A wonderful March for Life! - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A wonderful March for Life!

What a splendid day! What a magnificent march! More than a thousand pro-lifers gathered in Quebec City on June 1st under a shining sun to demonstrate in the name of the unborn child. And all this despite the hostility and incivility of the pro-abortion counter-demonstrators... (For a fuller report on the march, see here.)

The joy was palpable as people arrived and gathered around waiting for the event to begin, getting to know each other, meeting up with friends.

A word must be said about the start of the day. Early in the morning, pro-abortionists had sprayed graffiti on the pavements and low walls surrounding the Fontaine de Tourny, saying: "My body, my choice". After a few pro-lifers added a little more, the message was very different!

Before the event got underway, counter-demonstrators arrived with drums, whistles, rattles and other noise-making objects, chanting slogans and making all the noise they could. In short, they were trying to spoil our event. Fortunately, the Quebec City police eventually separated the sheep from the goats and we started marching.

It was comforting to see the march proceed normally after the initial agitation, and there we saw just how many of us there were, along with the pro-lifers who arrived late.

I can tell you that the march did not go unnoticed in the streets of Quebec, with many motorists honking their horns happily as they passed, all the people seated on restaurant terraces, and others expressing their disapproval.

These two videos of the march will give you a fuller idea.

We ended the March for Life with moving testimonies from women who had undergone an abortion or had chosen life instead, and with a few speeches that had been postponed until the end.

Ah, and then there was the media coverage. Several media were present at the march and reported on it. But they didn't even present it in a neutral way. It was mostly pro-abortion testimonials and short pro-life quotes. The choice of photos also shows a certain amount of bad faith. The confrontation between pro-abortion and pro-life is emphasised, while the most positive part of the pro-life event is absent from the visual aspect. In short, the mainstream media are not our friends.

Finally, a big thank you to all the participants and our fifty+ volunteers. Many thanks to the speakers:

To Toni Di Paolo Lemay, devoted wife, loving mother, cherished grandmother and host of the event.

To Georges Buscemi, President and Spokesperson of Quebec Life Coalition and organizer of the March.

To Dr. Paul Saba, family physician in Montreal.

To Jean-Léon Laffitte, President of the Association des Parents Catholiques du Québec and representative of Ensemble pour la protection de nos enfants.

To Jean-François Denis from ThéoVox and co-organiser.

To Richard Décarie, founder of the Conservative Union Movement.

To Debbie Duval and Julia Bissonnette from Campaign Life Coalition.

To Father Marchand for his presence and opening prayer.

To Tanya Patry and Josée Lafontaine, mothers, inspiring witnesses to the choice of life in a time of distress.

To Alie Alive, an abortion survivor with a powerful and inspiring testimony.

To Lise Dufour, author of the book "J'ai avorté par peur, avec Lui, espérer encore".

To Art Lucier, founder of Canadian Firewall and Harvest Ministries. Last year, the event he was planning to organise at the Palais des congrès de Québec was cancelled by the Quebec government on the grounds that it was organised by pro-lifers. He is now suing the government.

To Isabelle Frédéric, a Christian woman who has had an abortion and wants to share her experience.

To Nancy Ménard, a Christian woman who has had an abortion and wants to share her experience.

To Sophie Archambault, Executive Director of Uni-T A Voice for Christian Values (UVVC).

To Georges Antonios for his closing prayer and remarks.

Many thanks also to ThéoVox for its help, and to the Campaign Life Coalition and Valorem constructions for their financial support.

See you next year!

All this is only possible thanks to your donations. We're launching a fundraising campaign to, among other things, organise a 2025 March that will be even bigger and better than the one we've just experienced. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in 2 weeks. Please give generously today!

For Life,
Augustin Hamilton

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  • published this page in News 2024-06-05 18:52:38 -0400