Who We Are - English
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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Who We Are

We are a group of like-minded people whose goal is the establishment of a Christian society that defends faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.

We are aware that the suppression of tens of thousands of lives every year in Quebec has inflicted a terrible wound on society and these effects will only multiply and worsen. For example, the knowledge we now have concerning human life in the womb reveals that there is reason to be concerned that fetuses, after 20 weeks, feel pain during abortion; and the testimony of women whose emotional and psychological lives are turned upside down after abortion shows that this is no ordinary medical procedure. But we cannot hear the cries of the unborn, and, for ideological reasons, we are prevented from hearing the cries of women who suffer after abortion. We therefore feel we must speak up for them.

Disdain for unborn human beings has evolved into disdain for elderly and disabled human beings: The threat of euthanasia is on the rise in Quebec. We advocate for real compassion, free of particular or monetary interests, open to all human life, without discrimination.

Our Goals

  1. Promote the recognition, by the representatives of all social bodies, including those of the State, of the necessity of Christianity, as the only wholly true religion, for a full and complete realization of the common good;
  2. Promote the recognition that the Christian faith is reasonable, and that reason supports Christian faith and morality.
  3. Promote respect for human life from conception to natural death, as well as human and family rights;
  4. Raise awareness among government and the general public of all relevant data regarding respect for life from conception to natural death;
  5. Act in an advisory capacity to the Government for the adoption and enforcement of any legislation concerning the individual, the family and the unborn child;
  6. Study and monitor laws and their application to promote the exercise of human and family rights;
  7. Conduct research on any issue related to the knowledge and exercise of human and family rights;
  8. Engage and maintain relationships that should be maintained with various groups in Quebec, Canada and the world;
  9. Promote love education and natural methods of birth regulation;
  10. Encourage adoption.

Our Activities

Quebec Life Coalition (known in French as Campagne Québec-Vie) is the Quebec division of Campaign Life Coalition, a pan-Canadian pro-life organisation. We advocate respect for human life from conception until natural death and we defend human rights and family values. Our advocacy work includes:

  • Lobbying government to enact laws that are consistent with our goal to protect Canadians of all ages and of all abilities;
  • Publishing original research and articles on life issues;
  • Promoting adoption and natural birth regulation;
  • Educating both the government and the general public on abortion, embryonic stem-cell research, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and other threats to human rights and human dignity;
  • Organising public demonstrations of solidarity with the unborn and their families, such as yearly Ottawa March for Life and the twice-yearly 40 Days for Life 40-day prayer vigil;
  • Networking with groups in Quebec who share our values and our goals, and who believe, as we do, that every human life should be cherished.

Our Philosophy

Our hedonistic society wrongly equates goodness with pleasure, evil with pain, thereby wrongly concluding that anything that requires sacrifice and suffering is evil. No wonder that more and more people opt to kill (themselves or the child in the womb) rather than suffer: a mother will kill her child, or a father will push his partner to abort, to avoid the suffering and hardships that bearing a child in sub-optimal circumstances brings; a man will kill himself, or a family will isolate and virtually push a family member to suicide, to avoid the hardships involved in caring for a sick person.

For inspiration in this difficult battle we draw on Christian revelation and on the Natural Law, that is, on the Law written on every human heart. This is the law that says: "It is wrong to kill" and "Do to others as you would have them do to you". We hold that no matter what society thinks is right, there is always the conscience, there is always the heart, that is wispering "killing the unborn is wrong", or "committing suicide is wrong." Moreover, we hold these two principles, the Natrual Law and Christian revelation, to be completely consistent: Nothing the Natural Law says goes against what Christian revelation says, and vice-versa.

Our History

The francophone division of Quebec Life Coalition (QLC), known as "Campagne Québec-Vie" (CQV), was founded in 1989 by canadian ex-diplomat Gilles Grondin. QLC was founded in 2009 by Luc Gagnon, who was president from 2002 to 2009. Georges Buscemi became president of QLC on September 1st, 2009.