40 Days for Life - spreading the pro-life message - Quebec Life Coalition
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40 Days for Life - spreading the pro-life message

Brian Jenkins.

By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)

Many blessings are being received at this fall’s prayer vigil for the end of abortion in Sherbrooke.

Since the vigil began this past Wednesday, September 25, a small yet devoted group of men and women have been maintaining a prayerful presence in this Eastern Township community, near the abortion facility located on Belvedere Street on the southern side of the city.

Particularly meritorious is the outreach that is being done. Outside the abortion facility’s operating hours, volunteers frequently gather a five-minute walk away at the busy intersection of Belvedere and Galt Streets to carry the pro-life message to the rush-hour commuters and weekend shoppers, and they are doing so with remarkable success.

For example, on one evening while in discussion with a local itinerant, I was approached by a young man who seemed genuinely sincere to understand how I can encourage others to pray for the end of abortion. (These are the words inscribed upon the sign that hangs around my neck.)

Before I could say a word, and to my surprise the itinerant gentleman, Remy, expressed the prolife message as clearly and as succinctly as I could have ever done. Abortion is the deliberate destruction of a human life he said to the sixteen-year-old, without hesitating.

Another remarkable moment happened the previous Sunday when prayer volunteer Sylvain was approached by a man. The latter had come on the behest of his sister who was scandalized on seeing us when she drove by. Stephane’s initial loud and gruff tone of voice in defense of abortion soon changed while in conversation with Sylvain. Though we do not know whether Stephane had a change of heart but he did exchange for a prolong period and the two men shook hands before parting.

A third instance occurred when I was vigilating alone near the abortion facility. From across the street, a young woman noticed our pregnancy support sign and came over to learn more about the assistance we offer. I told her about the various women we have helped. The discussion led to her to share on personal matters - her own miscarriage and a subsequent pregnancy and birth which consoled her previous loss.

The prayer vigil runs through to Sunday, November 3, 2024, and is currently being held in 21 other municipalities across Canada, the largest number since the vigil began in 2003. Vigil participants in addition to praying and offering love and support to abortion-bound mothers near of the two local abortion facilities, engage local men and women in exchanges about abortion and its harms to the women and to our society at large.

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  • published this page in Brian Jenkins 2024-10-30 18:37:19 -0400