Happy and holy year 2025!
After 2024, a year full of milestones, we are now entering 2025, a year full of promises and challenges.
We thank you for all the support you gave us in 2024, and we hope to work even more closely with you in 2025, with the help of God, without whom all work is in vain.
That's why we need to ask Him, as in the beautiful traditional hymn we sing today, ‘’Dear God, bless the New Year‘’.
With all our best wishes,
Augustin Hamilton
P.S. We'll be back at work on January 6th, 2025.
Here are some of our articles among the best and the most popular, and about events from 2024:
Open letter to Premier Legault
We Quebecers are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus-Christ, the Saviour of the world, Emmanuel, 'God with us' ... and it is during this Advent season that you have the absurd idea of saying that you are going to concoct a law to prevent us from praying in public?"
A wonderful March for Life!
What a splendid day! What a magnificent march! More than a thousand pro-lifers gathered in Quebec City on June 1st under a shining sun to demonstrate in the name of the unborn child. And all this despite the hostility and incivility of the pro-abortion counter-demonstrators...
Thousands of Canadians protest against LGBT indoctrination in schools
On September 20th, 2024, thousands of citizens in more than 50 cities across Canada demonstrated against the indoctrination of LGBT ideology in schools.
Reflections on the First Quebec City March for Life
"The Quebec March for Life stood against this wave degrading insanity. It began at a rally backdropped by the architectural masterpiece of the Quebec Parliament building, and before the lovely Fontaine de Tourny. The location was reminiscent of the springs of living water offered to the woman at the well by Our Blessed Lord. We thirst for this living water. In fact, the howling crowd of tormented counter-protesters in their own confused way was crying out for this cleansing, life-giving element like those dying of thirst in a desert of lies."
Defending Pro-Life Speech Against Quebec’s 50m Bubble Zones: Georges Buscemi’s Reflections
“We offer help, we don’t impose it,” Buscemi explained during the interview. He stressed that their approach is rooted in respect and care, not intimidation. He also pointed out that existing laws, such as the Criminal Code of Canada, already address harassment and obstruction, rendering the bubble zones unnecessary.
Daniella's twins are born
This week, Daniella gave birth to her twin. Mother and children are doing well.
Concrete Help for Pregnant Women in Need
Caring for life from conception to natural death, the motto of the Quebec Life Coalition, also includes helping mothers with newborns.
Barbara Bonner (1958-2024) - Stalwart Pro-Life Advocate
This past Thanksgiving Monday, one of the Quebec Life Coalition more enthousiastic supporters was called home to our Heavenly Father. Barbara Bonner died peacefully surrounded by family at the Saint Gabriel Palliative care centre in Montreal.
Liberals introduce motion against pro-life pregnancy centres
The Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, Hon. Marci Ien, tabled a motion in the house “that contains our plan to require more transparency from charities that use deceptive tactics to push women away from making their own reproductive decisions”. So in short, the liberals, with the help of the NDP and BLOC, are starting their all-out attack on pro-life pregnancy centres.
Pro-life networking
"Jennifer, a woman with whom I work closely, received a phone call. It was from a mother that she and I had helped some time ago. This mother was calling on behalf of another mother whose child had outgrown his clothes and so the mother wondered whether another needy mother could benefit from a gift of these clothes, two boxes full. She contacted her friend who remembered Jennifer. Jennifer called me to ask if Daniella, who had twins three weeks ago, would be interested. As I later found out, she was. So began a chain of events to deliver the clothes."
40 Days for Life - spreading the pro-life message
"I was approached by a young man who seemed genuinely sincere to understand how I can encourage others to pray for the end of abortion. (These are the words inscribed upon the sign that hangs around my neck.) Before I could say a word, and to my surprise the itinerant gentleman, Remy, expressed the prolife message as clearly and as succinctly as I could have ever done. Abortion is the deliberate destruction of a human life he said to the sixteen-year-old, without hesitating."
Pregnancy and family support
Returning to the families we have helped, on Sunday, our pregnancy support line received a call from a university student whose spouse is pregnant. The foreign student was asking about services that would help his wife carry their child to term. I told him about a government run program that matches pregnant women with medical services including finding a physician. The man was grateful.
Choosing Life Against All Odds: A Story of Strength and Support
Yet, despite everything, both Danielle and Mary have chosen life. They’ve embraced the challenge of motherhood, even amid adversity. At Quebec Life Coalition, we stand by them and other women like them, committed to offering the support they need. And with your help, we’ll continue amplifying the message of life, so it resonates across the province.
Quebec government wants to implement advance requests for euthanasia for people with Alzheimer
The Quebec government will allow advance requests for euthanasia for people with serious illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, starting this autumn, even though Ottawa has not changed the Criminal Code in this regard.
10 States voted on abortion last night - here are the results
Since the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, the responsibility to legislate on abortion was given back to the individual states. What this means is that it is no longer the federal government of the USA that dictates abortion policy, but each individual state. Since the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, the abortion lobby has been hard at work to enshrine abortion into the legislation or constitution of each individual state. At the midterms in 2022, they succeeded in expanding the right to abortion in many states.
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