Brian Jenkins - Quebec Life Coalition
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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Masses for the Unborn

As we enter December, the month of Our Saviour's birth, four events are scheduled in support of the most vulnerable period of human development, vulnerable for both mother and her unborn child.

First, on Monday, December 1, an evening of prayer and testimonial is set for the church Notre-Dame-Porte-de-l'Aurore - 1465 De Sève Street, in ville Émard, across the street from the Jolicoeur Metro station on the green line.

Featured on this evening, in addition to the recitation of a rosary and an Eucharistic celebration, will be a personal story of a near tragedy. A young mother will share about the pressures she faced to carry her child to term simply because her physician thought the child may be born with a congenital disorder and should be aborted. The child was eventually delivered without any abnormality. Her story begins the evening at 6:00 p.m., this Monday, September 1, 2014. 

The prayers and the testimony will be French, though, simultaneous translation into English will be available if warranted.


The following day, Tuesday, December 2, at the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart and of Padre Pio in east end Pointe-aux-Trembles, an evening of prayer for the defense for the unborn child will be held beginning at 7 p.m. At that time a rosary will be recited with an Eucharistic celebration to follow at 7:30 p.m.

The sanctuary is more familiarly known as the Chapelle de la réparation - 3650 de la Rousselière Street (514-642-5391), and is run by the Franciscan community.

Thursday, December 4, 2014Saint_Sylvain.jpg

Next, an evening of prayer and fellowship for the unborn child and the victims of abortion is being planned for Saint-Sylvain church in Laval - 750 Saint-Sylvain Blvd., on Thursday of the same week.

The evening begins at 7 p.m. with an hour-long period of Eucharistic adoration, during which time a rosary will be recited. After reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a Eucharistic mass will be celebrated. Fellowship follows. This mass will be celebrated in French.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The fourth and final commemoration for the unborn child and the harm that abortion does consists of a full afternoon of activities, set at Notre-Dame-Porte-de-l'Aurore church in ville Émard, the same venue as our first event.

Tilma2.jpgThe afternoon begins at 1 p.m. with a conversion story. Ms. Carole Arsenault will share the story of John Bird, film producer who specializes in Marian history, and researcher and photographer the Tilma - the outer garment worn by Juan Diego, a poor Mexican peasant of the 16th century that is on display at the cathedral in Mexico City.

This rough outer garment has confounded scientists throughout the years for two reasons. First, it has outlasted its 40-year life expectancy by several centuries and second, it is emblazoned on one side of the cloth, and one side only, with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The latter is particularly vexing to scientists as they are unable to explain the origins of the image and the materials that have left its mark.

Mr. Bird's film is entitled as "River of Light."

The presentation is particularly timely as the Church commemorates the Feast of Our Lady of Guadelupe every year on December 12.

Prayers will follow the talk - namely, rosary and Eucharistic celebration.

The afternoon will end with a turkey dinner for the modest cost of $8. RSVP by calling (514) 595-6732.

There you have it: Four events in a span of two weeks spread across the region in order to better prepare ourselves for the most important arrival mankind has been waiting for.

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The Latest Available Canadian Abortion Statistics

abortion-instrument.jpgClose to a hundred abortion mills dot our country a mari usque ad mare.

National Post story reveals that about half of these are located in Quebec (46) because governmental so-called "health policies" included expansion into the rural areas as early as the 1970s.

As for the other regions of Canada, in descending order of quantity, we have British Columbia with 16, Ontario 16, the prairie provinces 8, and the Atlantic provinces 4. I suppose the balance of the 94 cited in the article are found in the three territories.

Also, a revealing graphic accompanying the story shows that there is not an insignificant number of late term abortions. Often scoff by pro-abortion advocates met on the streets of Montreal as minuscule, the graphic indicates close to two thousand unborn children are aborted after 21 weeks of gestation every year in Canada.

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A Life Saved, right here in Montreal

I’m fresh back from another 40 Days for Life prayer vigil (see some pictures of the vigil here) for the end of abortion – our twelfth, and guess what? A life was saved! 

First, from Wednesday, September 24, 2014, through to Sunday, November 2, 2014, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, in rain or shine, accompanied by the faithful brave, I stood across the street from the Morgentaler abortion mill to pray for the lives of unborn children and their families.

I wasn’t alone. A stalwart threesome – Charlotte, Yves, and John, made daily appearances for two to three hours if not longer! Seen here at left to either side of Charlotte and Yves are Claude and Rosina.

And our prayers were answered in a tangible way! An abortion minded young lady, thought again after passing our vigil site. Seeing our toll free phone line, she called and after speaking with our staff person, was directed to an agency that concerns itself with adoption services.

Praise be to God for these victories. I’m looking forward to our next vigil beginning February 18.

In addition, several other activities kept us busy in October. Our annual life chain gathered close to thirty participants on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. For an hour along Decarie Blvd., near the intersection of Jean-Talon street, in silent prayer holding signs advocating for the end of abortion, or the promotion of adoption individuals and groups gathered alongside our perennial participants and organizers - Mario Richard, Andrew Horwood, and Marc Vincent.

Else, on October 14. QLC president, Mr. Georges Buscemi was privileged to confer our first Defender of Life award to Montreal Archbishop Christian Lépine. His grace has long been a promoter of the culture of life, attending the annual National March for Life in Ottawa for one and promoting various related issues since his elevation from parish priest to archbishop a little over two years ago. On this day, His Grace received a handsomely crafted Defensor Vitae ceramic.


Another October activity gathering much interest was our annual conference (see some pictures here) - October 11 in Granby.

Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Quebec Life Coalition, close to a hundred persons came to listen to six speakers on the topic of promoting a culture of life in the Quebec. The two first– pastor Stephane Gagné and M. Robert Gendreau, spoke of their spiritual approaches to this issue. Next M. Jean Renaud, director of the periodical Égards, offered his reflections on the roots of the euthanasia movement.

Next it was the turn of the keynote speaker, Mr. Tugdual Derville, a French citizen, active in the culture of life movement in France. He spoke of the work he does including the promotion the rights of handicap children, his battles versus euthanasia and abortion.

The next two speakers, Mrs. Dominique Morin and Mr. Dominique Boily, shared their experience on the importance of faith-based education. Mrs. Morin, the mother nine children, spoke on how church teachings have been pivotal in her and her husband’s rearing of their children. Mr. Boily, also a parent of nine children, argued how faith-based education is beneficial to both societal culture and virtue.

The final person to address the assembly was Ms. Caroline Roux, also a French national, sharing her experience of counselling pregnant women and post-abortive and other vulnerable persons.

A busy October! I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the success of these events through prayer and financial aid. In so doing, together we are building our society into a culture of life. Your help is appreciated !

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Brian Jenkins

Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition 

p.s. Over the 40 day period of the vigil, 685 lives were saved from abortion in the near 300 locations in which a vigil was held. Glory and praise to our God!

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Talk on Palliative Care and Euthanasia in Montreal

A highly interesting lecture on Bill 52 and palliative care (vs. Euthanasia) will be given by Dr. Manuel Borod on November 18, 2014 @ 7:00 pm.


Segal Centre
5170 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, QC H3W 1L5

Dr. Manuel Borod is vehementlt opposed to Bill 52, the bill which has passed earlier this year and proposes to legalize euthanasia in Quebec.

Dr. Manuel Borod practiced family medicine for 20 years prior to embarking on a career in palliative medicine.

He developed the home care program at Mount Sinai Hospital prior to coming to the MUHC on a full-time basis. He served as Clinical Director of Palliative Care there from 2003-2009 and since then has been the Division Director.

He has been very active in improving and developing different programs such as out-patient services which include a palliative care day hospital, cancer rehabilitation and a multidisciplinary program on cancer pain. He has long been a dedicated teacher and mentor to medical students, residents, and colleagues.

Dr. Borod has given many presentations at local, national and international conferences on a number of subjects including cancer pain, ethics, palliative sedation and euthanasia as well as the role of humour in palliative care.

The event is $12, payable at the door.

For more info.

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QLC October 2014 Newsletter

Dear Friends, of Life,

I have some exciting news.

This past Wednesday, September 24, 2014, we began our twice annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion, the other occurring in the springtime.

From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., we meet to pray across the street from the Morgentaler abortion mill on Saint Joseph Blvd., encouraging young families to keep rather than destroy the young life that God has blessed them with. (Considering that one in five Canadian couples is infertile, becoming pregnant is indeed a blessing.)

Please pray and fast for the stalwart ones who are manning this prayerful and peaceful outpost.

Though beginning on the 24th, this vigil was inaugurated the previous Sunday. On September 21, we met at Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius church to kick-off this our twelfth vigil –twice a year since the spring of 2009. This evening was characterized by hymns and adoration, beseeching Our Lord to help end this slaughter.

In addition, the program included an invited speaker – Mr. Steve Karlen, Outreach Director for North America of the 40 Days for Life organization, the international agency coordinating the over 279 vigils occurring simultaneously worldwide this fall.

Having travelled from his home in Madison, Wisconsin, via Ottawa, Steve shared his journey from a slumbering pro-life believer to ardent advocate, criss-crossing Canada and the U.S., encouraging groups for the cause of life. Steve is married to Laura and they are raising two children.

On this evening, Steve shared about the precarious battle for life raging in our midst. He and his wife have witnessed firsthand how vulnerable women can be pressured to abort their child, how men also can be wounded by a woman’s decision to abort a child, and how communities that come together can thwart the plans of large institutions planning to open late-term abortion facilities.

(Pictured is Mr. Steven Karlen, on the right, receiving a hooded fleece sweatshirt with the 40 Days for Life logo in French at the end of his presentation from your author.)

His first example sounded eerily familiar. I met Sandra (alias) during the spring vigil. She came to the Morgentaler mill to abort her child but had a change of heart, crossed the street to speak with us, and has welcomed our supportive presence ever since.

As in Steve’s example, Sandra faced pressures to abort. The child’s father, her ex-boyfriend and father of her son, her mother and her grand-mother, and even her social worker have all at one time or another and in varying degrees coerced her to abort. In fact, two of us have even been present when these cajoled, shamed, begged, and threatened her to commit this crime!

Fortunately, differing from Steve’s example, Sandra has withstood the pressures and is set to deliver on October 19, a girl. Please keep her in your prayers over these final weeks.

In summary, we are very grateful for the support you have given us and are giving. In turn we can hold such event as the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils, bringing not only the culture of life message to the streets of Montreal and Quebec, something our government and media fail to do, but also occasionally helping persons like Sandra in their decision to choose life.

Thank you for making the Quebec Life Coalition possible to exist in our society, through your prayers and financial support.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Brian Jenkins

Outreach Coordinator, Quebec Life Coalition

p.s. Sunday, October 5, 2014, was a busy day at the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil site as upwards of 50 people and many families came out. Have you thought of passing by to say “Hi”? The vigil runs through to Sunday, November 2, 2014.

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40 Days for Life: Kick Off Event

Dear Friends of Life,

You are all welcomed to join us to kick-off off our 12th prayer vigil for the end of abortion.

This event will be on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius church - 7187 2nd avenue - corner Jean-Talon east, three blocks east of the Iberville metro station (blue line).

The agenda for the evening is as follows:
  • 6:00 p.m.: Doors open
  • 6:30 p.m.: Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • 7:15 p.m.: Benediction and reposition
  • 7:30 p.m.: Speakers - Fr. Pierre Desroches, pastor of Saint Enfant Jésus church (French) and Steve Karlen, Director of North American Outreach, 40 Days for Life (English)
  • 10:00 p.m.: evening ends.



The vigil begins on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, and runs through to Sunday November 2, 2014.

The vigil location has not changed from the previous times - across the street from the Morgentaler abortuary (30, Saint Joseph Blvd. East).

Over the 40-day period, a peaceful, prayerful presence from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. will be conducted every day, rain or shine.

Our prayers will be offered for the young couples struggling with the decison to keep or abort their child, as well as for those who have already made the tragic and irreversible decision.

Our prayers will also be offered up for the conversion of the abortionists and other facility workers who mistakenly perform this procedure.

Finally our prayers will be offered for the young and vulnerable who will die rather than have a chance to be born and live their lives.



As we wish to maintain a peaceful, prayerful presence, the following code of conduct is offered to further this end:

  • I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all.
  • I understand that acting in a violent or harmful manner immediately and completely disassociates me from this vigil.
  • I will not obstruct the driveways or sidewalk while standing in the public right of way.
  • I will not block the abortion facility's entrance nor the path of anyone, including passersby, on the sidewalk; I will remain on the north side of Saint-Joseph Blvd.
  • I will not litter on the public right of way.
  • I will closely attend to any children I bring to the prayer vigil.
  • I will not threaten, physically contact, nor verbally abuse anyone.
  • I will not vandalize private property.
  • I will cooperate with local city authorities.
  • I will not picket nor carry any signs, pictures, displays, nor wear clothing bearing any words or images, without the consent of the organizers.
  • I will maintain a spirit of prayer and refrain from judgments, debates and quarrels.
  • I will refrain from unnecessary discussion with the public and with the other prayers.
  • I will maintain a physical distance from others at the site whose tactics would be considered contrary to these guidelines.



What is the pro-life message?

At its most basic level, the pro-life message is this:

  • An unborn child is a human person
  • whose life has value and deserves to be protected by our society.

But we also have an important message to share about how abortion harms women – and men – and about how committed the pro-life movement is to helping women face untimely pregnancies and choose life for their babies.

Ultimately, our message is a message of hope. We believe that, working together, we can transform our society into a place in which no mother will ever resort to abortion, where every child, regardless of the circumstances of his or her conception, will be welcomed and loved.

10 Guidelines for sharing the pro-life message

1. Listen – and pay attention;

2. Take time to think – and pray;

3. Always be respectful;

4. Seek common ground;

5. Make it personal;

6. Give the benefit of the doubt, and never take offense;

7. Don’t interrupt others’ conversations;

8. Pick your battles and keep it simple;

9. Admit when you lack information; and

10. Always leave the door open.


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QLC September 2014 Newsletter

Dear Friends of Life,

The motto of the Quebec Life Coalition is:



In my work, I have been privileged to realize this goal for all stages of human development. This past August, 2014, I visited Yolande and her family to celebrate the one year anniversary of her daughter. I joined her, her husband Sajeeb, their three other children along with a neighbour and her two little boys for this celebration.

Yolande came to our attention last summer. Having heard of her two abortions, a few of us worried of a similar fate awaited the child she was carrying. Befriending her and supporting her as best we could, she delivered her little girl and on this day we celebrated her right choice.

Paula is yet another mother I am privileged to accompany in her pregnancy. Two of us met her during our spring 40 Days for Life campaign. Having seen our vigil across the street from the Morgentaler abortuary, she cancelled her appointment there and came over to speak with us. Since then four of us have been supporting her and are looking forward to October 20, her due date.

I am also privileged to know Jennifer. For some time now, I have accompanied her in her grieving the death of her parents, both of which show traits of euthanasia. (Though illegal, euthanasia is clandestinely practiced in Quebec.)

Cause enough for mourning, these deaths are not the only sorrows she has to bear due to the Quebec health care system. Jennifer tells me that an aunt, 3 friends, and others that she has met through her volunteer projects, were all denied normal, natural comfort care – basic rights that our federal laws guarantee.

A case in point came to my attention the last week of August. The Journal de Montreal ran a story of an alzheimer patient who had incurred second degree burns because her attendants at the long-term health facility where she lived failed to change her diaper over a ten-day period!

This lack of care is not an isolated incident. Again the Journal de Montreal at the outset of the summer wrote about how Quebec nurses are under duress by physicians to euthanize patients.

Despite her condition, an Alzheimer patient is still capable of feeling pain. Nurses, however professionally trained, will feel distraught for taking the life of those whom they are responsible to care for.

And what are our elected officials doing to redress our ailing health care system? They allot $26 million annually to fund abortions! They pass legislation permitting euthanasia!

Returning to Jennifer, this past month she introduced me to Alicia who shared her experience of mistreatment in our health care system. I heard her describe how an admitting physician whispered in her hear that she was a reject. I heard her relate that because of her three serious life-threatening illnesses she was abandonned, denied food and water for three days. I listened to how she turned her faith tradition to find comfort and help. Finally tears came to me on hearing about the miracles she experienced thereby regaining some measure of healing.

Our time together ended with prayer, turning our ourselves over to the ultimate healer, Our Lord.

God is calling each of us to participate in one way or another to build his kingdom of love. It all begins and ends with prayer. At the Quebec Life Coalition, I am privileged to hear these stories.

Thank you for supporting us both financially and through prayer in this endeavour.

For Life !

Brian Jenkins, Outreach Coordinator, Quebec Life Coalition

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Pro-Life Masses

Dear Friends of Life,

You are cordially welcomed to attend either or both Eucharistic services scheduled this week for the unborn child.


The first will be held at the church Notre-Dame-Porte-de-l'Aurore - 1465 De Sève Street in ville Émard, across the street from the Jolicoeur Metro station on the green line.

The mass will begin following the recitation of the rosary set to start at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, September 1, 2014.

Fr. Pearson will preside at this mass whose specific intention is for the repose of the souls of children having died due to an abortion. He will say the mass in French.


The second mass is scheduled at Saint-Sylvain church in Laval - 750 Saint-Sylvain Blvd., on Friday, September 5, 2014.

The schedule this evening consists of adoration, followed by a rosary, and then the mass.

Fellowship in the sacristy will conclude the evening which begins at about 7 p.m.

This mass will be celebrated in French.

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Crossroad Walkers in Montreal - A Picture Panoply

Dear Friends of Life,

It was a busy weekend in Montreal for the Crossroad walkers.

From Friday evening through to Monday mid-day, ten intreprid young adults brought the pro-life message to the streets and people of Montreal.

Here are a few of these moments caught on e-"celluloid":

Benjamin and all of the walkers, it was wonderfully and a blessing to have you all here.

God's speed in all that you do.

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Crossroad Walkers Coming to Montreal

Dear Friends of Life,

The Crossroad Walkers will be with us this weekend.


Arriving Friday, August 8, 2014, from having spent the previous weekend in Toronto and travelling from the Queen City since then, five men and five women are bringing their witnessing for life to Montreal for four days.

While here, an assortment of activities are planned, including visiting parishes to share what it has been like leaving Vancouver this past May 24, 2014, and walking near 6000 km.

A complete outline of their time here with us reads as follows:

All are welcomed to join us to meet and congratulate these intrepid youth.

Kindly see our feature article in the August QLC newsletter for further details about these young adult and their trek.

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