Stand with Us to Defend Canada’s Crisis Pregnancy Centres - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Stand with Us to Defend Canada’s Crisis Pregnancy Centres

I’m writing today to share urgent news about a new offensive launched by the Trudeau Liberal government. This attack targets pro-life crisis pregnancy centres across Canada, aiming to strip their charitable status. Under the guise of “transparency,” this move is, in reality, an attempt to undermine the centres that offer life-affirming alternatives to abortion and vital support to women in distress, such as baby formula, diapers, baby clothes, and professional counselling.

These centres are being singled out for not “clearly stating” that they do not offer abortion services, even though their mission is to protect and support both the mother and her child. This so-called transparency requirement is nothing more than a weapon to set up these organizations for failure and ultimately shut them down. How can we build a trusting dialogue with a woman in crisis, who may be feeling panicked about an unexpected pregnancy, if we’re forced to announce our opposition to abortion in bold letters at the entrance? Such a demand discourages any potential for meaningful conversation and support—the very goal of the Liberals: to sabotage our efforts to save mothers and children.

We refuse to back down in the face of this ideological persecution. We at Quebec Life Coalition have already made peace with not having charitable status and we will continue, no matter what obstacles are thrown our way, to assist women in distress. Through our Enceinte et inquiète (Pregnant, Need Help) service, we offer tangible help and compassionate solutions. Take Danielle’s story as an example: despite facing numerous challenges, she found hope for her future and her two unborn children through our support. This is the real "choice" we champion—a choice for life, love, and care. You can read her story here.

Meanwhile, Quebec is moving forward today, October 30th, with an expansion of euthanasia laws. Now, individuals suffering from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s can make advance requests for euthanasia. This widening of euthanasia access reflects a culture that increasingly values death over life, leaving the most vulnerable at risk. It fosters an environment where human life is devalued and where the frailest members of our society may feel like burdens.

Urgent Petition to Protect Our Children:

Lastly, I invite you to sign our petition against HPV Global Action, an organization promoting early sexual education that is aggressive and harmful to our children’s well-being. You can sign the petition here.

Protect Kids in Quebec – Sign today.

Pro-Life Event for English-Speaking Youth in Montreal

On November 9th, we’re hosting an event for young, pro-life members of Montreal’s English-speaking community. We welcome any young person who speaks English and is passionate about defending life. You can find all the event details here: For those waiting for a French-language event, don’t worry—we’re planning a similar gathering in early 2025, with more details coming soon!

RSVP for youth pro-life event>>

Your support is crucial. Together, we must continue to fight for a culture of life, despite the repeated attacks on our values and actions. We will keep you informed about the steps we’re taking to defend our pregnancy centres and challenge this unjust, punitive legislation.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

The 40 Days for Life

The 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, an international initiative to end abortion, is being held again this autumn in Sherbrooke. For 40 days, from 7am to 7pm, the vigil will be held in the .Queen of the Eastern Townships".

Read the latest news on the "40 Days for Life": Spreading the pro-life message.

Contact: Brian Jenkins (438) 930-8643

News from our "Enceinte et inquiète" service

Because of the precarious situation of one of the two infants that Danielle is carrying – her physician thinks the child is underweight, there was talk of an inducing her delivery at the 34-week mark. Yet, matters seem to be working themselves out as she is currently in her 35th week. The wellbeing of the other child is ok, gaining weight... (read more)

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  • published this page in News 2024-10-31 09:00:19 -0400