As the New Year begins in earnest, I thought I would go over some of the things we are planning for 2023.
1) The founding of a pro-life group for students in Montreal: Arpad Nagy, our director of political operations, took charge of this project. A Students for Life -- Montreal launch event will be held THIS SATURDAY on January 14, 2022 at 2065 Sherbrooke. Here's a part of Arpad's invitation:
"...on January 14th, we are launching Students for Life Montreal.
We invite all pro-life students in CEGEP or university to attend. We will have talks, apologetics and networking. Come and meet other pro-life students from your school, come learn how to better defend life, come find way to get involved. Please RSVP to confirm your presence here. (If you live too far to attend but would be interested in a group like this in your area, please send me an email and we’ll see what we can do.)
Join us on January 14th, from 1 pm-5 pm—it’s open to all students or recent alumni.
We have guest speakers coming from Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and Canadian Centre for a Bioethical Reform (CCBR), who will share about the successes of pro-life campus ministry."
2) The Quebec Life Coalition "micro-conferences". Myself and Arpad, along with other colleagues and guests, will tour the province, visiting several regions of Quebec. We will be presenting "micro-conferences", one or two presentations, giving plenty of time for discussion and networking. Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to organize a conference in your area!
3) 40 Days for Life in Sherbrooke and Montreal, and Vigil 365. Brian Jenkins, our Vigil and Demonstration Host, will be in Montreal and Sherbrooke to once again organize 40 Days for Life, international prayer vigils for the end of abortion. Brian will also host, with his friends and helpers, Vigil 365, that is to say a presence of one hour each day outside a few abortion facilities near the corner of Berri-Sainte-Catherine in Montreal.
4) The March for Life in Ottawa, Thursday May 11, 2023, with an associated conference, in French. The National March for Life is an annual march to demand justice for the 100,000 children who are killed in their mother's womb each year across Canada. Abortion is funded entirely by taxpayers for any reason or no reason, up to the moment of birth.
5) QLC Pilgrimages. My colleague Brian Jenkins organizes several pro-life pilgrimages throughout the year, to various places. Stay tuned for dates and places, throughout the year.
6) Conference and Corn Roast at the QLC offices --- a moment of sharing where pro-lifers from all walks of life come together to eat delicious corn on the cob and listen to various presentations on faith, family and life , from conception to natural death.
7) Life Chain. This is an annual one-hour event, held on the first Sunday of October, in hundreds of locations simultaneously, across North America, combining prayer and peaceful protest.
8) Quebec Life Coalition convention, 2022. Our conventions are the high point of the year when pro-life and pro-family activists arrive from all over Quebec to listen to special guests and exchange views.
9) Our news service on the web and in social networks. If the mass media too often offers news on faith, family and life, which goes in the direction of death, Campagne Québec-Vie offers news from a Christian and pro-life perspective.
10) Our "Enceinte and Inquiète" (Pregnant and worried) service, for pregnant women in difficulty, will continue to help pregnant women in difficulty by referring them to material, medical, psychological and spiritual resources, for the good of the mother and child.
I hope you'll stand with us in 2023. We are counting on your participation and support!
For Life,
This Week's Quebec Pro-Life News
New version of Bill 38 expands euthanasia for those suffering from Alzheimer
Euthanasia could be expanded again for quebecers, this time for those suffering with Alzheimer’s disease.
Montreal police is prohibited from wearing St.Michael’s badge on their uniforms
Montreal police (SPVM) asked their officers to stop wearing St.Michael’s badge on their uniforms while on the job.
La Maison Simons removes their TV ad that promotes euthanasia
The fashion company Simons headquartered in Quebec City that launched a controversial ad in late October 2022 promoting euthanasia has now removed it, after major backlash from the media, according to The Message.
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