Promoting Life at the Canadian Physicians for Life Conference - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Promoting Life at the Canadian Physicians for Life Conference

Quebec Life Coalition was present at the recent Canadian Physicians for Life conference. Arpad Nagy, Director of Political Operations for QLC, was able to present our organization to various delegates. He also shot a short French-language video with Sophie McGuire, Director of Programs for QLC.

(click to watch the video)

We are currently working on no fewer than 3 training events:

  • Our conference to mark QLC's 35th anniversary (March 2024)
  • A conference shedding light on Hungary's pro-family policies and how the implementation of these policies in a country of 8 million people can be used to help a Quebec population of similar size, but on the verge of demographic extinction due to a lack of babies.
  • A repeat of our Students for Life conferences

There are rumours that a federal election could be called between now and next spring. We need to find as many pro-life candidates as possible to represent their party in the 78 federal ridings in Quebec. Be on the lookout for a targeted e-mail to find out how you can help get a pro-life candidate nominated in your riding.

Finally, I'd like to remind you of the organisation of a demonstration against euthanasia for people with mental health problems. Organised by Dr Paul Saba, the aim of the demonstration is to prevent access to the lethal injection from being extended to people with mental health problems, who are especially vulnerable.

Let's protect people with mental health problems
Gathering on Saturday, November 18, 2023
2pm - 4pm
Parc Place du Canada
Montreal (park next to the Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral)
information : [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]

Yours for Life,

Georges Buscemi

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  • published this page in News 2023-11-02 13:22:58 -0400