Quebec City Joins 40 Days for Life Vigil!
Mark Wednesday, September 28, on your calendars for on this day begins the Fall, 2011 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.
For those of you unfamiliar with the “40 days for Life” concept, this is an INTERNATIONAL movement aimed at ending the practice of abortion. A 40 Days for Life campaign consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting combined with a constant, round-the-clock vigil at an abortion facility and proactive community outreach. The praying and fasting may be done outside abortion facilities or elsewhere where people of faith feel more comfortable to assemble. In either case, the aim is the same: to end this deadly and destructive practice.
First begun in 2004 in College Station, Texas, this forty day vigil has spread like wildfire both across the United States and across the world. For example, this past spring, 2011, there were 247 vigil locations occurring simultaneously in ten countries, with ten vigils in Canada.
These vigils are definitely having an immediate impact. Women in large numbers are deciding not to carry through with an abortion and are deciding to spare the lives of their unborn children. For example, during this past spring, 2011 vigil there were at least 483 reports of babies saved from abortions whereas at the end of fall, 2011, vigil, 541. These represent mothers who would have aborted their children if they had not seen one or more persons praying outside the abortion facility that she was about to enter.
The benefits of the vigil do not end there. For one, many abortion facilities have closed their doors permanently due to the praying that is going outside their doors.
Still another benefit of this continuous 40 days praying is the effect it is having on the hearts of many involved. Over the years, more than a few employees – nurses and staff have decided to resign their positions at these abortion facilities. Not only that but in the Fall 2009, pro-lifers witnessed something incredible; the manager of an abortion facility crossed the life line. Abby Johnston, the manager of the College Station Planned Parenthood, walked out of her office and centre joining pro-lifers in front of her facility after assisting the abortionist in a ultrasound-aided abortion. She relates her experience of having seen the foetus move away from the abortionist instruments during the procedure in a book entitled “UnPlanned.”
Here in Montreal, this will be the sixth edition of our 40-day, 12-hour per day prayer vigil. Quebec Life Coalition president Georges Buscemi began the first vigil in the spring of 2009. He and his stalwart crew braved the cold elements and the apathy within our community to deliver the all-important message to our fellow community members – Abortion kills a Human Being.
This past spring the apathy took a surprising swing. For the better part of the vigil, those praying outside of the Morgentaler facility on St. Joseph Blvd. were shadowed by counter-protesters. These people, varying in number between three and twenty and mostly twenty- somethings and present several hours each day, would promote the prochoice message alongside our own signs and banners.
Yet, our Lord is good in all things. I consider it a blessing to have had these young people there for it is an opportunity for us to witness to them the love of God and to carry the evangelical message of hope and love to them as well as to the motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. As the apostle Paul puts it, the sufferings of this age is nary to be compared to the glory to come. So if we can be witnesses of love and peace to these young folk, not to mention the more audacious and boisterous and belligerent passer-by, it will be counted to our credit and to the credit of the One who is our all.
Lastly, I have been informed that there will be a second vigil occurring in La Belle Province: Quebec City will be undertaking its first vigil. Details remain to be worked out in terms of the site and hours. Stay in tune to our website ( for details.
Be the first to comment.Crossroads walkers coming to Montreal (Aug. 5, 6, and 7)
Get ready to welcome some very special pilgrims. During July and August, we in Eastern Canada have the chance to meet a group of stalwart young adults carrying the pro-life message in a unique manner. Seven men and four women are currently walking across Canada as an oblation for the pro-life cause. Begun at University of British Columbia this past May 21, 2011, they have scaled the Rockies, endured hordes of mosquitoes on the prairies, and have just entered the Canadian Shield at Thunder Bay. Their trek will end in Ottawa on August 12, after travelling through Montreal.
These youth are part of movement called Crossroads, a prolife pilgrimage crossing America and Canada.
Currently there are five occurring – four in the US and one here.
Begun in 1995 south of the border, its founder was responding to Pope John Paul II call to youth to become more involved in the pro-life movement.
These pilgrimages “hope to convert the hearts and minds of others – at the grass-roots level – by witnessing to the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from the moment of conception to natural death.”
The eleven, accompanied by a motorized mobile home, walk in shifts. They walk five at a time for a twelve hour period before taking a break in their mobile home for a snooze.
So 24 hours per day they are walking for the pro-life cause. Along the way they are hosted by various prolife communities along the way. For example, while in Edmonton, the Morris family welcomed them onto their farm. Here they were given a hardy meal and participated in a quite unusual activity - riding a llama.
Their trek inevitably takes on a more sombre note when they pass the different abortion facilities on their journey. Here they get to witness the destructive power of abortion as they kneel and offer their restorative prayers. One such account, again in Edmonton, may be found in their blog entry of June 25, 2011 - Their blog also provides access to numerous photos and descriptions of the journey.
Be the first to comment.QLC Newsletter for July : More D&P, 40 Days for Life in Quebec City
Here in the offices of the Quebec Life Coalition (QLC) we are as busy as ever. We are keeping abreast of current developments both in the prolife field and wherever attacks on our faith and values occur. As you peruse the July newsletter, you’ll see the wide geographical scope of recent events and this is only a sample. So thank you so very much for the continuous generous support you give to this ministry.
Locally we continue to foster the message of Life. For example, during the postal strike as I cycled around different parts of Montreal and Laval delivering the June newsletter, I took the opportunity to stuff non-QLC mailboxes with some extra newsletters to get the message out there.
Also, in addition to visiting pastors at their offices and parishioners both in Laval, N.D.G., and on the south shore, I have continued to keep a prayerful vigil at the Morgentaler facility. On the one hand, I meet with a fellow prayer – Ms. Charlotte L’Heureux, twice a week for a period of public prayer; not a week goes by that we were delightfully joined by a few others.
On the other hand, again a couple of other mornings per week, I move indoors, inside the neighbouring Enfant Jésus church, to join a few more prayer stalwarts after the morning mass for a more private devotion. These prayers and sacrifices all contribute to combating the cultural war.
Lest we forget that there is a cultural war going on. The late Holy Father, John Paul II coined the expression Culture of Death. American philosopher Peter Kreeft develops the theme in an article entitled How to Win the Cultural War he argues that to be fully prepared and armed for this battle, we need become holy and loving.
Yet how does one become holy and loving? Is there a method?
No. There is none. No prayers, no meditations, no 12-steps programs, no yogas, no psychological techniques, no techniques at all. There can be no button to push for sanctity, any more than for love. For sanctity is simply love: loving God with all your soul and mind and strength.
How do you love? You just do it. A cause cannot produce an effect greater than itself. And nothing in the world is greater than sanctity, nothing greater than love. Therefore, no cause, no human cause, can produce sanctity. There can never be any technology for sanctity.
One such area where we can act in a holy and loving manner is in regards to our response to the on- going turmoil at Development in Peace. D&P is not the only way to bring Christ’s message of love to those in need. There are alternatives. Here are three that focus on doing corporal works of mercy.
1. Chalice
Active on four continents, President Fr. Patrick Cosgrove writes about the work done by this organization particularly in Haiti following the earthquake of 2010. Regarding the latter, activities include general emergency relief – food and support, construction, and education. Elsewhere he refers to providing medi- cal help in Kenya. Finally I sense that there is an onus on helping children and that projects undertaken ha- ven been completed.
2. Mary Mother of the Poor
The home page for MMP clearly spells out both its Mission and Objectives. Respectively, these are ―to seek holiness in evangelizing & working with the poor through the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary‖ and ―to Relieve Poverty; To Coordinate Health & Social Services; To Advance & Teach Catholic Tenets; and To Help Youth Develop Their Talent.
3. Catholic Near East Welfare Association - CNEWA is a papal agency for humanitarian and pastoral support, providing support for those in need in the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India, and Eastern Europe for more than 75 years.
Again, we will see if D&P and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops will effect some change. Thank you for your continued support.
Click here for the QLC July 2011 Newsletter >>
Be the first to comment.Gaining the Whole World at the Cost of Your Soul: The Lesson of Abram and Lot
I hope you enjoy the following blog as much as I did. I found it earlier in the day at "Shameless Popery," an entry written by Joe Heschmeyer.
There are two points I particularly liked. The first is that wealth can be a source of division within families; by wealth, I'm thinking of the wide definition - i.e., not solely of material wealth but also personal talents, time, leisure and the like. Second, the author does a good job at pointing out how parents prioritorize certain categories over others thereby adversely affecting the fate of their children; he cites educational prestige trumping moral environment. Finally, Hechmeyer's references to Scriptures reinforce my belief about its timeless wisdom. Enjoy:
Yesterday's First Reading was from Genesis 13:2, 5-18:
Now Abram was very rich in livestock, silver, and gold. [...] Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents, so that the land could not support them if they stayed together; their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together.There were quarrels between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and those of Lot's. (At this time the Canaanites and the Perizzites were occupying the land.) So Abram said to Lot: "Let there be no strife between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are kinsmen. Is not the whole land at your disposal? Please separate from me. If you prefer the left, I will go to the right; if you prefer the right, I will go to the left."Lot looked about and saw how well watered the whole Jordan Plain was as far as Zoar, like the LORD'S own garden, or like Egypt. (This was before the LORD had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) Lot, therefore, chose for himself the whole Jordan Plain and set out eastward. Thus they separated from each other; Abram stayed in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled among the cities of the Plain, pitching his tents near Sodom. Now the inhabitants of Sodom were very wicked in the sins they committed against the LORD.After Lot had left, the LORD said to Abram: "Look about you, and from where you are, gaze to the north and south, east and west; all the land that you see I will give to you and your descendants forever. I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth; if anyone could count the dust of the earth, your descendants too might be counted. Set forth and walk about in the land, through its length and breadth, for to you I will give it." Abram moved his tents and went on to settle near the terebinth of Mamre, which is at Hebron. There he built an altar to the LORD.
Some time ago, I heard a great homily preached on one line of this passage: "their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together." There's so much which can be mined from that punchy little statement. The wealth and possessions which we're told will bring us happiness divided the family of Abram and Lot. It lead to their herdsmen in-fighting, and it ultimately resulted in them separating. Again and again, we see this happen, that those things which we expect will make us happy just tear us away from those we love.
But there's something else which the priest yesterday pointed out. Lot wants the best for his family, and he's unashamed to take what he believes is the better half, as a result. But look at the factors Lot considers when deciding which half of the land to take:"Lot looked about and saw how well watered the whole Jordan Plain was as far as Zoar, like the LORD'S own garden, or like Egypt." He then proceeds to settle near Sodom, despite the fact that "the inhabitants of Sodom were very wicked in the sins they committed against the LORD." He's so caught up with making sure his family is taken care of financially that he's not looking after their immortal souls.
Father mentioned that we often do this today, particularly with education. We want the best for our families, so parents will save up to send their kids to the most expensive and academically prestigious schools they can find, or they'll encourage their kids to attend a top-rated school. But while imaging their kids as wealthy and successful, they too often don't give enough consideration to whether those kids will be strong Catholics. I know that St. Mary's in Alexandria particularly has this problem, since many of the kids are from pretty wealthy families, who have high ambitions for their kids. One consequence is that the kids in these families are so busy with sports and other extracurricular activities to bolster their college resumes that the parish has been unsuccessful in getting a high school youth group going . They've tried both before and after school, but nothing seems to work.
It's worth remembering how this plays out for Lot's family. They settle in to Sodom, and Lot's daughters marry two of the locals. But were it not for his uncle's constant intervention on his behalf, Lot and his family would have been killed numerous times: first by the neighboring tribes (Genesis 14), then by the wicked men of Sodom themselves (Genesis 19:1-9), and finally by the wrath of God raining down fire and brimstone upon that town (Genesis 18:16-33; Genesis 19:23-25). As it is, Lot still loses his wife, when she looks back (Gen. 19:26), as well as his two faithless sons-in-law (Genesis 19:14). Their attachment to what they mistook as the good life devastates the very family Lot is trying to protect, and but for the grace of God, they would all have been dead.
Jesus remarks on this desire to put financial security above everything, including the spiritual formation of our families: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mt. 16:26). Instead, He offers a superior way: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Mt. 6:33).
Abraham is wealthy, but he isn't married to his wealth. He willingly, even voluntarily, takes the seemingly-worse half of the land. But he makes it the better share, because what's the first thing he does? Upon arriving at his new home, "he built an altar to the LORD." Abraham seeks God first and prospers. Lot misses the big picture, and is barely saved.
Be the first to comment.Horror! Mom Kills Son in Womb to Spare Him Any Pain
I came across the following post earlier in the day from the site entitled "The Creative Minority Report". I reproduce it below. I include it because I find it a well articulated and sensitive presentation of a grave topic in our society - the unjust fate of un-borns children having some form of imperfection, such as trisomic 21 - i.e., Down's syndrome, or spina bifida. Regarding the former, I have read that 90% to 95% are aborted. The article concerns the latter condition.
What is striking about this article, and this eerily echoes what I have heard both by to the girls heading into abortion facilities and by the facility's workers, is the prescient knowledge of the fate of the unborn. There is the presumption that the life of the unborn will be one of misery. Little weight is attributed to unknown possibilities of life. The followingis the article in its entirety. - Brian J.
Chelsea Zimmerman is guest posting here once a week for the next few weeks. We're glad to have her. She typically writes at Reflections of a Paralytic - which is a great blog that you should bookmark or follow or favorite or whatever it is you do to. Just read her. Here she is:
And here's her excellent post:
After the accident that left me paralyzed from the chest down, my first roommate in rehab was a young woman with spina bifida, a birth defect that involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord or its coverings, usually leaving the individual unable to walk unaided. She was the happiest, most full of life girl I’ve ever met and her love for life influenced me greatly, helping me more easily adjust to life with a major disability.
I’ve lost touch with her over the years, but she and her infectious laughter were clear in my mind as I read with great sadness this column by “Sara Carpenter” (a pseudonym) in the UK Daily Mail about the decision she made to kill her unborn child after it was determined that he would be born with spina bifida. It’s not that it was news to me that children pre-natally diagnosed with various diseases and disabilities are killed in untero. But the description she gave of how she pictured her son’s life with a disability cut me to the core:
"I pictured him watching from the sofa, frustrated and immobile, as his sisters turned cartwheels and somersaults in the living room. I envisaged trips to the park, where he would sit on the sidelines as other children clambered over climbing frames and kicked footballs. … “I tried to shake away the image I conjured in my head of a little boy, lonely and friendless, robbed of the most basic human functions. The prospect of watching a child I’d love just as much as his sisters suffer in this way made me howl. I hugged my stomach, as if I could in some way shield him from the misery that lay ahead.”
What is even more upsetting about her account is that Sara and her husband both acknowledged that they were in fact killing their son – not vaguely “terminating a pregnancy.” They named him, held him after he was delivered via induced labor abortion and gave him a proper burial. Sara even talks about the abortion being, “completely at odds with my instincts as a mother.” And yet she did it and she justified it because she thought she was sparing him the awful life she was so sure he would have.
But why was she so sure of this? Who says that disabled children have such miserable lives? Certainly not the children themselves! In fact, researchers at Newcastle University recently applied standard self-assessment techniques used to appraise children’s levels of happiness to 500 young people with cerebral palsy. The results demonstrated that “Disabled children in the North of England have the same range of happiness and unhappiness as all children.” As they grow up and develop their sense of self, “they see their disabilities as part as who they are…(and) they perceived their position in life no differently as their friends in the general population.” The same can be said of children with other disabilities, including spina bifida. I dare anyone to listen to this laugh and tell me that that child is not happy to be alive.
So what is the problem?
The problem is that by and large non-disabled people simply disagree with this. They instinctively judge the lives of these children through able-bodied eyes and only see tragedy. Going back to the Newcastle study, even many parents who have chosen to love and care for their disabled child scored their children’s quality of life much lower than the children themselves. And, so many, many parents like the Carpenters conclude that the only loving thing to do is end their handicapped child’s life in the womb and spare them the suffering.
I have no doubt that the decision to abort is every bit as agonizing as Carpenter describes in her piece. However the parents and those advising them in these cases are confusing love with pity which often stems from a kind of selfish empathy. One sees a child in a wheelchair and thinks that he would rather be dead than have to live in such a situation himself, so he decides that it is much more merciful to never allow a child like that to be born. These people are so blinded by fear of the “otherness” of such conditions that they cannot see what is still good and beautiful. What’s more, in many ways, they are trying to save themselves from the emotional stress of having to care for someone suffering so terribly as much as they are trying to save the child from his own suffering, if not more so.
Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, including children with disabilities, and the reality is that most of them will enjoy their lives immensely…if they’re given the opportunity. Sure, sick and disabled people must endure sometimes tragic suffering, but the value and meaning of our lives are no way diminished by some physical limitations. Even in the midst of the pain and adversity that come with disease and disability, there is still quite a lot to enjoy about life. You just have to be willing to see it.
Be the first to comment.Crisis at Development & Peace - Recents Events
Over the past month, there has been a plethora of articles concerning the funding of abortion-promoting organisations by the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace - a.k.a., CCODP or D&P.
In an effort to keep you abreast of these events, we present a few of these in chronological order, beginning with the most recent and working our way backward.
This Week:
- The most recent comes from Father Raymond J. de Souza, pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary Parish on Wolfe Island, and chaplain at Newman House at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. and regular contributor to the National Post. His article appeared in yesterday's BC Catholic, the diocesan newspaper of the Vancouver archdiocese, and is entitled "CCODP pro-life commitment flounders in foreign countries".
- The latter story was covered by LifeSiteNews in an article entitled: "A prominent priest’s stinging critique of Development & Peace". By going to this site, scores of other stories on this subject may be accessed.
Last Week:
- There were several developments last week which followed one another. First, CCODP announced that they were pulling funding from one of its partner agencies. Second, the head of this agency, a Jesuit priest, announced his resignation - "Fr. Arriaga, leader of pro-abortion D&P grant recipient, leaves office following scandal". Third, the Jesuit communities in Canada and Mexico rallied in support of their brother Jesuit in "Jesuit leadership defends pro-abortion organization denounced by Mexican cardinal."
- Also, the daily LeDevoir presented an op-ed article entitled "Crise à Développement et Paix - Tutelle des évêques sur l'organisme laïque d'aide internationale"
- Finally, the archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, asserts that Mexican D&P partner the PRODH centre (the very centre defended by the Jesuit leadership only a few days before) promotes an ideology that is "against unborn life."
Week of May 22, 2011
The week before - May 22-27, the papal organization which oversees the national foreign aid catholic organizations such as D&P - Caritas Internationalis, met in Rome. This was their 19th World Congress. Here are a few of the stories that came from it:
- "Caritas: the practice of Love by the Church as a 'Community of Love' "
- "Catholic charitable works cannot preclude evangelisation: top Vatican Justice and Peace official"
- "Pope : Vatican must ensure Caritas charity groups are “completely in accord” with Magisterium"
Finally independent bloggers have also taken an interest in these proceedings.Two bloggers have combined their work on the English blog Social Conservatives United, while a francophone site that focuses upon the Church in Quebec has not ignored the current kurfuffle at D&P - Crayon et Goupillon.
Be the first to comment.National March for Life - Ottawa, 2011
This past Thursday, May 12, 2011, I led a small group of faithful pro-lifers to Ottawa to participate in the National March for Life. It was a full day and add some, for we only got back at around 2 AM Friday morning. 24 plus hours later, I can now say that I feel recovered from the exercise. Despite the soreness from the long hours of standing, I am glad to have gone and look forward to participating again next year.
The day began with an early departure for we wanted to arrive in Ottawa for the 10 AM mass at the Notre Dame Cathedral. This meant leaving Central Station at about 7:30 AM and rendez-vous'ing with a second group awaiting us in the west-island, at Fairview Shopping Centre. We weren't disappointed by the early departure for we arrived at the cathedral some ten minutes before mass time. Further, several of us - Donald Kondusky, Johan Distler, and myself, were fortunate to have reserved seats waiting for us; the Knights of Columbus had several cancellations and one invited three of us to join their ranks. Lucky break!
The mass was presided over my Archbishop Pendergast of Ottawa along with several of his bishop brothers. Once over, we proceeded to Parliament Hill for the opening ceremony. On the way, Charlotte L'Heureux, Jack Coyne, Marcel Givogue, and myself, took a short cut through Major Hill park and while there paused to eye the tulips and eat our lunch. Charlotte and I tested the delicacies at one of the finer greasy spoons. I wolfed down the fries and chicken pita.
Finally we arrived on the hill as the speeches were being made. I don't know if it was because of the beautiful sunshine and the cool breeze, but the turnout was large. Later that day I heard that the crowd was estimated at 15 000 people, that is 3000 more than last year.
This year's theme was "Abortion Kills a Human Being." Our own Georges Buscemi, Quebec Life Coalition president, was interviewed by the French side of the CBC; his interview made be found at:
Eventually, when all was said, we proceeded to walk through the streets of Ottawa, led by many banners and the Knights in full regalia. The walk proceeded up Wellington to Elgin, passing along its way both the cenatath and the human rights monument. At this point our path crossed a large group of protesters and what appeared to be a jostling exercice began; the youth in both camps attempted to outshout the other with their various slogans. Call be bias but I think our own won out. We snaked through the streets to Bank street and back to Wellington and the hill. Our own Irene Camilli appears here. The afternoon on the hill ended with several members of "Silent No More Awareness Campaign" giving personal testimonies of how abortion had affected their lives and an orthodox prayer service.
Here are some pictures of the day :
Be the first to comment.Coerced Abortions & The Elliot Institute
As the 40 Days for Life Prayer vigil was approaching its end, we received an urgent request. One of the vigilers asked for prayers for a young woman who was being pressured to abort. Seemingly, this young woman's parents and boy-friend were insisting that she end the life of her unborn child. Deeply troubled, she confided to a work mate.
Being on the mailing list of the Elliot Institude, I eerily experienced first-hand what I had frequently read from this post-abortion service. Its web site is aptly identified:
The Elliot Institute actively documents cases of forced abortions. Since 1988, it has compiled an impressive bibliography of original research. Further, it has used these studies to educate and advocate for women, men, children and families hurt by abortion. For example, a sample of its peer-reviewed research includes articles, leaflets, and books such as:
- Abortion Linked to Preterm Birth, But Why Aren't Women Being Told?
- More Than 30 Studies in Last Five Years show Negative Impact of Abortion on Women's Mental Health (11/16/10)
- Researchers Say Study Claiming Abortion Not Linked to Teen Depression is Falwed (10/11/11)
These and other of their researching findings make their way into their education work via flyers and fact-sheets. One flyer set for mother's day reads:
whereas a fact-sheet includes the following statistics:
- 64% of abortions involve coercion
- 84% were not fully informed
- 52% felt rushed and 54% uncertain beforehand, yet ...
- 67% received no counseling,
- 79% were not informed about alternatives.
The Elliot Institute also notes that too often coercion can escalate to violence. A recent posting of theirs bears this out - "Ohio Man Pleads guilty to Attempting to Force Girlfriend into Abortion Clinic at Gunpoint." Recent incidents in Newfoundland and in western Canada have shown such that such violence also occurs here in Canada.
Their advocacy has included participation in the ad hoc Committee of Women Pregnant Through Sexual Assault and in the drafting of laws targeting women coerced, forced, or pressured into abortion by those around them.
In sum, the Elliot Institute is a valuable on-line resource for all persons involved in the pro-life cause.
Returning to the young lady to whom I alluded to earlier, I commend her to your prayers. Though I'm told she has fortunately not gone through with an abortion, yet, as the Elliot Institute has shown, the mother's womb is not safe place for the unborn at any time during its time there.
Be the first to comment.Quebec Life Coalition presents "Coins for Life"
The Quebec-Life Coalition is proud to present its "Coins for Life" campaign. Available to both individuals and church communities, this handsome presentation not only attempts to raise much needed funding for our various projects but also spread the pro-life message.
Our primary target is faith based communities. By promoting "Coins for Life", Churches assert their support for the long standing Christian tradition of coming to the aid of the weaker members of our society. Boxes may be distributed after the service and then brought home.
Once in the home, individuals can periodically insert their loose change. When filled, these handsomely decorated laminated boxes, covered with pictures and information pertinent to the unborn, are returned to the church. There, a representative from the Quebec Life Coalition will come by to pick them up.
In additon to its use as a fund raising tool, the "Coins for Life" box has a two-fold educational component. First, discretly placed within the home, or at the office, its colored images of the unborn at varying stages of its development are eye catchers, stirring wonder in the beholder. This will draw the viewer to examine it more closely and present him or her with the second, though starker, educational aspect: the most recent abortion statistics in Quebec.
Finally, the "Coins for Life" campaign is an ideal way to foster a Culture of Life in Quebec. A side panel of the box specifies the mandate of the Quebec Life Coalition and the bottom facet encourages the recipients to place their names and addresses thereon so as to participate with us in this all important campaign of fostering life. Subsequently, we will mail them our monthly newsletter so that they remain informed of not only our projects but also of the latest news in the pro-life movement, within and outside Quebec.
Each image shown below represents one of the facets of the box. Simply click on one of the images in order to enlarge it; though the French version of the box is shown below, English boxes are now available.
Further information about this campaign or to get your own "Coins for Life" box, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Be the first to comment.Precious Feet
An important educational tool I have come across for the Pro-Life cause bears the simple title "Precious Feet". For those of you unfamiliar with it, it consists of label pin in the shape and size of a 10-week old unborn child. Unlike the fetal model I walk around with in my pocket, the "Precious Feet" pin remains in plain view wherever I go for all to see.
Further, the pin comes with an explanatory guide, well referenced, documenting keys moments in fetal development from conception through to delivery. I reproduce below a good portion of this leaflet, including the history of the two people responsible most for their its coming to be - Dr. Russell Sacco and Mrs. Virginia Evers
The "Precious Feet" label pin may be purchased from its distributor Heritage House -
Precious Feet*
The Exact Size and Shape of a 10-Week Unborn Baby's Feet
At no time in your life does more growth and change occur than in the first nine months before birth. Here are the amazing milestones of that time in your life:
1st Day: Conception: Of the 200,000,000 sperm that try to penetrate the mother's egg cell, only one succeeds.1 At that very moment, a new and unique individual is formed. All of the inherited features of this new person are already set - whether it's a boy or girl, the color of the eyes, the color of the hair, the dimples of the cheeks and the cleft of the chin. (Size of baby = .005 in.)
18-20 Days: The foundations of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are laid.2a (Size of baby = .008 in.)
21 Days: The heart begins to beat, unsurely at first, gaining strength day by day. The heart beats 70 times per minute at first, reaching a maximum of 170-190 at seven weeks, and slowing a bit to 160-180 at 9 weeks.4a (Size when the heart first beats is 0.03 in.) A day later the eyes begin to develop. The earliest stages of the ears are now present.2b
28-32 days: Two tiny arms make their appearance and budding legs follow two days later.3a The beginnings of the mouth take shape.4b The nose starts to develop.3b Blood flows in the baby's veins but stays separate from the mother's blood. The tongue now begins to form. The face now makes its first appearance.4c
42 Days: The brain is now divided into 3 parts - one to experience emotion and understand language, one for hearing and one for seeing.5a Joints begin to form.3c Mother now misses her second period.
44 Days: Facial muscles develop.4d Eyelids begin to form, protecting the developing eyes.3d Elbows take shape. Internal organs are present, but immature. 99% of muscles are present; each with its own nerve supply.5b Electrical activity is detectable in the brain.4e
7 Weeks: Spontaneous movement begins. The baby begins to develop a whole collection of moves over 4 weeks including hiccupping, frowning, squinting, furrowing the brow, pursing the lips, moving individual arms and legs, head tuming, touching the face, breathing (without air), stretching, opening the mouth, yawning, and sucking.2c
8 Weeks: The baby is now well-proportioned, about the size of a thumb. Every organ is present. The liver is making blood, the kidneys function, and the heart beats steadily. The skull, elbows, and knees are forming. Of the 4500 structures in the adult body, 4000 are already present.5c The skeleton of the arms and legs and the spine begins to stiffen as bone cells are added.3e
10 Weeks: The number of connections between nerves and muscles has tripled since last week.5d
12 Weeks: The baby swallows and responds to skin stimulation.6
4 Months: The child can grasp with hands, make a fist, swim, and turn somersaults.7 7 months: Eyelids open and close, eyes look around.2d Hands grip strongly. Mother's voice can be heard and recognized. 9 months: The child triggers labor and birth occurs, an average of 264-270 days after conception.2e Not until the baby has gone through all these events on the inside do we see the new child on the outside...
Around 1970, physician Dr. Russell Sacco became aware of the highly developed human characteristics of the pre-born infants. His striking photo of the perfectly formed feet of a 10-week born child was published world-wide. In 1974, it inspired Mrs. Virginia Evers to create the "Precious Feet" lapel pin, identical in size and shape to an unborn baby's feet at just 10 weeks after conception. They are used by literary millions of people world-wide to demonstrate the humanity of the unborn.
*. "Precious Feet" ©1979 Heritage House '76, Inc., 1-800-858-3040.
1. "Life Before Birth," Life Magazine, Apr. 30, 1965, p. 13.
2. Carlson, B., Human Embryology & Developmental Biology. Toronto: Mosby Publication, 3rd edition, 2004, a: p. 97, b: 292, 308, c: 483, 484, d: 305, e: 88-92.
3. Moore, K. and Persaud, T., The Developing Human, Clinically Oriented Embryology, 6th Edition, Philadelphia: W.B. Sanders, 1998, a: 435-437, b: 236-243, c: 408-411, d: 502, e: 409-414.
4. O'Rahilly, R. and Muller, F., Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd Edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2001, a: p. 183, b: 235-236, c: 346-348, 183, 236, 107, d: 238, e: 428.
5. Tsiaras, A. and Werth, B., From Conception to Birth, a Life Unfolds, New York: Doubleday, 2002, a: p. 102, 114, 118, b: 140, c: 178, 183, 185, d: 206.
6. Valman, H. and Pearson, J., "What the foetus feels", British Medical Journal, January 26, 1980.
7. (pending)
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