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Mobilisation pour la marche pour la vie à Ottawa

(Picture of Carl Anderson Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight)

Canadian bishops on board for National March for Life
Friday, 08 May 2009

Written by David Wang, The Catholic Register,

Views : 142

OTTAWA - This year’s National March for Life to Parliament Hill on May 14 will see an unprecedented number of Catholic bishops taking part.

“It’s a wonderful occasion,” said Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, who has invited other bishops to attend.

Prendergast attended the March for the first time last spring.

“I was delighted with my participation in it,” he said. “I kind of wish I’d come up before.”

Prendergast said that as of April 20, nine bishops had confirmed their attendance: himself, Quebec Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins, Pembroke Bishop Michael Mulhall, London Bishop Ronald Fabbro, Toronto Slovak Bishop John Pazak, Toronto Ukrainian Bishop Stephen Chmilar, Sault Ste-Marie Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe and retired Keewatin-Le Pas Archbishop Peter Sutton.

Prendergast also confirmed that Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson will speak both at Parliament Hill and at the annual Rose Dinner following the March. The other speaker at the dinner will be retired Liberal MP Tom Wappel.

In previous years, only one or two bishops made the trek to Ottawa. What’s changed? This year’s March falls on the 40th anniversary of the Omnibus Bill that legalized abortion. It also follows the appointment last July 1 of abortionist Henry Morgentaler to Canada’s highest civilian award, the Order of Canada.

“I think it was one of many signs of an attempt to marginalize faith from the public domain,” said Prendergast. “I think we say no, it’s important for people to manifest their commitment.

“One of our difficulties is we’re fighting an uphill battle against the media,” he said.

He noted that last year radio announcements in Ottawa were discouraging people from going downtown because of demonstrations, but failed to say that 8,000 people were demonstrating for life. Yet if 150 demonstrate from another group, it makes the front page, he said.

“The mainstream media is tired of this, they think the issue’s gone away; it’s not important,” he said. “It’s still here, folks.”

He said that when you stand up for something and get involved it becomes your issue, just as children find through becoming involved as altar servers, the parish becomes their church and not somebody else’s.

The bishops got on board for the March for Life at last September’s plenary, when St. Catharines’ Bishop James Wingle asked whether the bishops should show up “en masse” to show their support. After much discussion, the bishops’ Permanent Council asked Prendergast to look into how the bishops might participate. This led to the bishops of Ontario and Quebec being invited to take part.

Though many bishops will not be able to attend, he said, pro-life rallies and demonstrations were to take place across the country so bishops might take part in their own area.

Source: http://www.catholicregister.org

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Troublant !

REVEALED: Photographic Evidence of Pro-Abortion Group Funded by Canadian Bishops' Development Arm
Group member confirms to LifeSiteNews that they support abortion on demand and promote the use of contraceptives


By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

NICARAGUA, April 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A representative of a group that is funded by the Canadian bishops' official development arm has admitted in an interview with LifeSiteNews.com that it actively promotes an abortion-on-demand agenda in Nicaragua. The group has worked to block pro-life legislation in the country, demands the legalization of abortion, and supported Obama's decision to revoke the Mexico City Policy. The representative also told LSN that the group promotes and dispenses contraceptives from its "women's health" clinic.

The interview substantiates photos of the group's headquarters, which prominently displays pro-abortion signage, and other documents obtained by LSN and another Canadian pro-life activist.

Recently a traveler to Nicaragua returned with photos of the March 8th Women's Collective, a funded "partner" of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP).

The CCODP (or D&P), which is an arm of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, receives much of its funding from collection drives in parishes held during Lent. Over the last two months LSN has reported that at least 18 groups funded by CCODP are involved in pro-abortion and/or pro-contraception activities. (See all the evidence here: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/apr/09041702.html)

The photos of the March 8th Women's Collective, which were first published by Canadian pro-life and pro-family activist John Pacheco on his Socon or Bust blog, show signs posted within the building advocating the legalization of abortion.

According to Pacheco, the eyewitness who took the photos, whom he has spoken to directly, traveled to Nicaragua earlier this year on a "faith-based education trip." One of the projects that she visited on that trip was that of 8 de Marzo (see original blog post at http://www.socon.ca/or_bust/?p=1596).

Pacheco says his source, who wishes to remain anonymous and whom he calls "Conchita," was taken to an office of 8 de Marzo, which includes a clinic capable of doing gynecological exams. The participants were then given a talk by the director of the clinic, Luz Marina Torres, who stated that 8 de Marzo supports the legalization of abortion in Nicaragua and had been involved in campaigns to prevent the passage of the nation's current pro-life penal code, which punishes all abortions except for those necessary to save the life of the mother.

As Torres spoke, she reportedly stood in front of a large banner which proclaims: "VIOLENCE IS: Requiring a girl to carry a pregnancy. We demand the return of therapeutic abortion" (see photo).

"Conchita" also told Pacheco that two doors at the clinic had signs that read, "I support abortion." A poster she photographed proclaimed that 8 de Marzo's mission is to defend "sexual and reproductive rights," a common euphemism used by pro-abortion groups for abortion and contraception (see photo).

A representative of 8 de Marzo who identified herself only as "Carla" confirmed to LSN in a telephone interview that the organization supports the legalization of abortion on demand and has been involved in the struggle against Nicaragua's pro-life penal code.

"In 2006 you were very involved in the struggle to preserve the legal right to perform an abortion," LSN mentioned, at which point Carla interrupted to say, "therapeutic abortion," and added, "yes, and it was stolen here."

"The March 8th Women's Collective, you would like to make abortion available for any woman who would like to choose an abortion, right?" LSN asked. "Claro," responded Carla in Spanish, meaning "of course," or "clearly."

"Do you distribute contraceptives?" asked LSN. "Yes," responded Carla, "there is a sexual and reproductive health campaign, by means of workshops, information...for young people."

LSN has also learned that 8 de Marzo joined a coalition of groups in 2006, including the pro-abortion "Catholics for the Right to Decide," dedicated to stopping pro-life legislation then under consideration by the Nicaraguan Congress.

The purpose of the coalition, called the Focal Point Feminist Movement (Punto Focal - Movimiento Feminista), and its so-called September 28 Campaign, was to "demand of our governments the effective regulation of abortion where it is recognized legally, and to demand its depenalization in cases in which it is still penalized," according to a bulletin issued by the group in September of 2006 (see original in Spanish, page 1, at http://www.puntos.org.ni/servicios/catalogos/actividadesdoc/...).

According to the bulletin, on the first and second of September of that year, 8 de Marzo was to hold a "workshop" for the members of the group, entitled "Reflecting on Therapeutic Abortion" (p.5). On August 16, it held a meeting for the coalition's members to discuss the September 16 Campaign (p.5). It is listed as a member of the coalition on page 8 of the bulletin.

LSN has also verified that 8 de Marzo signed a letter congratulating Barack Obama for approving US overseas funding for pro-abortion groups.

The letter expresses "deep gratitude for your repeal of the Global Gag Rule." The Mexico City Policy, also called the "Global Gag Rule" by pro-abortion groups, was an executive order signed by Presidents Reagan and Bush Sr. and Jr., that prohibited U.S. funding from going to groups that promote or refer for abortions.

"From our daily work with those most affected, we know that your action will have profound positive effects on the lives of millions of people," continued the letter. "We are hopeful that it heralds a new era of U.S. partnership in global cooperation to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and the advancement of women's sexual and reproductive rights worldwide."

It also states: "We specifically call on you to ... support removal of remaining legal and policy restrictions on U.S. funding for safe, voluntary, legal abortion information and services, including the Helms Amendment," and "restore funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and ensure that officials from your Administration act as a strong voice for women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United Nations and other international arenas and do all in their power to translate international agreements into actions that improve women's lives" (see document in its entirety at http://www.filia-frauenstiftung.de/fileadmin/upload_redakteu...).

According to CCODP's 2006-2011 program for Latin America, 8 de Marzo is receiving an unspecified amount of Canadian dollars from the CCODP for "organizational strengthening," "women's health," and "training and development."

The group is one of many CCODP grant recipients documented by LifeSiteNews and SoCon or Bust over the past two months as pro-abortion and/or pro contraception (for full listing of articles on the subject, see http://www.lifesitenews.com/features/DevelopmentPeace/).

Contact Information:

Contact information for every Canadian bishop

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
2500 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 2J2
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (613) 241-9461
Fax: (613) 241-9048

Source ICI

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*** Le Pape Benoît XVI ****

The Evidence Supports the Pope’s View about Condoms

By Richard Bastien

In spite of all the media hype about Benedict XVI’s statement regarding the AIDS crisis in Africa, there is ample evidence to suggest the Pope has a point. To judge whether this is true or not, one need only look at the facts, first with respect to the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS, and then with respect to other methods of fighting AIDS.

As regards the first point, the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledge that condoms do not provide perfect protection against HIV. While their web site starts out by mentioning that “the most recent meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of condom effectiveness …demonstrates that the consistent use of latex condoms provides a high degree of protection against heterosexual transmission of HIV”, it then goes on to caution that “condom use cannot provide absolute protection against HIV”. More importantly, it says that “the surest way to avoid transmission of HIV is to abstain from sexual intercourse or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and you know is uninfected.”

More specific information about the effectiveness of condoms in the fight against AIDS is provided by organizations supportive of the use of condoms. For example, the Guttmacher Institute, whose mission is “advancing sexual and reproductive health”, did a study on The Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV”. The study concludes that the level of protection from HIV provided by condoms “approximates 87 %, with a range depending upon the incidence among condom nonusers”. It also concludes that “the condom’s efficacy at reducing heterosexual transmission may be comparable to or slightly lower than its effectiveness at preventing pregnancy”. (Family Planning Perspectives, 1999, 31(6):272-279).

In short, using a condom does not provide perfect protection against HIV – it merely reduces the risk. It is like playing Russian roulette with better than usual odds. On June 17, 1987, Dr. Maria Crenshaw, past president of the American Association of Sex Educators stood up before 800 sex-educators at the World Congress of Sexology, in Heidelberg, and asked a revealing question: “If you had available the partner of your dreams, and knew this person carried the HIV virus – would you rely on a condom for protection?” Not a single person raised a hand.

The relative ineffectiveness of condoms in the fight against HIV-AIDS is also attested by experience. Indeed, over the past 20 years, the promotion of behavioral changes has proven much more effective than that of condom use. The director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at Harvard University, Edward C. Green, recently stated that “research has produced no evidence that condom promotion – or indeed any of the range of risk-reduction interventions popular with donors – has had the desired impact on HIV-infection rates at a population level in high-prevalence generalized epidemics.” Professor Green goes on to note that if we are to progress in the fight against AIDS, “we must accept that the evidence is much stronger for fidelity or partner reduction than for any of the standard-package HIV-prevention measures – in Africa at least”. He also mentions that many African countries that have not seen declines in HIV have seen increases in condom use. However – and this is the point that never gets reported -, in every country in which HIV has declined there have been increases in levels of faithfulness and usually abstinence as well. (First Things, April 2008).

Professor Green’s views are consistent with the findings of various learned journals, like Studies in Family Planning which, in its March 2004 issue, admitted that “no clear examples have emerged yet of a country that has turned back a generalized epidemic primarily by means of condom promotion”. The findings published by this journal further indicate that the promotion of condoms has been accompanied in some cases, not by a reduction, but rather by an increase, in the prevalence of HIV/AIDS. The best example in this regard is Cameroun, where annual sales of condoms increased from 6 million in 1992 to 15 million in 2001 – while the prevalence of HIV rose from 3% to 9% of the total population.

James Shelton, of the US Agency for International Development, expresses similar views in the December 2007 edition of The Lancet, one of the world’s best-known medical journals. He mentions that “something is not working” in the fight against AIDS and then goes on to enumerate “ten myths and one truth about generalized HIV epidemics.” One of the myths is that condoms are the solution. “Condoms alone have limited impact in generalized epidemics”, says Shelton. His view is that the priority should be on “the key driver of generalized epidemics – concurrent partnerships”, i.e. the practice of having sex with multiple partners. He advocates programs that enhance partner-limitation behavior – a solution not inconsistent with what the Pope has been advocating.

The foregoing pertains only to the “mechanics” of sexual relations, which suggests that even from the point of view of a crass materialist, the promotion of condoms as a means of fighting against the scourge of AIDS is, at best, questionable. However, for those who still believe that man is endowed with a soul, it may be noted that, to the extent that it removes a disincentive to engage in casual sex, the promotion of condoms contributes to a moral breakdown which can only facilitate the spread of AIDS.

One need not be a pillar of the Church to see that the views expressed by Benedict XVI are eminently reasonable. To dismiss them as “grievously wrong” or as “contrary to the accumulated evidence” reflects an attitude that is based more on ideology than on common sense.

Richard Bastien is the director of the Catholic Civil Rights League for the National Capital Area and a regular contributor to Égards.

Voir aussi:

Canadian Centre for Policy Studies

On the subject of AIDS prevention, the Pope is right



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Développement et Paix et l'avortement

Objet : Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace

March 17, 2009

Archbishop Terrence Prendergast,
Archbishop of Ottawa

Your Grace,

Last week I read a disturbing report about the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace's scandalous activities in funding pro-abortion groups in Mexico. The report claims that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being donated to anti-life, pro-abortion organizations. I have included the full news report here with my correspondence.

As you know, each diocese in Canada collects money on behalf of the CCODP every year. There is a collection envelope during Lent to help fund their activities. This year it is scheduled for this coming Sunday March 29.

For many years, the CCODP has long supported questionable causes, many of which are diametrically opposed to Catholic teaching and the traditional family. Over the years the CCODP has been more interested in promoting social Marxism and social engineering than fulfilling its original mandate of seeking authentic social justice. Personally, I have long since stopped supporting this organization since it is neither Catholic, nor does it seek to foster development or peace. In truth, it sponsors activities and groups which do the exact opposite. I have strongly encouraged family and friends to eschew donations to this group, and I will continue to do so in the future unless some major changes happen within this organization.

This latest revelation, however - while not surprising - represents yet another outrage against the sanctity of human life. What makes this scandal particularly offensive is that the CCODP is taking the sacrificial offerings of unknowing Catholics, who would otherwise be appalled at these revelations, and directing their donations to groups who support the killing of unborn children.

This situation is even more disgraceful considering Ottawa Catholics are heavily involved in the 40 Days for Life Campaign to end the scourge of abortion in Canada. While we are praying, fasting, witnessing and sacrificing here in Ottawa, our money is going to Mexico to kill our brothers and sisters there.

I do not understand why the Catholic bishops continue to support such an organization when it has shown us time and time again that it is more interested in furthering the agenda of the Culture of Death than it is in advancing the Gospel of Life.

This is not merely an isolated event. This theft has been happening for years, and it has not come without a serious cost of credibility to the bishops of Canada. You must understand, your Grace, that this kind of blind support and perhaps even negligent oversight over the initiatives of the CCODP does not enhance the trust or the fidelity a bishop's office deserves.

I can scarcely imagine a more obscene practice which cries out for immediate intervention and correction by the country?s Catholic bishops.

I am therefore asking you to withhold any contributions collected on behalf of the CCODP by the Archdiocese until a full and thorough review is conducted into the beneficiaries of CCODP funding.

If the Archdiocese is seeking a legitimate way to alleviate poverty in the world while still remaining faithful to the Gospel, may I respectfully suggest a Catholic organization like Chalice (chalice.ca) which does the real work of social justice among the less fortunate.

As for the proper disposition on how to clean up the CCODP, I can think of no better illustration than this past Sunday's Gospel reading.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

John Pacheco

Source: Socon.ca

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Victoire de la liberté d'expression à l'Université MCGILL (Montréal)

One small victory for freedom of speech

The GazetteMarch 5, 2009

McGill University's student government has bucked an unfortunate national trend by granting full club status to a student anti-abortion group.

The Student Society's decision to grant recognition to Choose Life is not so much a victory for pro-life forces as it is a victory for free speech and freedom of association, values that seem to be under attack, and poorly defended, on many Canadian campuses - where they should be safest.

Students at the University of British Columbia's Okanagan campus, for example, have denied status to an anti-abortion group, and Carleton University's student leaders are considering a motion to refuse support or space to any group that doesn't support "a woman's right to choose."

But anti-abortion groups aren't the only ones having on-campus problems, which is what makes this fundamentally a free-speech issue. Pro-Israeli students often find their views marginalized as well. It appears to be a lot easier, for example, to organize an "Israel-Apartheid" week, like the current ones at McGill and Concordia, than to get a room and a time for a pro-Israeli speaker.

So the McGill students' decision is a hopeful sign that not all students have bought into the notion that debate should be limited to a very narrow spectrum of "acceptable" opinions. But some of the rhetoric in the society's heated two-hour debate over Choose Life's status illustrated the scope of the challenge to free debate: "There's a lot of legitimacy in calling this group oppressive to women," Councillor Sarah Woolf argued. "SSMU operates under an anti-oppressive environment, and we cannot allow this club to continue."


Pour lire l'article au complet:

Source: © Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette

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Les 40 jours pour la vie commence

40 Days for Life Campaign begins

TORONTO, Feb. 25 /CNW/ - 40 Days for Life is a period of prayer, fasting

and constant vigil organized by Campaign Life Coalition with the goal of

ending abortion. The campaign began in Texas in 2004 and the first Canadian

ventures took place last fall in Ottawa and Halifax. Here in Toronto this

year, it consists of 40 days from February 25 to April 5, 24/7, 960 hours

on-site prayer vigil at 960 Lawrence Avenue West, outside and across from one

of Toronto's abortuaries.

Many people are not aware that the medical facility located at suite 501,

960 Lawrence Avenue West is also an abortuary in operation since 1996. At this

location many innocent human beings, who are peacefully growing and developing

in their mother's wombs are violently killed by abortion. The slaughter has to


We believe our most powerful weapon is prayer and fasting. People

dedicate one-hour time periods at the site to witness and plead to heaven for

the tiny lost lives. We also remember the moms and dads whose lives are never

the same after their abortion experience.

Coordinator for the Toronto's 40 Days for Life campaign is Nicole



For further information: Nicole Campbell, Coordinator, 40 Days for Life

Campaign Toronto, Tel: (416) 204-9749, Fax: (416) 204-1027

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40 jours pour la vie, un moment important

40 Days for Life Canada Begins With Kick Off Rallies and Prayer Services

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and Steve Jalsevac

TORONTO, February 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The 40 Days for Life campaign got off to a successful start across Canada as kick-off rallies and events took place yesterday to prepare for the beginning of the forty days of peaceful vigil and prayer for an end to abortion.

Nicole Campbell, coordinator of the 40 Days for Life Toronto, told LifeSiteNews that over 350 people gathered at St. Charles Borromeo Church for a rally yesterday at 3 p.m. The crowd was addressed by several speakers and encouraged by music provided by a group of musicians who assembled for the occasion.

Angelina Steenstra and two other members of Silent No More Awareness Campaign spoke on the disastrous effect of abortion on the mental and physical well-being of women. The very personal and often heart breaking testimonies of the three women captured total attention and here and there listeners could be seen wiping tears from their eyes.One listener told LifeSiteNews she could hardly breath during the testimonies because she found them so riveting.

Two Toronto based Sisters of Life were present. Sister Monica Faustina shared a moving success story from a previous 40 Days for Life campaign in New York city and spread the Sisters' usual infectious joy and exuberance to the crowd.

Nicole Campbell, spoke on the need to put faith into action by coming out and participating in the silent vigil kept at the abortuary, and of the need of constant prayer support for those keeping vigil and for a conversion of souls to the culture of life. She emphasized that the actions of those who participate in the 40 days for Life are intended to reach out to women with love, both before and after abortion, and to those who come to the abortion centres with them. Conversion, the changing of hearts and minds, as well as saving women and babies from abortion, were emphasized to be the primary goals of 40 Days. She also urged all participants to pray for abortionists and their staff.

Campaign Life Coalition president Jim Hughes gave a brief history of the efforts of CLC to bring 40 Days for Life to Canada, its great success in Ottawa last fall and the expansion of the 40 days to other provinces.

In Ottawa a Vesper service was held at St. Patrick's Basilica yesterday evening as part of a "spiritual launch" of the 40 Days for Life in the nation's capital.

Paul Lauzon, coordinator of 40 Days for Life Ottawa, told LSN that over 250 people attended the service, which was presided over by Archbishop Terence Prendergast, who was accompanied by The Rt. Rev. Carl L. Reid of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada.

In a short homily during the service Archbishop Prendergast spoke of fasting, prayer and personal conversion as the essence of Lent and as being integral to the 40 Days for Life campaign.

One unique initiative of this 40 Days for Life campaign reaches out to those who do not have an official campaign in their city or cannot make it out to the Vigil outside of the local abortion facility. The initiative is a prayer support registry called 40 Days for Life @ 180º

The idea is similar to the one used for recording who will be holding vigil in front of the abortion centre at a particular time. Each participant can register for one or more hours of the available 960 hours of the Campaign, indicating the Church or Group and the City they represent.

The goal is to cover the calendar completely with prayer warriors and is a way of acknowledging the participation of Canadians across the country, from north to south (hence the 180º), who want to participate with their prayers and sacrifices to build unity and momentum and strength for the 40 Days for Life global campaign.

The registration form is available here: http://www.40daysforlife.com/ottawa/index.cfm?load=page&...

All five Canadian cities hosting the campaign will have kick-off rallies to begin the Vigil on Tuesday evening, February 24, near the abortuary where pro-lifers will hold vigil for the 40 days of Lent.

At this time there are still lots of uncommitted hours to be filled and the campaign organizers are encouraging everyone to contact their local 40 Days for Life coordinators:

Ottawa: Paul Lauzon, [email protected] - 613.729.0379

Toronto: Nicole Campbell [email protected] - 416.204.9749

Montreal: Georges Buscemi [email protected] - 519.569.0369

Winnipeg: Maria Slykerman, [email protected] - 204.452.2459

Edmonton: Karen Richert (Edmonton Pro-Life), [email protected] - 780.425.1637

To learn more about the 40 Days for Life Campaign, please visit the website: http://www.40daysforlife.com/ottawa/index.cfm?active=1
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Lancement des 40 jours pour la vie - 24 février a 19h30 / 40 Days for Life Kickoff February 24

Communiqué de Campagne Québec-Vie

****English version below****

Soeurs et frères en Jésus Christ ! Vous êtes invités au lancement des 40 jours pour la vie à Montréal, le: mardi, 24 février, à 19h30, au parc Lahaie, coin St. Joseph et St. Dominique (en face du 30 St. Joseph E., l'adresse de la clinique d'avortement Morgentaler).

Voir la carte: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45.522909,-73.591297&daddr=&hl=fr&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=45.523428,-73.592327&sspn=0.003601,0.009656&ie=UTF8&ll=45.522871,-73.591189&spn=0.003601,0.009656&z=17

Le "40 jours pour la vie" est un évènement oecuménique Chrétien pro-vie.

Pour 40 jours, débutant le 25 février et terminant le 5 avril (le temps du Carême), plus de 130 villes au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Irlande du Nord et en Australie tiendront des vigiles de prière et de jeûne de 40 jours, minimum 12 heures par jour, devant une clinique d'avortement (svp voir www.40daysforlife.com/montreal pour plus de détails) pour la fin de l'avortement. En plus de pouvoir vous inscire à la vigile (pour ce faire, vous n'avez qu'à suivre ce lien:

(http://www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal/ ) comme Chrétien -- laïc, religieux, ou pasteur -- vous êtes invités à prier et jeûner durant ces 40 jours à cette intention cruciale. Finalement, les "40 jours" à Montréal, ainsi que toutes les autres campagnes, lanceront des campagnes de sensibilisation publiques qui comprendront plusieurs activités tels la distribution de circulaires en ville et la rédaction de lettres à l'éditeur, etc. Le mûr de silence qui entoure cet infanticide institutionalisé qu'est l'avortement doit tomber.

Pour ce faire, nous Chrétiens devont nous retourner vers Dieu en sonnant la trompette du salut par la foi en Jésus Christ. Pour trop longtemps notre silence a été perçu comme une approbation; et même il faut l'avouer, le sang des enfants à naître est sur nous, aussi. Donc, il nous faut agir dès aujourd'hui--il nous faut refuser de vivre dans cet Égypte qu'est notre situation politique et sociale contemporaine. Pour dire "oui" à Jésus, il nous faut dire "non" à l'avortement! Nous n'offrons pas toutes les solutions pour rebâtir ce Québec dévasté, mais nous avons, avec Jésus, la pierre angulaire de cet édifice glorieux que pourrait être le Québec renouvellé de demain!

Chrétiens, qui êtes le corps du Christ, venez donc au lancement des "40 jours pour la vie" ce 24 février à 19h30. Il y aura des discours, de la prière avec chandelles, suivi d'une courte procession au couvent Franciscain où se déroulera une session d'inscription à la vigile. Vous aurez aussi la chance d'appuyer financièrement les "40 jours" en achetant de la marchandise, ou en nous demandant comment vous pouvez vous impliquer plus profondément dans l'évangélisation pro-vie ici à Montréal.


POUR S'INSCRIRE À LA VIGILE DES 40 JOURS:www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal

Organisateur Comité organisationnel du 40 JOURS pour la VIE - Montréal
Tél: 514-928-4819

courriel: [email protected]

web: www.40daysforlife.com/montreal


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, You are invited to the kickoff event for the 40 Days for Life in Montreal, on: Tuesday, February 24, at 7:30PM, at the "Parc Lahaie", on the corner of St. Joseph and St. Dominique (across from 30 St. Joseph E., which is the address of the Morgentaler abortion facility).

See map here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45.522909,-73.591297&daddr=&hl=fr&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=45.523428,-73.592327&sspn=0.003601,0.009656&ie=UTF8&ll=45.522871,-73.591189&spn=0.003601,0.009656&z=17

The 40 Days for Life is an international Christian ecumenical pro-life event involving 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion (see http://www.40daysforlife.com/about.cfm ). From February 25 to April 5 (Lent), over 130 cities in Canada, the US, Australia and Northern Ireland will engage in a 40 day, minimum 12 hours per day vigil in front of an abortion clinic to pray and fast for an end to abortion. In addition to enrolling in the vigil proper (which you can do by following this link: http://www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal/ ) as a Christian --lay, religious, or pastors or priest-- you are invited to pray and fast during this Lenten period for this crucial intention. Finally, the Montreal campaign, as well as all the others, will conduct a public awareness campaign through the vigil, of course, but also by means of a street campaign and letter writing, as well as radio and other media announcements. The silence about abortion must end!

We Christians have all been silent collaborators in the culture of death for far too long--so let us proclaim the way of repentence. A cultural renewal can only begin by identifying the wrongs in the way we live and discerning, by praying to Almighty God, the way out of the Egypt that is our political and social reality.

The 40 Days for Life is but a step to cultural and societal renewal in Montreal and the province at large. Let us begin with this small step! So, Body of Christ, come to the kickoff this February 24 at 7:30 pm! There will be some speeches and candle-lit prayer outside, and then we will proceed to the Franciscan convent nearby for a registration session, and some refreshments and food. Here you will have the opportunity to support the 40 Days by registering to the vigil, by buying 40 Days products, or by asking how you can otherwise help this campaign.

Yours in Christ,

SIGN UP HERE FOR THE 40 DAYS VIGIL:www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal

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email: [email protected]
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Le Cardinal Marc Ouellet appuie la marche pour la vie à Ottawa





Breakthrough: Canadian Bishops Give Full Support to National March for Life


2009 March will be 11th year event has taken place - much larger crowd expected


By Thaddeus M. Baklinski




OTTAWA, February 10, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The annual Canadian National March for Life, to be held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 14, has for the first time in 11 years received the full support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB).




A proposal by St. Catharine's Bishop James Wingle at the bishops' annual plenary last September for a mass mobilization of the clergy to attend the March for Life received strong support from Quebec Cardinal Marc Ouellet and Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast. CCCB president Archbishop James Weisgerber of Winnipeg also observed that well over 50 bishops and hundreds of priests attend the National March for Life every January in Washington, DC.




Archbishop Weisgerber said “We want to support it because it is a good thing,” and indicated that he will encourage his brother bishops and the clergy to become involved, “especially people from the region so that the march becomes quite a lot larger.”




Jim Hughes, president of Campaign Life Coalition, which organizes the annual March for Life, was delighted with the news of the bishops' support.




“That’s powerful,” Hughes said. “That’s probably the best news I’ve heard in 2009. It’s always wonderful to have the spiritual leadership and support of the bishops of Canada and we welcome this initiative on their part and we look forward to a long and growing relationship with them.”




Archbishop Weisgerber designated Archbishop Prendergast, who was the first Canadian bishop to attend the March for Life last year, as the coordinator for the bishops' initiative.




The 2009 March for Life, given the sobriquet "Exodus 2009," in recollection of the 40 years Israel spent wandering in the desert before reaching the Promised Land, will mark 40 years since the omnibus bill of Pierre Trudeau which decriminalized abortion in Canada and allowed the destruction of over 3 million lives since the bill came into effect in May 1969.




Mary Ellen Douglas, national coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition, said she was very pleased to hear of the initiative of the bishops.




"I'm delighted that the Bishops are taking a proactive stand to ensure that as many people as possible attend the 2009 March for Life on Parliament Hill," Douglas told LifeSiteNews. "We hope and pray that this 40th year will mark the end of the killing. We've been in the desert of the culture of death for forty years and its time to come to the promised land of the culture of life.




"Neil McCarthy, communications director for the Toronto archdiocese, said his diocese will have a strong presence at the March.




“The March for Life provides an ideal opportunity for the Catholic community to come together in support of life,” McCarthy told the Catholic Register. “Archbishop (Thomas) Collins will be attending this year's march and the Office of Catholic Youth will be organizing buses to Ottawa."




Source: Lifesite
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Les 40 jours pour la vie dans le diocèse de Toronto

Feb 24 -Apr 5

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign that has generated measurable lifesaving results in more than 130 cities where it has been implemented. It has lead to a significant drop in abortions on almost all locations, and in some places such as the State of North Dakota Some to the closing of all abortion clinics.

The 40 Days for Life campaign is made up of three key components: prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach.



February 2nd and 17th – 7:00 p.m. St. Michael's Choir School (66 Bond St. enter under the clock tower):
Learn how you can “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” here in Toronto and to sign up for vigil hours, contact Nicole Campbell at Campaign Life Coalition 416-204-9749 or check out http://www.40dayscanada.blogspot.com/.
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