Danielle’s pregnancy continues - Quebec Life Coalition
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Danielle’s pregnancy continues

By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) – Photo: fizkes/Adobe Stock

Because of the precarious situation of one of the two infants that she is carrying – her physician thinks the child is underweight, there was talk of an inducing her delivery at the 34-week mark. Yet, matters seem to be working themselves out as she is currently in her 35th week. The wellbeing of the other child is ok, gaining weight.

Danielle requires your on-going prayers as issues regarding paying her rent and having sufficient groceries have come up over the past week. We ae accompanying her with both challenges and others, providing short term and longer-term aid.

Recently, our community of well-wisher have stepped forward to provide her with a wide range of products in anticipation of the delivery of her twins – car baby seats, clothing, undersized diapers for premature children, and plenty of wipes among other items, and even an iron so she can press the newborns clothes.

In other maternal news, we have recently delivered a box of infant clothes to Marie as her little girl, born this past April, is outgrowing her wardrobe. Marc, a long-time QLC volunteer, and Arpad working together delivered a box of clothing originating in Drummondville.

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  • published this page in Brian Jenkins 2024-10-30 18:53:51 -0400