Campaign Life Coalition Youth is visiting Montreal! Come join us for an presentation on pro-life apologetics from some of the best pro-life youth leaders in our country.
- Are you 18+ year old and pro-life?
- Do you want to learn how to better defend your pro-life beliefs?
- Do you want to meet others who share your pro-life values?
- Do you want to find out about concrete ways you can help out?
Please register for the event below, so that we can better prepare to host you!
Please share this event with your friends! you can use the URL:
Chers amis francophones, cet événement se déroulera exclusivement en anglais. Nous prévoyons toutefois un événement similaire en français pour les jeunes en janvier 2025. L'invitation vous sera envoyée sous peu, dès que nos jeunes conférenciers francophones auront confirmé leur participation !
November 09, 2024 at 2:00pm - 6pm
3030, rue Delisle, Montreal, H4C 1M9 (beside Metro Lionel Groulx)
Arpad Nagy
· 438-882-6249
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