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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A wonderful March for Life!

What a splendid day! What a magnificent march! More than a thousand pro-lifers gathered in Quebec City on June 1st under a shining sun to demonstrate in the name of the unborn child. And all this despite the hostility and incivility of the pro-abortion counter-demonstrators... (For a fuller report on the march, see here.)

The joy was palpable as people arrived and gathered around waiting for the event to begin, getting to know each other, meeting up with friends.

A word must be said about the start of the day. Early in the morning, pro-abortionists had sprayed graffiti on the pavements and low walls surrounding the Fontaine de Tourny, saying: "My body, my choice". After a few pro-lifers added a little more, the message was very different!

Before the event got underway, counter-demonstrators arrived with drums, whistles, rattles and other noise-making objects, chanting slogans and making all the noise they could. In short, they were trying to spoil our event. Fortunately, the Quebec City police eventually separated the sheep from the goats and we started marching.

It was comforting to see the march proceed normally after the initial agitation, and there we saw just how many of us there were, along with the pro-lifers who arrived late.

I can tell you that the march did not go unnoticed in the streets of Quebec, with many motorists honking their horns happily as they passed, all the people seated on restaurant terraces, and others expressing their disapproval.

These two videos of the march will give you a fuller idea.

We ended the March for Life with moving testimonies from women who had undergone an abortion or had chosen life instead, and with a few speeches that had been postponed until the end.

Ah, and then there was the media coverage. Several media were present at the march and reported on it. But they didn't even present it in a neutral way. It was mostly pro-abortion testimonials and short pro-life quotes. The choice of photos also shows a certain amount of bad faith. The confrontation between pro-abortion and pro-life is emphasised, while the most positive part of the pro-life event is absent from the visual aspect. In short, the mainstream media are not our friends.

Finally, a big thank you to all the participants and our fifty+ volunteers. Many thanks to the speakers:

To Toni Di Paolo Lemay, devoted wife, loving mother, cherished grandmother and host of the event.

To Georges Buscemi, President and Spokesperson of Quebec Life Coalition and organizer of the March.

To Dr. Paul Saba, family physician in Montreal.

To Jean-Léon Laffitte, President of the Association des Parents Catholiques du Québec and representative of Ensemble pour la protection de nos enfants.

To Jean-François Denis from ThéoVox and co-organiser.

To Richard Décarie, founder of the Conservative Union Movement.

To Debbie Duval and Julia Bissonnette from Campaign Life Coalition.

To Father Marchand for his presence and opening prayer.

To Tanya Patry and Josée Lafontaine, mothers, inspiring witnesses to the choice of life in a time of distress.

To Alie Alive, an abortion survivor with a powerful and inspiring testimony.

To Lise Dufour, author of the book "J'ai avorté par peur, avec Lui, espérer encore".

To Art Lucier, founder of Canadian Firewall and Harvest Ministries. Last year, the event he was planning to organise at the Palais des congrès de Québec was cancelled by the Quebec government on the grounds that it was organised by pro-lifers. He is now suing the government.

To Isabelle Frédéric, a Christian woman who has had an abortion and wants to share her experience.

To Nancy Ménard, a Christian woman who has had an abortion and wants to share her experience.

To Sophie Archambault, Executive Director of Uni-T A Voice for Christian Values (UVVC).

To Georges Antonios for his closing prayer and remarks.

Many thanks also to ThéoVox for its help, and to the Campaign Life Coalition and Valorem constructions for their financial support.

See you next year!

All this is only possible thanks to your donations. We're launching a fundraising campaign to, among other things, organise a 2025 March that will be even bigger and better than the one we've just experienced. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in 2 weeks. Please give generously today!

For Life,
Augustin Hamilton

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We're almost there!

This Saturday 1 June will see the first ever Quebec City March for Life!

We're only 4 days away from the event.

A number of pro-life and pro-family activists will be talking about their efforts and experiences in the fight for the unborn child and the family during the pre-March rally. Speakers include:

  • Georges Buscemi, President of Quebec Life Coalition
  • Dr Paul Saba, family doctor in Montreal
  • Jean-Léon Laffitte, President of the Association des Parents Catholiques du Québec and representative of Ensemble pour la protection de nos enfants
  • Jean-François Denis from ThéoVox media
  • Richard Décarie, founder of the Conservative Union movement
  • Debbie Duval from Campaign Life Coalition
  • And many more!

After the March, women who have undergone abortion or chosen life will give testimonials.

The schedule for the Quebec City March is as follows:

  • 11am Gathering (Fontaine de Tourny)
  • 12pm Speeches
  • 1pm Walk
  • 3pm Testimonies
  • 4pm End

For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.

We are organising buses from Montreal, Granby, Drummondville and Ottawa. Contact Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643 for details.

Don't forget to announce your attendance at the March on our Facebook page and to invite your family, friends and acquaintances.

Prayer and fasting

So that God may grant us the success and good conduct of the March, we ask you to help us by praying and, if you want to go that far and if you can, by fasting and abstaining during the three days that separate us from the March for Life, from Wednesday May 29 to Friday May 31. Fasting is currently defined by the Catholic Church as follows: one meal a day, plus two snacks which together do not amount to a full meal. Abstinence, in this case, means not eating meat.

Why make such an effort? We know that by attacking abortion, we are attacking the devil's empire over our society. That's how much we need God's help and protection. In any case, it would be illusory to try to reinstate the Culture of Life in our society without God's help (or a culture at all - in my opinion, a society that no longer even worships God and has such contempt for life and the family no longer has a culture at all).

Here are a few photos of the preparations for the March for Life - check out the banners!

Come and join us at the March for Life on June 1st!

For Life,
Augustin Hamilton

Press release about the Quebec City March for Life :

A historic first: March for Life in Quebec City on June 1
This Saturday, June 1, will mark a historic moment for Quebec City, with the first-ever March for Life in the province. This event joins the ranks of Marches for Life organised worldwide, including the one in Ottawa - founded 27 years ago - which brought together thousands of demonstrators on Parliament Hill on May 9, and the one in Washington D.C., founded in 1974, which drew nearly 100,000 participants in January.

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Reminder: A historic first: March for Life in Quebec City on June 1

Media Advisory

A historic first: March for Life in Quebec City on June 1

Quebec City, May 27, 2024 - This Saturday, June 1, will mark a historic moment for Quebec City, with the first-ever March for Life in the province. This event joins the ranks of Marches for Life organised worldwide, including the one in Ottawa - founded 27 years ago - which brought together thousands of demonstrators on Parliament Hill on May 9, and the one in Washington D.C., founded in 1974, which drew nearly 100,000 participants in January.

The Quebec City March for Life is intended to be a festive, family-friendly event, while addressing serious issues with far-reaching consequences for Quebec society: attacks on human life such as abortion and euthanasia, often referred to by the euphemisms "voluntary interruption of pregnancy" and "medical aid in dying" respectively.

"It's high time Quebec had its own March for Life," says Georges Buscemi, President of Quebec Life Coalition, the organisation organising the event. "A society that wants to show solidarity with the marginalised and vulnerable cannot continue to ignore the unborn children targeted by abortion, who are the most vulnerable and ignored people there are.”

Organisers are expecting hundreds of pro-life demonstrators from across the province. The rally will start at 11am at the Tourny Fountain, opposite the Quebec National Assembly. Musical entertainment will precede the speeches, which will begin at noon and end at 1pm, when the march through the streets of Quebec City will begin. The march will conclude at the National Assembly, where, from 3pm, testimonies from women and men affected by the abortion issue will be presented. The annual event will end at 4pm.

Dr. Paul Saba, a family doctor in Montreal, will be present at the event, accompanied by two sisters in their thirties who will share their experiences of imminent abortions on the operating table and their decisions to keep their babies at the last minute. Dr. Saba believes that mothers who want to have children should be supported. "It's a question of social justice. Mothers should not be pushed into having abortions because they lack financial, social and psychological support. We must guarantee them affordable housing, reasonable incomes and food security."

For more information on the March for Life in Quebec City, please visit and

Media contact :
Georges Buscemi
President of Quebec Life Coalition
(514) 928-4819; [email protected]

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Thousands of Canadians for Life!

This year, for the twenty-seventh time, the Ottawa National March for Life took place, bringing together Canadians from all over the country to protest for the unborn child.

Photo: Catholic Register/X

On this beautiful day (not too hot, not too cool, just a little rain and wind), in the tulip season, several prominent pro-lifers spoke to the crowd gathered on Parliament Hill, including MPs Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall, founder of And There Were None Abby Johnson, 40 Days for Life founder Shawn Carney, Dr Dermot Kearney, inventor of the abortion pill reversal process, Archbishop Marcel Danphousse of Ottawa-Cornwall and Angelina Seenstra of Silent No More, as well as women and men who regretted aborting their child.

Quebec City March for Life

After this magnificent march in Ottawa, we're only two weeks away from the March for Life in Quebec City, which will take place on June 1st 2024 at 11am.

We're actively promoting the event, even on Highway 40 near Trois-Rivières:

Come one, come all!

The schedule for the Quebec City march is as follows:

  1. 11am Gathering (Fontaine de Tourny)
  2. 12pm Speeches
  3. 1pm Walk
  4. 3pm Testimonies
  5. 4pm End

For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.

Don't forget to announce your attendance at the march on our Facebook event page and to invite your friends.

Demonstration to protect children from gender ideology

The demonstration against the gender ideology being inculcated in schools, organised by Ensemble Pour Protéger Nos Enfants (EPPNE) (Together To Protect Our Children), will take place in Montreal on 25 May. See the poster below for details:

For Life,
Augustin Hamilton

Videos of the week :

Accelerated video of the March for Life

Highlights of the Ottawa March for Life

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Protecting children, before and after birth

Children, born and unborn, need to be protected from many dangers. So many unborn children are killed by abortion, without even having the chance to beg to be spared. We must become a voice for these children to protect them from the scourge of abortion. That's why I invite you to come out in force to the March for Life in Ottawa on May 9 to make your voice heard on behalf of the unborn.

Ottawa march schedule :

  • 12 p.m. - Gathering on Parliament Hill
  • 12:30 p.m. - Opening remarks at the rally
  • 1:30 p.m. - March in downtown Ottawa
  • 2:30 p.m. - Testimonials from the Silent No More awareness campaign
  • 3 p.m. - Closing prayer service: Andrey Sheptytsky Metropolitan Institute

A bus will leave Montreal for Ottawa at 7 a.m. on May 9. For more information, please contact Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for the very first March for Life in Quebec City, which will take place on 1st June 2024.

Schedule for the Quebec City March :

  • 11 a.m.: Gathering in front of the Quebec National Assembly, near the Fontaine de Tourny
  • 12 noon: Speeches
  • 1 p.m.: Walk
  • 3 p.m.: Testimonies
  • 4 p.m.: End

For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.

Don't forget to announce your attendance at the march on our Facebook event page and to invite your friends.

Pro-abortion people sometimes accuse pro-lifers of being solely "pro-birth", by which they mean that pro-lifers are only interested in the fate of the child before birth and no longer care about it once it is born.

This is simply absurd.

As a pro-life movement that cares about children before and after birth, we also call on you to take part in the demonstration against the gender ideology being inculcated in schools, on 25 May, organised by Ensemble Pour Protéger Nos Enfants (EPPNE) (Together To Protect Our Children).

Video of the week:

Georges Buscemi speaks out on the issue of euthanasia in Quebec
Today, on the eve of the Ottawa march, the Campaign Life Coalition held a press conference.

For Life,

Augustin Hamilton

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Why ask such questions?

Would you like to be asked about your "gender orientation"? Would you like to be able to check a box for "diverse" relationships (other than between a man and a woman)? Don't worry, Justin Trudeau, our beloved Prime Minister, has thought of this: the next Canadian census in 2026 will contain such a question. On the other hand, if you don't want it, Justin hasn't asked your opinion: these questions will be included in the census whether you like it or not... What's the point of the government asking such questions? In the same vein, the Ontario Court of Justice has decreed that participants in any trial must now give their "preferred pronouns" beforehand. Yet another sign of political zeal: if someone absolutely wants everyone to know (and unfortunately use) the pronouns of their choice, there's nothing to stop them from saying so. So why force everyone to give their "preferred pronouns" (as if it were a matter of preference)? Will we just be able to say: "Your honour, there's no need for me to give the pronouns that suit me, I'm sure that everyone here will be able to guess them, and I won't hold it against anyone who makes a mistake"?

Far from the madness of this world, we received a lovely letter from a QLC reader and benefactor. Drawing on her family experience (15 children!), she tells us that the most beautiful thing that can happen to a woman is to bring a child into the world.

And it's to defend this idea that we'll be marching at the first March for Life in Quebec City on 1st June 2024. We'll be marching because one of the most beautiful things in this world is to give life and one of the ugliest is to take it away.

The March for Life will start in front of the Quebec National Assembly, near the Fontaine de Tourny:

  • 11 a.m. Gathering
  • 12 noon Speeches
  • 1 p.m. March
  • 3 pm Testimonies
  • 4 p.m. End

For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.

Don't forget to announce your attendance at the march on our Facebook event page and to invite your friends.

For Life,

Augustin Hamilton

Our video of the week :

Jean-François Denis of ThéoVox and Georges Buscemi of Quebec Life Coalition promote the March for Life in Quebec City, during a visit to Good News Chapel on Sunday, April 14, 2024 (English and French)

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March for Life, National Networking and Happy Births!

We are thrilled to share with you the latest news and events from our organization.

Firstly, we're delighted to inform you that Georges Buscemi, president of Quebec Life Coalition, recently visited the Good News Chapel Baptist Church in Montreal to promote the March for Life in Quebec. His visit was a great success, and we also had the opportunity to visit the Montreal parishes of Saint-Monica, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (thanks to a devoted sympathizer), and Corpus Christi Parish in Senneville. We shared valuable moments with these communities, further strengthening our commitment to life.

(Included below are some photos from Georges' visit to GNC.)

Additionally, our colleague Arpad Nagy attended the Canada Strong and Free conference to establish connections with conservatives and life advocates from across the country, including New Brunswick Premier Blain Higgs. This opportunity allowed us to strengthen our alliances and expand our network to promote the culture of life throughout Canada.

Arpad with the founder of the Danube Institute, John O'Sullivan.

Regarding our Pregnant and Worried (in French, Enceinte et inquiète) pregnancy help service, we have good news to share. Two of the seven women we support have recently given birth to their children: one to twins and the other to a baby boy. A touching anecdote occurred during the birth of the first twin: he came into the world while one of our volunteers was praying with the mother, during a quiet moment when no medical attendant was in the room. We continue to support and accompany the five other women awaiting the arrival of their babies, including one who feels ambivalent. Our colleague Brian will meet her on Friday to offer our support and assistance.

Additionally, we would like to inform you of the following events related to the promotion of life:

  • The March for Life in Ottawa will take place on May 9th on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. This march is an important opportunity for Canadians to come together and defend life at all its stages. We strongly encourage everyone who can to participate and testify to the importance of protecting human life.

  • We are also saddened by the recent death of Normand Meunier, a victim of severe medical negligence that led him to choose euthanasia. This tragedy underscores the importance of defending the dignity of every person, especially the most vulnerable among us.

  • Finally, we applaud the courage and commitment of Michael Del Grande in defending life. His initiative to display the pro-life flag in all Catholic schools in Toronto is an inspiring example of leadership and determination.

We thank you for your continued support of Quebec Life Coalition, and we encourage you to continue working with us to promote a culture of life in our society.

Best regards,

--Campagne Québec-Vie

p.s. Thank you for helping us promote the very first March for Life in Quebec on June 1st, 2024. Most importantly, be with us on that day!

Click here for more information on the March for Life in Quebec!

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We've passed the 1,200-signature mark: petition against sex reassignment for children

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Georges —

Last week we sent you a petition to sign, to ban the practice of "sex change" among children in Quebec. We've passed the 1,200-signature mark, but we need to redouble our efforts to reach more people. If you haven't already done so, please sign this petition and share it with your friends.

Also, today is the very LAST DAY of our spring fundraising campaign, and we still have $4,996.88 to raise. First of all, I'd like to thank all those who have donated -- your generosity allows us to continue our work! For the others: with your help, it is more than possible, even at this late hour, to reach our goal.

All our life-saving, family-building and faith-affirming activities require funding. At the moment, five people are working full time for Quebec Life Coalition, thanks solely to your donations.

Thank you for helping us continue to spread a Culture of Life in Quebec and Canada.

Finally, don't forget to save the date for the March for Life in Quebec City:

For Life!

Georges Buscemi
Quebec Life Coalition

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Launch of our petition against sex reassignment for children

Did you know that in Quebec, a 16-year-old teen can have a “top surgery”? Did you know that in Quebec, there is no age limit to take hormone blockers?   

Just to be clear that we are talking about the same thing, when I say “top surgery” I mean the amputation of completely healthy and functioning breast tissue, also called mastectomy. Last year, in Quebec, eighteen minors went through with removing their breasts.  

Hormone blockers like Lupron, block the normal development of puberty, and are falsely advertised as completely reversible. Usually after hormone blockers, the “patient” is given hormones of the opposite sex. Last year, in Quebec, 97 biological girls (14-17-year-olds) received testosterone.   

A recent Radio-Canada report has created some turmoil, exposing the speed and lack of scrutiny for children changing their sex without the need for parental consent. Conventional media has raised some red flags but has not condemned the practice of sex change for children, nor have they asked for the government to stop it.   

So … we are! We are condemning the practice of sex change for children and asking our government to ban the practice!  

Therefore, today, we are launching a petition to ask our elected officials to ban the practice of sex change for children in Quebec. We simply want to make it so that anyone under the age of 18 is protected from doing irreversible harm to themselves. Children are the future. They are malleable, influenceable, often vulnerable and rarely, if ever, mature enough to make such life-altering decisions. Please sign our petition by clicking here.  

Also, along with signing our petition, we need your help with something else. We are in the middle of our quarterly fundraising drive. Many of you have already given, and we are very thankful for the wonderful financial support we receive from you! Thank you!!!  

If you have not recently given, please consider supporting our mission. Any amount of financial contribution, small or large, goes a long way to help us continue our work. With your contributions, we bring you articles, put on events and vigils, organize petitions, and lobby the government on your behalf, and much more. We are here, united with you, to defend life, family and faith. You can access our fundraising campaign by clicking here.  

Have a blessed holy week,  

Arpad Nagy
Political Operations Director
Quebec Life Coalition

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We have our marching orders

I’ve been telling you a lot lately about our very first March for Life in Quebec City on June 1st.

Well, you can now see the official English Website and video here.

What I want to impress upon you today is that the March for Life-- Quebec is much more than one day of pro-life witness.

The March fits into a whole year’s worth of pro-life work we do at Quebec Life Coalition, to defend and promote faith, family, and life in the province of Quebec and in the rest of Canada.

Promoting Life and Family

From March 2nd onward, we have been making presentations before various communities, about the March for Life in Quebec and the importance of defending the unborn.

A picture of our colloquium of March 2nd in Lévis

Whether on Theovox, a popular independent, Christian online network or in person, such as our conference in Lévis, we are informing and equipping Quebecers to stand for Life right where they live. And we’ve only just begun. For example, starting this Sunday, in the weeks up to the June 1st date of the March, I’ll be visiting a different church almost every weekend.

Helping Women, Saving Lives

Meanwhile, we are receiving calls to our toll-free hotline (1-855-871-4442) every week from pregnant women in need. Recently, one woman Desiree, 8 weeks pregnant, contacted us with questions about abortion. She had rent difficulties and did not think she could afford a child at the moment. When we reassured her that we had a lawyer who could help her navigate her rental troubles, she chose life for her child ! (As the situation is on-going, your prayers are most welcome at this critical juncture.)

Here is a glimpse of our other current list of women (names of which have been modified for this email) and their needs :

  • Tania (7 months pregnant) - assisted by Céline and Charlotte; homeless, yet having found sanctuary at the CHUM for the past four weeks;
  • Faith (8 months) - single mother of three (each of which living in foster care) and carrying twins; living in a women's shelter - assisted by Céline;
  • Graziana (7 months) - without RAMQ, abandoned by father and living with brother;
  • Andrea (beginning) - pregnant seeking support
  • Fatima (beginning) - foreign student at Montreal Secretarial college, without RAMQ

and two single mothers - one, from West Africa (husband in detention in Canada) seeking normalization of entry visa (assited by Céline) and the second (husband deceased) living in difficult circumstances (assisted by Jane).

Calling for Witnesses

During our speaking portion of the March on June 1st we will have a time for post-abortion witnesses to come up to the mic to express their regrets about abortion. If you or someone you know can help us with this part of our programme, please contact us.

Your ongoing support is crucial.

Your support is crucial in helping us continue doing our life-saving work. Many people have so far given to our Lent and Easter fundraiser, and we thank them. However, if you have not yet had a chance to do so, please give today. Though we have so far raised 2,934.52$, with only 9 days to go, we still have 12,065$ to go to meet our target.

God bless,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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