A Life Saved, right here in Montreal - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A Life Saved, right here in Montreal

I’m fresh back from another 40 Days for Life prayer vigil (see some pictures of the vigil here) for the end of abortion – our twelfth, and guess what? A life was saved! 

First, from Wednesday, September 24, 2014, through to Sunday, November 2, 2014, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, in rain or shine, accompanied by the faithful brave, I stood across the street from the Morgentaler abortion mill to pray for the lives of unborn children and their families.

I wasn’t alone. A stalwart threesome – Charlotte, Yves, and John, made daily appearances for two to three hours if not longer! Seen here at left to either side of Charlotte and Yves are Claude and Rosina.

And our prayers were answered in a tangible way! An abortion minded young lady, thought again after passing our vigil site. Seeing our toll free phone line, she called and after speaking with our staff person, was directed to an agency that concerns itself with adoption services.

Praise be to God for these victories. I’m looking forward to our next vigil beginning February 18.

In addition, several other activities kept us busy in October. Our annual life chain gathered close to thirty participants on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. For an hour along Decarie Blvd., near the intersection of Jean-Talon street, in silent prayer holding signs advocating for the end of abortion, or the promotion of adoption individuals and groups gathered alongside our perennial participants and organizers - Mario Richard, Andrew Horwood, and Marc Vincent.

Else, on October 14. QLC president, Mr. Georges Buscemi was privileged to confer our first Defender of Life award to Montreal Archbishop Christian Lépine. His grace has long been a promoter of the culture of life, attending the annual National March for Life in Ottawa for one and promoting various related issues since his elevation from parish priest to archbishop a little over two years ago. On this day, His Grace received a handsomely crafted Defensor Vitae ceramic.


Another October activity gathering much interest was our annual conference (see some pictures here) - October 11 in Granby.

Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Quebec Life Coalition, close to a hundred persons came to listen to six speakers on the topic of promoting a culture of life in the Quebec. The two first– pastor Stephane Gagné and M. Robert Gendreau, spoke of their spiritual approaches to this issue. Next M. Jean Renaud, director of the periodical Égards, offered his reflections on the roots of the euthanasia movement.

Next it was the turn of the keynote speaker, Mr. Tugdual Derville, a French citizen, active in the culture of life movement in France. He spoke of the work he does including the promotion the rights of handicap children, his battles versus euthanasia and abortion.

The next two speakers, Mrs. Dominique Morin and Mr. Dominique Boily, shared their experience on the importance of faith-based education. Mrs. Morin, the mother nine children, spoke on how church teachings have been pivotal in her and her husband’s rearing of their children. Mr. Boily, also a parent of nine children, argued how faith-based education is beneficial to both societal culture and virtue.

The final person to address the assembly was Ms. Caroline Roux, also a French national, sharing her experience of counselling pregnant women and post-abortive and other vulnerable persons.

A busy October! I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the success of these events through prayer and financial aid. In so doing, together we are building our society into a culture of life. Your help is appreciated !

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Brian Jenkins

Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition 

p.s. Over the 40 day period of the vigil, 685 lives were saved from abortion in the near 300 locations in which a vigil was held. Glory and praise to our God!

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