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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Changes Shaking and Shaping Quebec Society

Dear Pro-Lifer,

Blessed Easter season to you.

Our Lord has risen. From the tomb come our birth, our light, our forgiveness, our hope, our joy, and our life. (Click here to access the April newsletter.)

Praise be to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

The victory is ours…

… yet there are battles that remain.

Revivifying Quebec Society

One such battle is tormenting our fellow citizens. It is the lost of hope and the signs are many.

Abortions continue. Many have turned their back on life and relationships; these are viewed as disposable, replaceable. And in so doing, they are scarred in the process – scarred psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Over 30 000 per year rends havoc in the women themselves and in then in those around her. I recently read that ten people are affected with each abortion.

Suicide is real yet seldom reported.

And assisted suicide and euthanasia has gained greater advocacy. The recently released report from the Death with Dignity Committee included a most worrisome recommendation - that the Quebec Government not prosecute physicians who help terminally ill patients to die.

So, the value of life has been lost to many of our fellow Quebeckers.

(It makes one wonder what has become of the once-familiar motto – "Joie de Vivre.")

Que se passe-t-il au Québec? (What's going on in Québec?)

Elsewhere in our society we are witnessing an indignant student movement, perturbed by legislation that will impact not only the level of their indebtedness upon finishing school but also, and more fundamentally, whether they will be able to go on with their studies.

Quebecers are also confronted with how their provincial government does business, particularly in the construction industry. The Charbonneau Commission is investigating how contracts are awarded and we have already seen arrests being made.

Absence of Religious Reflection

Yet, to many of us in the pro-life movement what concerns is the dearth of any religious reflection in these and other matters. We see a climate that has ignored and, more strongly, scorned and vilified appeal to divine assistance.

For example, during the just concluded "40 Days for Life" prayer vigil, I witnessed numerous instances of abusive behaviour directed towards me and many with whom I prayed. Also, I was told of similar occurrences during my absences. Yes, the notion of restrictions is a cause of this aggression but also the fact that we are, heavens forbid, are praying perturbed many of our fellow citizens. The implication by many is that prayer is outdated and belongs to a former era.

Yet the same vigil witnessed the participation of over 250 centres of prayer from around the world - including nine others in Canada, resulting in over 880 children saved from the scourge of abortion.

We at the Quebec Life Coalition, with your support, are ever present in this battle to promote hope.

  • We have begun a sidewalk counselling program and telephone help line to combat the scourge of abortion.
  • We seek to inform you daily via blogs on these and other topics.
  • Organizing a three day faith service in early May; and
  • Participate in a Christian March in early June to foster our Faith.

So, whether setting out on our own or in collaboration with other groups in Quebec, the rest of Canada, and in the United States, we hope to sprinkle seeds of hope within Quebec.

Thank you for your continued support.



Brian Jenkins

Coordinator for English and Multicultural Community Outreach

Quebec Life Coalition

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April Newsletter - Easter's Rising

Dear Pro-Lifer,

Blessed Easter season to you.

Our Lord has risen. From the tomb come our birth, our light, our forgiveness, our hope, our joy, and our life.

Praise be to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

The victory is ours…

… yet there are battles that remain.

Revivifying Quebec Society

One such battle is tormenting our fellow citizens. It is the lost of hope and the signs are many.

Abortions continue. Many have turned their back on life and relationships; these are viewed as disposable, replaceable. And in so doing, they are scarred in the process – scarred psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Over 30 000 per year rends havoc in the women themselves and in then in those around her. I recently read that ten people are affected with each abortion.

Suicide remains the hidden topic. A rare newspaper article, the Journal de Montréal treated the rise in suicide among our seniors.

And assisted suicide and euthanasia has gained greater advocacy. The recently released report from the Death with Dignity Committee included a most worrisome recommendation - that the Quebec Government not prosecute physicians who help terminally ill patients to die.

So, the value of life has been lost to many of our fellow Quebeckers.

(It makes one wonder what has become of the once-familiar motto – "Joie de Vivre.")

Que se passe-t-il au Québec? (What's going on in Québec?)

Elsewhere in our society we are witnessing an indignant student movement, perturbed by legislation that will impact not only the level of their indebtedness upon finishing school but also, and more fundamentally, whether they will be able to go on with their studies.

Quebecers are also confronted with how their provincial government does business, particularly in the construction industry. The Charbonneau Commission is investigating how contracts are awarded and we have already seen arrests being made.

Absence of Religious Reflection

Yet, to many of us in the pro-life movement what concerns is the dearth of any religious reflection in these and other matters. We see a climate that has ignored and, more strongly, scorned and vilified appeal to divine assistance.

For example, during the just concluded "40 Days for Life" prayer vigil, I witnessed numerous instances of abusive behaviour directed towards me and many with whom I prayed. Also, I was told of similar occurrences during my absences. Yes, the notion of restrictions is a cause of this aggression but also the fact that we are, heavens forbid, are praying perturbed many of our fellow citizens. The implication by many is that prayer is outdated and belongs to a former era.

Yet the same vigil witnessed the participation of over 250 centres of prayer from around the world - including nine others in Canada, resulting in over 880 children saved from the scourge of abortion.

We at the Quebec Life Coalition, with your support, are ever present in this battle to promote hope.

  • We have begun a sidewalk counselling program and telephone help line to combat the scourge of abortion.
  • We seek to inform you daily via blogs on these and other topics.
  • Organizing a three day faith service in early May; and
  • Participate in a Christian March in early June to foster our Faith.

So, whether setting out on our own or in collaboration with other groups in Quebec, the rest of Canada, and in the United States, we hope to sprinkle seeds of hope within Quebec.

Thank you for your continued support.

Brian Jenkins

Coordinator for English and Multicultural Community Outreach

Quebec Life Coalition

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Poor Logic

I wonder if someone can point out to Isabelle Maréchal the inconsistency in her editorial endorsing assisted suicide in today's Journal de Montréal.

I see a couple of flaws.

At the outset she rightly laments the present deplorable state of our elderly population right here in La belle province.

  • Lack of humane treatment in our hospitals and long term health facilities.
  • Many suffering from loneliness.
  • Rising suicide statistics.

Yet she endorses a permanent solution - assisted suicide, to a temporary problem.

Even more baffling in her logic is the inconsistency of her claims. First she expresses her empathy for persons she does not know.  Rightly so. We live in a community and have cares and concerns for our fellow human beings, be these be beggars in our Metro or our dear family members.

Yet the inconstency in her logic arises in her concluding thoughts. Seemingly oblivious to the compassion she has just endorsed, she argues that she is prepared to end her own life if a deplorable quality of life warrants it.

Vivat l'individualismum!

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Poor Logic

I wonder if someone can point out to Isabelle Maréchal the inconsistency in her editorial endorsing assisted suicide in today's Journal de Montréal.

I see a couple of flaws.

At the outset she rightly laments the present deplorable state of our elderly population right here in La belle province.

  • Lack of humane treatment in our hospitals and long term health facilities.
  • Many suffering from lonelinees.
  • Suicide among the elderly is on the rise.

Yet she endorses a permanent solution - assisted suicide, to a temporary problem.

Even more baffling in her logic is the inconsistency of her claims. First she expressies her empathy for persons she does not know.  Rightly so. We live in a community and have cares and concerns for our fellow human beings, whether these be beggars in our Metro or those dear family members.

Yet the inconstancy in her logic arrises in her concluding thoughts. Seemingly oblicious to the compassion she hs just endorsed, she argues that she is prepared to end her own life if condiitions are decrepit.

Vivat l'individualismum!

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National March for Life Ottawa 2012

The National March for Life Ottawa will be held this year on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Last year over 15 000 people converged on our nation's capital to call for an end this senseless killing of a human being.

If you are interested in participating yet do not wish to drive up yourself, consider joining us on our chartered bus.

Our deluxe coach will leave from Montreal's downtown Via Rail Central Station (935 de la Gauchetière West) on Thursday, May 10 at 7:00 AM, and return to Montreal at the same location for about 6 PM. Round-trip tickets are $30 per person.

For those of you living on the West Island or Laval, you needn't travel downtown to board. We will make a second pick up on the way to Ottawa at the Fairview Shopping Center - corner Highway 40 and St. John Boul.

To reserve, call Quebec Life Coalition at (514) 344-2686. Payment guarentees you a seat on a coach.

Join us this year in Ottawa as we gather under the theme that "Abortion hurts Everyone."

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Striking Students Wreak Havoc at the Site of the 40 Days for Life Montreal Vigil

Yesterday afternoon, at the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, four vigilers were swarmed by a throng of disgruntled university students. After this experience I better appreciate the meaning of spiritual warfare.

Here's what happened:

At about 4:45 p.m., shortly after having returned from a break, I heard some ominous sounds getting louder and louder. It didn't sound good.

My fears were realized, as at least 60 to 70 youth appeared walking up St-Laurent Boulevard and on reaching the intersection with St-Joseph crossed over into the park and besieged our prayer site. We were four vigilers at the time - three men and one older woman, and wherever we turned there they were - in front, behind, to our right, to our left.

The crowd was raucous. Led with blowhorn, chants were sung. Many motorists encouraged them on and the mob reacted jubilantly whenever a car horn was blown.

After a while many of the youth began to crowd our banner, leaning on its sturdy yet not unbreakable PVC support frame. My supplication to be cautious seemed to spur many on to do the opposite; these began to uproot the frame and untie the banner. I suspect that had I not stood on the unfurled banner its fate would have been worse than footprints and a twelve inch gash.

The outcome of our other materials was not as kind. Several struts of the frame were stolen. Our enlarged fetal picture despite being broken in two was saved from any further damage by one of the vigil participants.

Unfortunaley the other end piece did not fare as well. Below are before and after pictures of the other end piece - the one advertising our toll-free help line. 

Where were the police in all of this, you may wonder. No fewer than ten police cruisers stood by watching from the sidelines. Sgt. Filion explained later that he did not order an intervention because he did not have the numbers to do so. And so, for over an hour the vigilers prayed and tried to dissuade the youth as much as they could.

For the better part of the hour, we prayed on our own. Then Philip, one of the vigil participants, suggested that he and I pray Saint Patrick's Breastplate Prayer. As we began to do so and throughout its recitation, a young woman protester began howling, trying to break our concentration. To no avail.

Upon finishing, this woman disappeared and what can accurately be described as intelligent conversation began between myself, Philip and five or six of the young folk.

At 6 p.m. the crowd began to disperse and a few of our reinforcements appeared. At this point we decided to resume our vigil and, minus the frame, held aloft our banner.

Police levied fines on three of the young people.

Some pics of the event:


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40 Days for Life: Day 24

(Day 24: 308 Saved Babies!!!)

Three out of five women are coerced into having their abortions.

Yesterday at the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil location, a young women approached as I was praying with a colleague and asked us whether we knew that our presence was intimidating to women.

As I reflected on her question, my thoughts turned to the work of Dr. Reardon at the Elliott Institute. He and his peers are documenting the numerous instances in which women are coerced into having their abortions. I encourage you all to visit The Unchoice web site to learn more about this work.

I am not advocating that women be given a choice in having an abortion - every abortion destroys a human life and, so, this fact trumps a woman's choice in disposing of the life growing inside her.

Rather, I wish to expose yet another misconception that abortion gives women a choice.

Also, I wondered if our visitor had seen the sign at our prayer site offering free help to pregnant women.

The vigil runs through Sunday, April 1, daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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40 Days for Life: International Women's Day

(218 Saved Babies and counting!!!)

Yesterday - day 17 at the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, marked International Women's Day and our site in Lahaie park - corner St. Joseph E. and  St. Laurent blvds., "welcomed" two separate groups.

First twenty-five or so "pro-choice" students from Université du Québec a Montréal, banner and noise-makers in hand, showed up at around 11 a.m., parking themselves directly in front of our banner. They stayed nearly three hours, spending this time chanting and enjoying the support from pro-choice motorists. Before 2 p.m. they headed out, going to another demonstration in downtown Montreal. As they left, they swarmed our banner, plastering it with stickers. Fortunately there wasn't any damage.

A couple of hours later a mother, pushing her 18-month old, strolled by and stopped again in front of our banner, homemade pro-choice sign in hand. Caroline stayed for an hour and a half and was joined during this period by Charles, a sympathetic motorist returning from work who wished to stand in support of her cause. Also, shortly after the latter's arrival, another mother and child - this time a seven year-old, arrived, again in support and another mother.

Participants in both groups with whom I spoke confirmed a suspicion I have often had about pro-choicers. Absent from their rhetoric is any reference to and respect for the life in the mother's womb. Rather their arguments emphasize the rights of the mother and her quality of life.

By 4 p.m. the regular prayer hum of the location had returned and remained so until 7 p.m.

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Day 14: 184 Babies Saved

Yesterday I wrote that the 40 Days for Life Vigil site was drawing people from all around the Montreal area to come and give a prayerful presence against abortion. Likewise it is drawing persons opposed to this goal.

This past Thursday, a group of eight men and women in their early to mid twenties converged on the site at the corner of St. Joseph E. and St. Laurent blvds. With homemade signs stating "Pro-Choice", they milled about for about twenty minutes before heading off into warmer climes. During their stay, I was approached by one, a young woman, who wondered about the sign indicating the number of Saved Babies. I explained the source of the number - the national 40 Days for Life web site, and the reporting method - emails sent to the central office from the 256 or so current vigil locations from around the world (e.g., 10 in Canada, 9 Spain, 7 Australia).

After the conversation had ended, we went our separate ways. Shortly there after, I notice that the scarf that had been draped around this young woman had found a new location - spanning the homemade sign indicating the number of saved babies! Does hiding the truth lessen it in anyway?

The vigil runs through to and including Sunday April 1, daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Have you made plans to drop by? Love to see you there.

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40 Days for Life: Day 13 - Weekend Roundup

(Day 13 - 148 Saved Babies)

While reading today's Office of Readings, I was carried back to this past weekend's experience at the 40 Days for LIfe vigil location.

In the book of Exodus, the angel of the Lord protected the Hebrew people from Pharaoh's army by placing itself between the two camps. So, too the vigilers outside the Morgentaler abortion facility in Montreal were protected by the angel of the Lord from the local secular climate via the harsh weather conditions of this past weekend.

Saturday's strong winds and Sunday's cold temps dampened many spirits safe those of the prayers coming to stand and pray for life. Of these, many travelled from afar - Pincourt, Longueuil, and Laval, to spend several hours at the vigil location in Lahaie park.

Also, the site is drawing diverse prayer groups. On Saturday, six members of a Lasalle faith-based group came to spend the afternoon, with a pot of soup for all to partake in, while on Sunday members of St. Patrick's youth group were on hand. (At the kick-off, a Côte-des-Neiges couples group were on hand vowing to return.)

Finally, in addition to groups, the vigil is a magnet for individuals who otherwise do not see one another. For example, over the weekend, persons from different faith communities converged to pray and share fellowship.

The vigil runs through April 1, daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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