Choosing Life Against All Odds: A Story of Strength and Support - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Choosing Life Against All Odds: A Story of Strength and Support

Photo : Freepik

Money was a recurring theme this past week with two women that the Quebec Life Coalition’s pregnancy support program is currently assisting.

On Saturday, Danielle reached out, asking if we could meet, and she gratefully accepted my offer to grab a few groceries. After a quick run to Maxi, I stopped by her place, where the conversation soon turned to finances. Danielle had borrowed some money from a friend to cover her rent and other essentials, but now her friend was asking for repayment. She wondered if QLC might be able to help with a thousand dollars to ease her burden.

Meanwhile, Mary, who gave birth in April, called me after a recent meeting with her immigration lawyer. Since she lives outside of Montreal, I thought it would be a good chance to catch up with her. We met downtown, her four-month-old in tow, and found a spot at a nearby McDonald's. As we navigated the messiness of our Big M's, the topic of her unpaid birthing fees came up. Mary, being in Canada on a visitor visa with no health insurance, was wondering if QLC could lend a hand.

But where are the fathers?

Our society seems to have "evolved," but the absence of family support, especially fathers, is striking. Not so long ago, fathers and grandparents were there to pitch in, whether through emotional or financial support. I vividly recall my mother caring for her grandchildren for days on end, while my parents’ cottage became a go-to place for the kids—swimming, relaxing, creating memories.

Even in my own family, fathers were present. My two sisters and their husbands shared the load of parenting while balancing work. The children were wrapped in a supportive network of love, parents, and at least one set of grandparents.

Danielle and Mary, however, face their challenges largely on their own. New to this country, estranged from the fathers of their children—both of whom acted violently—these brave women are navigating life without the support they deserve. One of the fathers has even been legally barred from approaching.

Yet, despite everything, both Danielle and Mary have chosen life. They’ve embraced the challenge of motherhood, even amid adversity. At Quebec Life Coalition, we stand by them and other women like them, committed to offering the support they need. And with your help, we’ll continue amplifying the message of life, so it resonates across the province. Thank you for standing with us.

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  • published this page in Brian Jenkins 2024-09-12 12:18:47 -0400