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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



An excellent pro-life conference for students

We held an excellent pro-life conference for students in Montreal last Saturday. You can read our article about it here, read an interview of one of the guest speakers, here, and see some pictures of the event, here. I would like to thank Kim Headley and Maeve Roche (pictured, below) from Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), Blaise Alleyne from the Canadian Center for Bioethical Reform, Katie Somers from Toronto Right to Life, Mérichel Diaz from the Montreal against abortion, Philippe from the Montreal pro-life group Action Vitale, as well as my colleague Brian Jenkins for their presentations. A special thank you to Joanna for the photos, Mario and Karine for the logistical support as well as all the volunteers and participants. Also, congratulations to our political organizer, Arpad Nagy, for organizing this event.

We are thinking of doing it again in Montreal a little later in the year. Also, if you wish to form a pro-life group in another city in Quebec (I am thinking of Quebec, Sherbrooke, Gatineau, among others) do not hesitate to contact us; we may have the pleasure of organizing such conferences near you!

For Life,

Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition

This Week's Quebec Pro-Life News

A “Students For Life” event organized in Montreal
On January 14th, 2023, Quebec Life Coalition held an afternoon conference for pro-life students at the former Grand seminary of Montreal.

What does it mean to be "pro-life" ? Interview with Maeve Roche from Campaign Life Coalition
"While the term 'pro-life' is often convoluted to convey generality, being pro-life is the desire to afford equal human rights to all human beings, from the moment of conception until natural death. Pro-lifers can summarize their philosophy through this syllogism: it is wrong to kill an innocent human being; abortion kills an innocent human being; therefore, abortion is wrong."

2023 is declared the year of "assisted suicide" by Quebec media
Starting March 2023, patients with mental illness will be able to apply for "MAID" across Canada and changes to bill 38 that are scheduled to take place this year would possibly allow patients with Alzheimer to apply for "MAID" in advance in the province of Quebec.

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  • published this page in News 2023-01-18 14:46:40 -0500