks fall into several categories: outreach to churches, developing a pro-life youth movement, coordinating volunteers, organizing special events, promoting pro-life candidates, and attending political events.

Outreach to Churches: I have the privilege of regularly meeting with pastors and church staff, helping them promote appropriate pro-life activities within their communities and connecting them with the work we are doing at QLC. I’m always available to give pro-life presentations at churches as well.

A QLC conference organized at a parish community in the Quebec City region

Developing a Youth Movement: I’m working to build the youth branch of the pro-life movement here in Quebec. Today’s young people are more pro-life than those just a decade ago, but these beliefs need to be nurtured, developed, and supported—especially in the often-hostile education system.

A QLC Students for Life event, in Montreal.

Volunteer Coordination: There is so much to do for the pro-life cause, particularly here in Quebec. There are many impactful ways for our volunteers to get involved. Some activities include: Vigil 365 with Brian (a daily prayer vigil near the abortion clinic), pamphleting (distributing pro-life materials on the street or directly to mailboxes), helping in the office (with simple but important tasks), event volunteering (setup, registration, security, etc.), becoming a regional contact (to identify pro-life candidates), serving as a church contact (acting as a liaison with your church community), assisting with social media, and much more.

Organizing Special Events: At QLC, we run several events each year. Our biggest one in 2024 was the first-ever Quebec March for Life. We also organize smaller events such as rallies, vigils, and presentations—all of which require significant work and coordination from our entire team.

The 2024 March for Life in Quebec City.

Promoting Pro-Life Candidates: If we want life-respecting officials in office, we need to vote for them, support them with donations, and volunteer for their campaigns. Part of my job is encouraging pro-life candidates to run and informing our volunteers about opportunities to support them in their regions. Let’s remember that abortion and euthanasia became realities in Canada due to bad decisions by elected officials. Whether those decisions could have been avoided or not, one thing is clear: we won’t reverse these trends without greater political involvement from pro-life individuals.

Attending Political Events: I also attend various conferences and conventions where I have the opportunity to engage with elected officials on the topic of pro-life policies. Voting for solid pro-life candidates is crucial, but so is ongoing dialogue with those already in office. Educating them on what it means to be pro-life and why life-respecting policies are essential is an important part of the work we do.

Attending a Christian Heritage Party convention in Hamilton, ON.

All in all, working for QLC is truly rewarding. There is no better time than today and no better place than Quebec to make an impact. If you want to learn more about my work, book a presentation, or get involved as a volunteer, please feel free to send me an email.

As we approach the end of the year, I also want to invite you to contribute to our special end-of-year fundraiser. The recent Canada Post strike has impacted our usual donation streams, and we need your support to ensure QLC can continue its vital pro-life work well into 2025. Every contribution helps us stay strong and keep making a difference in Quebec.

Donate Today >>

For Life,

Arpad Nagy

Director of Political Operations and Volunteer coordinator, Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. None of this important work is possible without your support. So far, we have raised $7,745 towards our goal of $15,000 by December 18. That means we still need $7,255 in just a few weeks. Please consider making a donation today to help us reach our goal and continue our mission.

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Quebec gov't acknowledges growing influence of pro-life movement

Today marks the second week of our year-end fundraising campaign, launched early to tackle the challenges posed by the Canada Post strike. Thank you in advance for your generosity—we have much work ahead of us!

As we’ve shared in recent emails and articles, on Monday, November 18, Quebec’s Minister for the Status of Women, Martine Biron, unveiled a shocking 28-point “action plan” aimed at entrenching abortion access (The plan is available for now only in French, here). This includes introducing a telehealth service to make the abortion pill available across Quebec—on top of the 25,000 abortions already performed annually in the province and 100,000 across Canada!

But there’s something in this government plan worth noting—a recognition of the growing impact of the pro-life movement in Quebec, made possible by your support:

"Among the signs that the anti-choice [pro-life] movement is organizing and ramping up its efforts in Quebec, an anti-abortion march intended to become an annual event was held for the first time in Quebec City in June 2024. Alliances have also recently been formed between Quebec’s anti-choice [pro-life] groups and those from the rest of Canada, enabling the pooling of resources and increasing visibility. Vigilance is required as the anti-choice [pro-life] movement becomes increasingly visible in the public sphere and targets Quebec.”

This is proof that our efforts are working. Pro-abortion ideologues are genuinely rattled—and rightly so. The truth about abortion cannot be ignored forever. Far from being “health care” or a “right,” abortion is a gross violation of human rights, as powerfully demonstrated in these two videos (viewer discretion advised):

  1. Aspiration Abortion Procedure
  2. Aborted Children at Different Stages of Development

Campagne Québec-Vie isn’t standing alone in this fight. The movement is growing, with new groups rising to defend life, like Montreal’s pro-life student group Action Vitale or Abortion Victim Photography group "Montreal Against Abortion".

The march referenced in the government’s plan is, of course, the March for Life in Quebec City. Clearly, this event has struck a nerve with those in power. That’s why we’re committed to hosting it again in 2025—especially as next year marks the 50th anniversary of Quebec’s Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, which begins with these words:

"1. Every human being has the right to life…"

We’ve chosen this powerful phrase as the theme for next year’s March for Life, scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2025, in Quebec City. Mark your calendars now!

As the government doubles down on its pro-abortion agenda, in reaction to our growing pro-life presence, we need your help. Our fundraising campaign ends December 18, but we ask you to make a special, sacrificial gift today. Your support will allow us to overcome the challenges posed by the postal strike and continue to defend life in the face of government propaganda.

Donate Today >>

Thank you for your generosity and your unwavering commitment to the pro-life cause.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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Four Bold Actions to Build a Culture of Life in Quebec

Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve already raised over $3,000 since the launch of our fundraising campaign last Wednesday. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your generosity and commitment to life!

That said, there’s still much to do. With the Canada Post strike disrupting one of our main donation channels, your help is more critical than ever. We need your collaboration to reach our $15,000 goal by December 18, so we can continue standing up for the unborn and pushing back against the Quebec government’s pro-abortion agenda.

Donate Today >>

As I shared in my previous email, the Quebec government’s Plan d’action gouvernemental sur l’accès à l’avortement 2024-2027 promotes radical measures to expand access to abortion, including:

  • Deploying telehealth services to make abortion pills available across Quebec.
  • Expanding abortion clinics (“points of service”) to reach even more regions.
  • Increasing funding for pro-abortion groups to combat so-called “misinformation.”
  • Facilitating access to long-acting contraceptives after surgical abortions.

In response to these measures promoting a culture of death, Quebec Life Coalition is taking bold actions to build a culture of life in Quebec:

  • Strengthening our Pregnant and Worried support network to inform women about alternatives to abortion, including resources to help them continue their pregnancies.
  • Launching 2025 awareness campaigns on the value of life and the aftermath of abortion, reaching communities across Quebec.
  • Mobilizing for the 2025 March for Life, with official announcements coming soon about this pivotal event.
  • Developing educational tools, including brochures and online resources, to counter misinformation about abortion.

We refuse to let the Quebec government’s radical measures go unanswered. With your support, we can respond decisively—with hope, truth, and action—to each of their initiatives.

Your contribution is vital. Every dollar you give supports our efforts to protect unborn children and their mothers. Together, we can turn the tide and restore a culture of life.

Thank you for your generous support today >>

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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