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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



40 Days for Life Vigil - 1st Week: Pregnancy and family support

By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Cavan for Adobe/Adobe Stock

The 40-day prayer vigil for the end of abortion has completed its first week and so far, we have provided support to two expectant families and to a single mother of a newborn.

The prayer vigil is being done in Sherbrooke, QC, this fall. This is the fourth consecutive year the Quebec Life Coalition has done the vigil in this Eastern Township community, a vigil which began this past Wednesday, September 25. Five men and women have joined me to pray for protection of unborn life either at our familiar vigil location or to saunter around the Lac des Nations recreational area and meet and exchange the locals.

Returning to the families we have helped, on Sunday, our pregnancy support line received a call from a university student whose spouse is pregnant. The foreign student was asking about services that would help his wife carry their child to term. I told him about a government run program that matches pregnant women with medical services including finding a physician. The man was grateful.

On Day 7, while vigilating with Rejean, a man passed us by and then stopped to read our pregnancy support sign. Approaching us, he explained that his wife is pregnant with their second child, and he then inquired about what services we offer. He added that his wife is currently enrolled in a nutritional program for expectant mothers and has a good relationship with the attending agent, yet he has medical concerns that have yet to be addressed. Again, I suggested the same provincial government program noted earlier for matching physicians or health centre with a pregnant woman.

Finally, as the vigil began, I received a call from one of our collaborators. She operates a pregnancy support centre which includes a used clothing depot. One of the pregnant women for whom we two collaborated this past spring called her asking for baby clothes. Her young daughter born this past April has outgrown her clothes. Our collaborator assembled four boxes of clothes to give but requires a driver to deliver them to the mother. Working together we have arranged the transport and will deliver the goods this weekend.

These are some of the fruits of the prayer vigil in Sherbrooke. The vigil runs through to Sunday, November 3. Your prayers will help continue this outreach and support activity.

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  • published this page in News 2024-10-02 17:28:42 -0400