We received a call from a Quebec gov't documentary maker
The other day we received a call from a researcher at Télé-Québec. This public channel is preparing a documentary on the effect in Quebec of the fall of Roe v. Wade, the recent US Supreme Court decision that allows each state to penalize - or not - abortion as it sees fit. I spoke to her on the phone for about an hour.
She declared herself to be 'pro-choice' (it's obvious that the overwhelming majority of full-time mass media workers in Quebec are pro-abortion). What's more, knowing the pro-abortion leanings of the Legault government and its Minister for the Status of Women, Martine Biron, who are seeking to make the so-called 'right' to abortion in Quebec 'immutable', I would be very surprised to see anything other than a simple exercise in pro-abortion propaganda when this documentary is released. However, I thought it would be a good idea to have a chat with this woman, because you never know whether a clear, reasoned statement, or simply our patience and willingness to listen to people whose opinions differ from our own, might open a breach in the heart of the person you're talking to. The documentary is planned to appear sometime in the fall of 2024.
If you're interested in seeing a pro-life take on the fall of Roe v Wade and the hope it unleashed in Canada, check out "Roe Canada", the film. You can also host a screening where you live.
Before moving on to this week's news (below), I'd like to share with you a photo of the demonstration in Montreal on 18 November against euthanasia for people suffering from mental illness. Organised by Dr Paul Saba, the demonstration featured a number of high-profile speakers, including Montreal bishop Christian Lépine (on the right in the photo) and renowned Montreal lawyer Julius Grey, who promised to sue the federal government if it persisted in opening the door to euthanasia for the mentally ill.
Yours for Life,
Georges Buscemi
An important local event-- and a volunteering opportunity
An important reminder: if you live in the Montreal area, we encourage you to take part in an event for the protection of people with mental health problems targeted for euthanasia. Organized by Dr. Paul Saba this Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 2 p.m. in Place du Canada Park, this is an event to prevent the expansion of euthanasia to people with mental illnesses, which may come into effect on March 17, 2024.
Let's protect people with mental health problems
Gathering on Saturday, November 18, 2023
2pm - 4pm
Parc Place du Canada
Montreal (park next to the Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral)
information : [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]
VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITY: This Friday, November 17, 2023, my colleague Arpad Nagy will be at the CQV office at 3330 rue Rivier from 1 pm to 5 pm. If you have time, he could use some help producing signs for the November 18 event. You can contact him at 438-882-6249 to confirm your presence. Thanks in advance!
Please read, share and act on our information whenever possible. May God bless you abundantly.
Yours for Life,
Georges Buscemi
Justin Trudeau’s imploding leadership is good news for us
Justin Trudeau’s imploding leadership may trigger calls for an election sooner than we think (some say, as early as next Spring, though if the NDP-Liberal coalition holds, the next election could be as late as October 20, 2025)
Whatever the date of the next election, the party that stands the greatest chances of replacing the pro-abortion Liberal Party is the Conservative Party of Canada. Some may not be particularly fond of this party, since like all major parties it may sometimes trade off principles for power, but the fact remains that this party is likely to take over after Trudeau’s disastrous tenure.
This is why we at the Quebec Life Coalition are asking pro-lifers interested in seeking to be candidates for the Conservatives in Quebec to do so now! My colleague Arpad Nagy will be criss-crossing the province of Quebec and its 78 ridings to find suitable pro-life candidates to seek nominations to represent the Conservatives in the next election. If you reside in Quebec, stay tuned for an email from Arpad indicating how you can help us in this monumental effort.
This past week I had the pleasure of speaking at a fundraising banquet for Theovox Studios, a Quebec-based media group that broadcasts a weekly news show (on which I appear monthly) and other shows with evangelical-style content. Beside being a quite popular alternative media group in Quebec, with thousands tuning in regularly to watch their shows (their coverage was especially appreciated during the covid-related crisis), they are also ardently Pro-Life and Pro-Family. And 2024 will see our two organizations raise our partnership to a new level, though the organization and promotion of a Quebec City March for Life. Stay tuned!
In other news, my colleague Brian Jenkins has just completed the 40 Days for Life in Sherbrooke, Quebec. The 40 Days for Life are a 40-day prayer vigil for the end of abortion, of which this fall there were over 300 worldwide. For 40 Days in a row, 12 hours per day, Brian has organized a continuous presence outside a Sherbrooke abortion facility. He has thus been able to carry out a great many conversations with passers-by and has shown the citizens of that medium-sized city that Life matters, from conception to natural death.
Finally, I want to remind you of a Montreal protest on Saturday, November 18, against extending euthanasia to people with mental illness. Organized by Montreal-area Doctor Paul Saba, this protest aims to at least slow the runaway train that the euthanasia regime in Canada has become, by preventing the legal euthanasia of the vulnerable mentally ill. The poster is below:
Let's protect people with mental health problems
Gathering on Saturday, November 18, 2023
2pm - 4pm
Parc Place du Canada
Montreal (park next to the Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral)
information : [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]
Thank you for reading, sharing, and acting on our information. My God bless you abundantly.
Yours for Life,
Georges Buscemi
Promoting Life at the Canadian Physicians for Life Conference
Quebec Life Coalition was present at the recent Canadian Physicians for Life conference. Arpad Nagy, Director of Political Operations for QLC, was able to present our organization to various delegates. He also shot a short French-language video with Sophie McGuire, Director of Programs for QLC.
We are currently working on no fewer than 3 training events:
- Our conference to mark QLC's 35th anniversary (March 2024)
- A conference shedding light on Hungary's pro-family policies and how the implementation of these policies in a country of 8 million people can be used to help a Quebec population of similar size, but on the verge of demographic extinction due to a lack of babies.
- A repeat of our Students for Life conferences
There are rumours that a federal election could be called between now and next spring. We need to find as many pro-life candidates as possible to represent their party in the 78 federal ridings in Quebec. Be on the lookout for a targeted e-mail to find out how you can help get a pro-life candidate nominated in your riding.
Finally, I'd like to remind you of the organisation of a demonstration against euthanasia for people with mental health problems. Organised by Dr Paul Saba, the aim of the demonstration is to prevent access to the lethal injection from being extended to people with mental health problems, who are especially vulnerable.
Let's protect people with mental health problems
Gathering on Saturday, November 18, 2023
2pm - 4pm
Parc Place du Canada
Montreal (park next to the Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral)
information : [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]
Yours for Life,
Georges Buscemi
A protest against euthanasia for people with mental health problems
I wanted to draw your attention to a very noteworthy event: a demonstration against euthanasia for people with mental health problems. Organised in Montreal by Dr Paul Saba, the aim of the demonstration is to prevent access to the lethal injection being extended to people with mental health problems, who are especially vulnerable.
Protecting people with mental health problems
Rally on Saturday, 18 November 2023
2pm - 4pm
Place du Canada Park, Montreal
information: [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]
Finally, in 2024 we will mark the 35th anniversary of Quebec Life Coalition, our pro-life movement in Quebec. The fact that we have been in existence for thirty-five years shows both the scale of the battle and the tenacity of our movement, a tenacity due in large part to your spiritual, moral and material support throughout these years. This long-term battle does, however, require thoughtful people to think about leaving us a bequest.
The planned gift of a bequest is a gift that one decides to make now, but which bears fruit later, after you pass away. Contact us for more information: [email protected]
How many times have such gifts arrived just in time at critical moments for our organization! These gifts are like manna from heaven for a movement like ours. Please contact us by e-mail or telephone (1-855-996-2686) if you would like more information about this type of donation.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S.: You can help our movement by purchasing delicious Christmas treats on our website ==> https://www.cqv.qc.ca/gateaux
A percentage of each purchase will be donated to your local pro-life movement! All products are lovingly made by the Cistercian monks of Val Notre-Dame Abbey.
1 reactionA second set of marches for the purity of childhood planned for this Saturday
Before reading this week's news about a second set of marches for childhood purity and against LGBT indoctrination in our schools, I'd like to remind you that this is the last day of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign, which has a target of $12,000. To date, we've raised $11,404. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously! We still have $596 to raise. If you haven't already done so, you can help us reach our goal before the end of the day by clicking here!
Since September, we've taken part in the Conservative Party convention to instil solid principles in that party's platform, we've published over 90 articles to educate and inform, we've helped organise over 10 Life Chains in Quebec, we've organised two 40 Days for Life vigils (one in Montreal, the other in Sherbrooke), we've designed a pro-life leaflet to distribute and we've been networking in many pro-life circles in Quebec and elsewhere. But we need your help to keep going!
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S.: If you haven't done so already, please donate before the end of the day, if you can. We greatly need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.
Children's march organiser announces further national protests against LGBT agenda
The organiser of the Million Man March held in September to fight radical LGBT agendas taught in state schools is preparing a new demonstration for 21 October after receiving more than "12 calls a day" to organise another.
A documentary that can save lives in Canada, including in Quebec
June 24, 2022 was a great day for the pro-life movement worldwide. It was the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned, Roe v. Wade being a 1973 US Supreme Court decision that ordered all 50 states to decriminalise abortion within their borders. With the reversal of this iniquitous decision, each state will now be able to legislate on this crucial issue as it sees fit.
Unsurprisingly, some liberal states went even further down the road of permissive abortion, allowing abortion up to and even after birth. But other states, more humane, more conservative of the common good, severely restricted abortion. For example, following its law restricting abortion after 6 weeks' gestation, the state of Texas saw a 97% drop in its monthly abortion rate. So many lives saved -- unborn children spared physical carnage, mothers saved from spiritual carnage!
The question for us, north of the 49th parallel, is this: could this reversal rub off favourably on our country, on this "True North Strong and Free"? How can we import the success our neighbours to the south seem to be enjoying?
A fantastic 80 minute Canadian documentary entitled "Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World " sets out to answer this question. Originally shot in English and produced by Dunn Media, Quebec Life Coalition is now in the process of helping translate the film into French. You can now watch the French trailer, here :
(Click on the image above or on this link to watch our French translation of the trailer)
The aim of this high-quality documentary is to show how the gains made by this historic decision can be a game-changer in Canada, including in Quebec which, as we know, tends to see itself as more 'progressive' (pro-abortion) than other Canadian provinces. It's time for Quebecers and people in other parts of French Canada to be exposed to a different message from the one constantly repeated over and over, namely that "abortion is a right". In reality, abortion is the very definition of a violation of a fundamental right, the right to life.
High-quality documentaries like this one cost thousands of dollars per minute to produce. Although they cost much less to translate and dub, there are still costs, which we estimate to be at around $10,000. Please help us contribute to this sum by donating generously. This documentary, viewed throughout Quebec, could change people's minds and, above all, save lives!
We are five days away from the end of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. To date, we have raised $7222. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously! If you haven't given yet, our goal is $12,000. We still have $4,778 to raise. I hope you can help us reach this goal by the end of our campaign.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S.: Please donate today, if you can. We really need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.
Imprisoned for defending the lives of the most vulnerable
This week you can read about the record 315 locations across Canada where we held our Life Chain, our annual one-hour public prayer event for the unborn. You can see some photos of the event here.
Also, as we hold two 40 Days for Life vigils in Quebec (one in Montreal, one in Sherbrooke) until 5 November, you can read this testimony from a 40 Days participant imprisoned for his defence of the weakest: Will Goodman, imprisoned rescuer: "Our Lord has blessed me by allowing me this year to participate in a contemplative way in the 40 Days for Life".
To take part in the 40 Days for Life, a worldwide vigil where people of goodwill take turns prayerfully witnessing outside abortion centres for 12 hours a day and for 40 days in a row, please call Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643.
Brian Jenkins.
Finally, Bill C-314, which aims to prevent the extension of access to euthanasia to people suffering from mental illness, will be voted on 18 October. This vote is crucial if this pro-life bill is to move on to the next stage. If the vote on 18 October is negative, the bill will never see the light of day. Please contact your Member of Parliament to let him or her know that you want him or her to vote in favour of Bill C - 314!
We are seven days away from the end of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. To date, we have raised $6053. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously! If you haven't given yet, our goal is $12,000. We still have $5,947 to raise. I hope you can help us reach this goal by the end of our campaign.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S.: Please donate today, if you can. We really need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.
Giving thanks-- but for what, and to whom?
We Canadians know that today is thanksgiving, but for what are we thankful exactly, and to whom?
Far from being trivial, this question is fundamental.
There seem to be two ways this question can be answered. The first is Nihilism. It is to say, really, there is no one to thank, and therefore nothing to be thankful for. Our world began with an absurd "bang" which somehow coalesced into the flowers, birds, trees, buildings and people we see around us today. There might seem to be nice things we could be "thankful" for, but really they are nothing but the product of blind chance and a kind of chaos that is all the more cruel for seeming, for a while, to manifest a certain kind of beautiful harmony and order. But this order is an illusion, says the nihilist, for underneath it there lies dark disorder and nothingness.
Far from being thankful, proponents of nihilism (if they are honest with themselves-- which they hardly are, for why would they be?) live in a perpetual state of resentment and anger. Their basic mode of being is vengefulness. Like the son abandoned by his father and forever resentful and angry at having to stare at the empty hole in his heart where the love for his father should be, the nihilist lives out his life looting the riches of the world and despoiling it of its beauty. Everything he does is a feint or a pretext for his "will to power", his desire to control the world by swallowing it up, to be the god he believes doesn't exist. But a society driven by nihilism will not be the Nazi totalitarian empire some might believe it would be, because again, there is no reason for the nihilist to be consistently devoted to his nihilism. So a nihilist society is something much more depressingly close to where we are headed today: a society populated with people without integrity whose banal evil (adultery, sodomy, etc.) and sordid murders (abortion, euthanasia) are enforced as "the new normal". In other words, a lukewarm society, like a corpse.
Then there are those whom the nihilists hate: believers.
Believers know that pure chaos does not coalesce into a flower or a horse, much less a baby or a full grown woman in a bridal gown, no matter how many years one puts between the explosion and the wedding. Believers know that order, not chaos, is the fundamental feature of reality. They also know that order has an Author, God, who created this world ex nihilo -- out of nothing-- and therefore is all powerful, all knowing and, since he is the author of all beauty (and who can stare at a baby's face and say beauty does not exist!) beauty itself. Unlike the nihilist, the believer lives in a state of gratitude. If he slips out of this state by accident, having succumbed to a temptation in a moment of weakness, he has both a reason to pull himself back up and the means to do so: a saviour called Jesus Christ. A society built by believers is one punctuated by holidays ("Holy-days") where time is set aside to thank the Author of Life. All life in such a society will have the colour and pattern of a life of thanksgiving, a joyful life of gratitude for the gifts given and the help accorded when temptation or tragedy strikes. Crimes will happen, but they will be the exception, not the rule. They will be fought against. Abortion, euthanasia, sodomy, child sexual mutilation, child indoctrination, all would be fought and eventually outlawed, as they are wholly unworthy responses to the lavish generosity of our God.
So which way, modern man? Towards banal nihilism, or joyful gratitude?
We at Quebec Life Coalition have chosen the path of joy. We refuse the way of resentment, despair and vengefulness, because as believers we know that a life lived in this way is an unfit response to the generosity of God. We joyfully fight the ills of our day, like abortion, euthanasia, and LGBT ideology, because life is a great gift and only a life well-lived, fighting evil and doing good, and enlivened by faith in Jesus Christ, is thanks enough.
On behalf of the whole team at Quebec Life Coalition, we wish you not only a happy thanksgiving day but a whole life spent in thanksgiving under God's loving gaze.
We are well into week two of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. Know that we can only do our work with your faithful support.
Our goal is $12,000. About $ 3500 has been donated so far, and for that we are grateful. However, we remain $ 8,500 away from our goal. I hope you can help us reach it by the end of our campaign.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
We have to crush this evil in our schools
Ed Fast, Member of Parliament for the British Columbia riding of Abbotsford in the Canadian House of Commons, today introduced a bill to prevent access to "medical aid in dying" (euthanasia) from being extended to minors and people suffering from mental illness. You can read more about this bill here. Let's hope that parliamentarians today will vote according to reason and not according to the prevailing false ideologies.
The recent march for the purity of childhood ("Million March for Children") was not the result of the arbitrary hatred of a few "backward" and "far-right" parents, but a legitimate movement in defence of children against the diabolical attacks of perverted people who have taken power in our schools and other institutions. The proof: Hundreds of young Canadian girls confused about their gender have had mastectomies, according to the available data. How is this possible except in a school and societal climate where delusional gender ideology reigns? We need to crush this evil in our schools and in our society. And make no mistake: our opponents are trying to introduce this delusional ideology into every institution, including the armed forces!
Finally, our work at Quebec Life Coalition continues: publication of news, plans for a booklet on feminine modesty, a presence in the Ottawa parliament, participation in the children's marches, 40 Days for Life in Sherbrooke, and all of this in the wake of our recent "Life Chain" demonstrations.
Yesterday we completed the first week of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. You know that we can only do our work with your loyal support! Please support us by sending us a donation.
Our goal is $12,000. About $ 2000 has been donated so far, and for that we are grateful. However, we remain $10,000 away from our goal. I hope you can help us reach it by the end of our campaign on October 18.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi