Good international news for Life And Family -- and an invitation
This week, I had the honour of participating along with PPC leader Maxime Bernier and others in ThéoVox, a rapidly growing Christian, pro-life, and pro-family alternative news channel in Quebec. During the broadcast, I discussed the significant advances made south of the border for the defence of life and family in the first weeks of the Trump administration. (Click here to see this French-language show)
That discussion and my further research led me to write an article about a major but still underreported U.S. initiative: the defunding of USAID and NED—two government agencies with a combined annual budget of approximately $40 billion. While officially created to assist poor and vulnerable populations abroad, these agencies have in reality become regime-change machines designed to overthrow conservative governments and impose woke liberal regimes worldwide. You can read my full article HERE.
I will also be returning to Theovox this Thursday evening, and there’s an exciting new development: Theovox is now allowing the public to attend live broadcasts in person! If you are in the Mont-Saint-Hilaire area (just outside of Montreal), I invite you to join me at the show in person. Doors open until 7:00 PM, and the show begins promptly at 7:30 PM. If you’d like to attend, simply reply to this email with your name and phone number.
Meanwhile, as many countries continue using their foreign policy to push pro-abortion, radical feminist, and LGBT ideology, our colleague Arpad was in Ottawa this week to support Campaign Life Coalition’s event condemning “ideological colonization.” Featured speakers included:
- David Mulroney, former Canadian ambassador to China, and
- Obianuju Ekeocha, a leading African pro-life advocate exposing foreign interference in Africa.
QLC activist Arpad Nagy at the centre, flanked by Obianuju Ekeocha (left) and David Mulroney.
Arpad also attended the Annual Religious Freedom Conference, another key event in the fight for faith and family.
While this important work continues, my colleague Brian Jenkins remains dedicated to helping pregnant women in crisis. I ask for your prayers for Désirée, a mother 20 weeks pregnant, who is going through a very difficult time. May God grant her peace and serenity as she approaches her delivery.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do, in big and small ways, to uphold faith, family, and life from conception to natural death. May God bless you abundantly!
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition
Happy New Year 2025!
Happy and holy year 2025!
After 2024, a year full of milestones, we are now entering 2025, a year full of promises and challenges.
We thank you for all the support you gave us in 2024, and we hope to work even more closely with you in 2025, with the help of God, without whom all work is in vain.
That's why we need to ask Him, as in the beautiful traditional hymn we sing today, ‘’Dear God, bless the New Year‘’.
With all our best wishes,
Augustin Hamilton
P.S. We'll be back at work on January 6th, 2025.
Here are some of our articles among the best and the most popular, and about events from 2024:
Open letter to Premier Legault
We Quebecers are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus-Christ, the Saviour of the world, Emmanuel, 'God with us' ... and it is during this Advent season that you have the absurd idea of saying that you are going to concoct a law to prevent us from praying in public?"
A wonderful March for Life!
What a splendid day! What a magnificent march! More than a thousand pro-lifers gathered in Quebec City on June 1st under a shining sun to demonstrate in the name of the unborn child. And all this despite the hostility and incivility of the pro-abortion counter-demonstrators...
Thousands of Canadians protest against LGBT indoctrination in schools
On September 20th, 2024, thousands of citizens in more than 50 cities across Canada demonstrated against the indoctrination of LGBT ideology in schools.
Merry Christmas 2024!
On behalf of the entire Quebec Life Coalition team, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas on the feast of the Nativity of Christ!
May the joy and peace of the Christ Child be with you during the Christmas time.
I'd like to give you some news about our petition against the ban on public prayer in Quebec. We currently have around 10,000 signatures, and it would be great if we could go even further.
After threatening to ban public prayer on the pretext that "Islamists" were praying in the street, François Legault seems to have put a little water in his wine, having told a commentator that he was thinking of requiring permission for religious events to be held in public, so that they could be managed. Is this change in tone due to the many reactions that followed Mr Legault's inflammatory remarks? We have to keep telling Mr Legault that we are not prepared to let him walk all over us.
After all, how far would secularism go if we let it go ahead, removing the cross from Mount Royal or the cross from the Quebec flag?
Did you know that J. D. Vance, the future vice-president of the United States, expressed his support on X for a petition by Ontario MP Jamil Jivani calling for respect for the rights of Christians? This means that we can eventually count on powerful allies south of the border to ensure that our rights are respected.
Once again wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Augustin Hamilton
P.S. We'll be on holiday until January 5th, 2025.
Read moreShocking Move by Quebec Premier: Public Prayer Under Threat
I was stunned to hear that last Friday, François Legault suggested banning public prayer in Quebec. This comes in response to incidents, particularly in the Montreal area, involving individuals of Muslim origin. Is he trying to mimic communist regimes that outlaw all public expressions of religion? This is where the abuse of the concept of secularism or "laïcité" leads us.
A distorted view
Laïcité, in its original sense, simply means governance by laypeople rather than clergy. However, in the hands of our leaders, this concept has morphed into a supposed state neutrality toward religion—an impossible stance when some religions promote ideas that are blatantly false, dangerous, or absurd. Worse still, this distorted view is now being used to justify the eradication of all religious expression in public spaces.
Our twice-annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for an end to abortion -- Banned ?
A shocking and totalitarian proposal
If this trend continues, roadside crosses, church steeples, religious processions, nativity scenes, and everything that reminds us of our soul and eternal destiny will be banned. This grotesque proposal immediately reminded me of another major misstep by the CAQ government: when Tourism Minister Caroline Proulx banned Harvest Ministries from the Quebec City Convention Centre for being too pro-life. That case is still before the courts.
Believers penalized under flimsy pretexts
I'm fed up with seeing this government use the missteps of certain groups as an excuse to strip all believers of their rights to express their faith. These measures are thinly veiled attempts to eliminate Christianity’s influence in Quebec under the guise of pseudo-nationalism and "protecting Quebec values."
Our annual LifeChain prayer event -- Banned?
Take action: Sign the petition!
That’s why we’ve drafted a petition that we hope thousands will read and sign. We need to send François Legault a loud and clear message: these attempts to win votes by trampling on believers’ rights are unacceptable and absurd.
If you agree, please sign the petition here:
And please share the petition widely. Banning public prayer is an act of totalitarianism and staggering narrow-mindedness that we must stop. Together, let’s stand up for faith and common sense for future generations!
Thank you for your steadfast support
Finally, a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has contributed to our year-end fundraising campaign. We’ve already surpassed our goal, even though the campaign officially ends on December 18. However, with the ongoing Canada Post strike straining our operations and so many battles ahead of us—including standing up to opponents like François Legault—your support is more critical than ever. Thank you for your generosity!
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition
P.S. The freedom to pray in public is a fundamental right that no government should take away. If you believe, as we do, that this proposed ban on public prayer sets a dangerous precedent, sign the petition here. Then share it widely in your networks. The more voices we raise, the stronger our message: we will not stand for this totalitarian drift that seeks to erase Quebec’s Christian heritage. Thank you for your support!
Read moreFighting for Life
How would you feel if you were offered euthanasia, not once, but several times? It's a traumatic experience. This is the experience shared by Canadian Roger Foley. Hospitalised for 8 years because of his disability, he has no access to home care, but was insistently offered euthanasia:
“There’s a constant reminder of it, I would say it’s a harassment, and they don’t see it as coercion, they see it as informing, but it’s a real blurry area right now in Canada,” says Foley. “Words can’t describe how pillaged I feel and how scared I feel. The suicide prevention in this country for disabled and vulnerable people has been completely obliterated due to the assisted dying regime.”
Remember that the Trudeau government still wants to allow euthanasia only for people with mental illness. After all, it didn't repeal the law extending euthanasia to these cases, it simply postponed again its entry into force until 2027.
At the other end of the life spectrum, the Poles have their work cut out defending the unborn child from the attacks of the new Polish government, which is making it a point of honour to once again extend legal access to abortion, which had been restricted by Poland's Constitutional Court. Several Marches for Life were held in the country of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, during which pro-life Poles demonstrated their support for the unborn child.
40 Days for Life
On 25 September, the autumn 40 Days for Life will run until November 3rd. This event consists of one vigil of 12 hours (or more) per day over a period of 40 days devoted to silent protest and prayer for the unborn child and mothers, close to the places where babies are aborted.
We hope to be able to hold two vigils this year, one in Sherbrooke and the other in Montreal. For more information, contact Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643.
Life Chain
On Sunday, October 6th, 2024, the next Life Chain will take place, a local event that takes place simultaneously across Canada and the world, and consists of an hour of prayer on public ground with signs carrying pro-life messages. Last year we organised 11 chains in Quebec, and we're hoping to triple that number this year! For more information, contact Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643.
I would like to thank the generous donors who contributed to our summer fundraising campaign. Many thanks! We've raised $7,300 of the $10,000 we were aiming for: we're still $2,700 short. If you haven't yet had a chance to donate, I'd like to ask if you could help us make up the missing amount. We greatly appreciate any contribution.
Thank you again for your help in our mission to defend the unborn child.
Please also keep us in your prayers.
For Life,
Augustin Hamilton
The dangers of the Culture and Citizenship course
The new Culture et citizenship course, which will replace the old ERC course at the start of the new school year, will include gender ideology in its (already harmful) sex education component.
In an interview with independent journalist Michel Lizotte, Jean-Léon Laffitte, President of the Association des parents catholiques du Québec (APCQ), explains the foundations of gender ideology, which claims that sex is "assigned" at birth and is a social construct.
Is gender theory scientifically based? Mr Laffitte tells us about the very recent Cass report produced in Great Britain, where thousands of people who have undergone "gender transition" now regret having undergone this irreversible procedure, which states that no conclusive study supports the claims of gender theory, namely that "treatments" such as puberty blockers, transsexual hormones or operations are beneficial to children suffering from gender dysphoria.
The suicide of young people who are not given transition is often used as an argument to force parents to approve the transition of their child with gender dysphoria. In response to this argument, Mr Laffitte mentions another study which shows that the suicide rate among young people is no higher if their mental health is looked after rather than if they are transitioned.
The British government, on the basis of the Cass report, is going back on its experience of gender ideology. But in Quebec, points out Mr Laffitte, we are not benefiting from the British experience and are persevering with the same mistake.
Is the government listening to worried parents? Mr Laffitte tells us no, at least not until last year's 1 Million March 4 Children, which mobilised parents across Canada to protest against the LGBT ideology, including gender ideology, being imposed on their children. Following this major event, the Quebec government set up a committee of wise men to receive testimonies and presentations from individuals and associations interested in the issue of education, including the APCQ and EPPNE. Mr. Laffitte seems confident that the committee will do an honest job, but he points out that the committee will not submit the results of its work to the government until December or January, when the QCC course will begin in August. What is the point of a consultation if you don't wait for the results before implementing the programme?
Life Chain
On Sunday 6 October 2024, the next Life Chain will take place, a local event that takes place simultaneously across Canada and the world, and consists of an hour of prayer in a public place with signs displaying pro-life messages. Last year, we organised 11 chains in Quebec, and we're hoping to triple that number this year!
Fundraising campaign
We're on the last day of our fundraising campaign, and we've still got half of it to go - $5,000 of the $10,000 we're aiming for! The 1st Quebec City March for Life, which was a great success, proved to be costly. It's thanks to your donations that we're able to organise such events, and that we'll be organising the next Quebec City March for Life.
It is also thanks to your financial support that we are able to keep you up to date with essential information such as this important video on the Culture and Citizenship course.
Through the donations you make to support us, our work to defend the family is in truth also your work, because without your help we wouldn't be able to do it. Thank you for giving generously from the bottom of your heart!
For Life,
Augustin Hamilton
Thousands of Canadians for Life!
This year, for the twenty-seventh time, the Ottawa National March for Life took place, bringing together Canadians from all over the country to protest for the unborn child.
Photo: Catholic Register/X
On this beautiful day (not too hot, not too cool, just a little rain and wind), in the tulip season, several prominent pro-lifers spoke to the crowd gathered on Parliament Hill, including MPs Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall, founder of And There Were None Abby Johnson, 40 Days for Life founder Shawn Carney, Dr Dermot Kearney, inventor of the abortion pill reversal process, Archbishop Marcel Danphousse of Ottawa-Cornwall and Angelina Seenstra of Silent No More, as well as women and men who regretted aborting their child.
Quebec City March for Life
After this magnificent march in Ottawa, we're only two weeks away from the March for Life in Quebec City, which will take place on June 1st 2024 at 11am.
We're actively promoting the event, even on Highway 40 near Trois-Rivières:
Come one, come all!
The schedule for the Quebec City march is as follows:
- 11am Gathering (Fontaine de Tourny)
- 12pm Speeches
- 1pm Walk
- 3pm Testimonies
- 4pm End
For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.
Don't forget to announce your attendance at the march on our Facebook event page and to invite your friends.
Demonstration to protect children from gender ideology
The demonstration against the gender ideology being inculcated in schools, organised by Ensemble Pour Protéger Nos Enfants (EPPNE) (Together To Protect Our Children), will take place in Montreal on 25 May. See the poster below for details:
For Life,
Augustin Hamilton
Videos of the week :
Why ask such questions?
Would you like to be asked about your "gender orientation"? Would you like to be able to check a box for "diverse" relationships (other than between a man and a woman)? Don't worry, Justin Trudeau, our beloved Prime Minister, has thought of this: the next Canadian census in 2026 will contain such a question. On the other hand, if you don't want it, Justin hasn't asked your opinion: these questions will be included in the census whether you like it or not... What's the point of the government asking such questions? In the same vein, the Ontario Court of Justice has decreed that participants in any trial must now give their "preferred pronouns" beforehand. Yet another sign of political zeal: if someone absolutely wants everyone to know (and unfortunately use) the pronouns of their choice, there's nothing to stop them from saying so. So why force everyone to give their "preferred pronouns" (as if it were a matter of preference)? Will we just be able to say: "Your honour, there's no need for me to give the pronouns that suit me, I'm sure that everyone here will be able to guess them, and I won't hold it against anyone who makes a mistake"?
Far from the madness of this world, we received a lovely letter from a QLC reader and benefactor. Drawing on her family experience (15 children!), she tells us that the most beautiful thing that can happen to a woman is to bring a child into the world.
And it's to defend this idea that we'll be marching at the first March for Life in Quebec City on 1st June 2024. We'll be marching because one of the most beautiful things in this world is to give life and one of the ugliest is to take it away.
The March for Life will start in front of the Quebec National Assembly, near the Fontaine de Tourny:
- 11 a.m. Gathering
- 12 noon Speeches
- 1 p.m. March
- 3 pm Testimonies
- 4 p.m. End
For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.
Don't forget to announce your attendance at the march on our Facebook event page and to invite your friends.
For Life,
Augustin Hamilton
Our video of the week :
Jean-François Denis of ThéoVox and Georges Buscemi of Quebec Life Coalition promote the March for Life in Quebec City, during a visit to Good News Chapel on Sunday, April 14, 2024 (English and French)
Help us develop a pro-life opposition to the pro-abortion establishment in Quebec
Has the pro-abortion government currently running the province of Quebec overplayed its hand?
You may have heard the news: about two weeks ago, the French CBC announced that the tourism minister of Quebec, Caroline Proulx, had cancelled an event planned to take place in a gov’t owned convention centre in Quebec City, on account of it allegedly being a pro-life event.
The Minister affirmed that the event was against Quebec’s “fundamental principles”, as if letting people kill babies in the womb was suddenly a “principle”, let alone a fundamental one…
The irony is that the organisers of the event denied that the event was pro-life. It was supposed to be a Christian prayer event, aimed at reconciling all Canadians. But the Quebec government would have none of it. They’ve doubled down. You can read more about this unbelievably ham-fisted censorship, here.
The 10-day event was to take place between June 23 and July 2. There’s still time for the government, however hard-hearted, to reconsider its untenable stance. Will you help us get our petition signed by enough people to get it into our Quebec leaders heads that pro-lifers are people too?
We need people from not only Quebec but from all of Canada, to show that we are united across the country against the censoring of pro-life voices. So far, over 3000 people have signed.
This incident shows us once again how much work we pro-lifers have on our plate in Quebec. We are working hard right now on many fronts, and in the days to come I will be telling you about our projects. But these can’t be realized without your help. If you can help us develop a pro-life opposition to stand up to the pro-abortion establishment in this province, please give what you can today.
God bless,
Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie
35th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision
I am pleased to announce that we are participating in an event organized by the Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) on the 35th anniversary of the infamous R. v. Morgentaler decision that created a legal vacuum in Canada around abortion. Since that unfortunate day, tens of thousands of unborn children are killed every year.
The event will take place tomorrow, Thursday, January 26, at 10am, in front of the Supreme Court of Canada building, 301 Wellington St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0J1, and will end in front of Parliament (also Wellington St). Come one, come all! Part of our team is currently in Ottawa to participate in the event.
I am also announcing here the 2023 summer internship programs for students of CLC and The Interim. These are paid internships in which students will learn about the philosophy of the pro-life movement, practical apologetics, various modes of action, from administrative tasks, to writing articles, to design or management of social networks, to participation in concrete events.
For more details, click here.
For Life,
Augustin Hamilton
This Week's Quebec Pro-Life News
A five year old child’s breathing tube will be removed even if it kills him
The Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled that a child’s breathing tube can be permanently removed despite his parents opposing the decision.
Why is abortion victim photography important? An interview with Merichel Diaz
Montreal Against Abortion (MAA) is a pro-life group in Montreal that is focused on Abortion Victim Photography (AVP).