Bold political leadership can roll back the culture of death - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Bold political leadership can roll back the culture of death

Here’s a quick rundown of the key pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith initiatives we’re bringing you this week, thanks to our team and supporters:

  • Pro-Life Mini-Conference for Young Adults – On February 8, 2025, at 3PM we’re hosting a pro-life conference at our Montreal office with Philippe Letellier-Martel and Arpad Nagy, covering pro-life apologetics and political engagement. (in French)
  • Screening of Roe Canada – Join us for a private screening of this crucial documentary on abortion in Canada, on February 5 (English). RSVP here: English screening.
  • 40 Days for Life & 365 Vigil – Our 40 Days for Life prayer vigil runs from March 5 to April 13 in Montreal, while our 365 Vigil continues year-round, ensuring a constant pro-life presence outside abortion facilities. Contact Brian Jenkins for details (438) 930-8643.
  • Pregnant and Worried? – Our outreach continues to support women in crisis pregnancies with real help. Call 1-855-871-4442 for help.
  • ThéoVox & Pro-Life News – I recently appeared on ThéoVox News to expose the dangers of radical progressive ideology in Quebec schools. Meanwhile, my colleague Augustin Hamilton just reported that—for the first time in Quebec history—deaths now outnumber births.

Finally, I can’t close this email without highlighting the major pro-life victories accomplished in record time under the Trump administration. These prove that bold political leadership can roll back the culture of death:

Thank you for standing with us. I hope you can take part in some of our upcoming events and help us advance faith, family, and life in Quebec and in the rest of Canada!

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

The 40 Days for Life

The 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, an international initiative to end abortion, is being held again this spring in Montreal, from March 5, 2025 to April 13. For 40 days, from 7am to 7pm, the vigil will be held at the intersection of Berri and Sainte-Catherine.

Contact: Brian Jenkins (438) 930-8643

Roe Canada Screening at QLC offices.

In the coming weeks, we will be organizing our first private viewings of Roe Canada at our QLC offices. We invite you, our dear supporter, to join us for the English screening on February 5, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. Please confirm your presence by registering here (English screening).

Roe Canada is a documentary on the state of abortion in Canada. It is produced by Dunn Media in collaboration with Campaign Life Coalition. Quebec Life Coalition contributed to the production of the French version.

If you prefer to view the documentary in the comfort of your home, you can rent it through the website here.

Vigil 365

The Vigil 365 is a prayer vigil where, every day for one or two hours, pro-lifers pray in a public place at a certain distance from an abortuary for the end of abortion.

For more information, contact Brian Jenkins on (438) 930-8643.

Please do what you can to help us build a Culture of Life in Quebec and beyond. We also appreciate your donations, and thank all who give.

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  • published this page in News 2025-01-30 08:39:53 -0500