We'll hold our heads up high - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



We'll hold our heads up high

Last Thursday, I was on the TheoVox podcast to discuss (in French) the recent constitutionalization of abortion in France. France is the first country to take this particular step towards the abyss: it enshrined a so-called "freedom" of abortion in its constitution. This means that, in this country, the law is not truly respected, for to call the act of killing an innocent human being in the womb a "freedom" (or "negative right", that is, a right not to be prevented from committing abortion) is to completely invert good and evil: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitterness into sweetness and sweetness into bitterness!" (Isaiah 5:20).

What will pro-lifers in Quebec, heavily influenced by what goes on in France, do to prove ourselves worthy of this moment in history? We'll hold our heads high, and we'll March !

We're organizing Quebec's First March pour Life this June 1st.

We'll March :

  • to "jump-start" those of our fellow citizens who are unaware of the tragedy of abortion;
  • to live our faith with integrity, in private and in the public square;
  • to demonstrate to our fellow citizens -- through our families and our joy -- that there is an alternative to the culture of death;
  • To show Quebec women that their best allies are pro-life Christian men and women;
  • To take our rightful place in the public forum and influence decision-makers and all our fellow citizens;
  • To prepare for action (political, educational, charitable) on other days of the year;

We will march annually, to act as the heartbeat of a restoration of our society. In the U.S., it took nearly 50 years for the March for Life in Washington DC, founded in 1974, to bear fruit in 2022, the pivotal year when Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which in 1973 imposed abortion on all 50 states, was overturned.

Our Lenten and Easter fundraising campaign kicks off today. The theme of our campaign is that of our March: "I Love Life". We need your help to finance this March and our other actions.

Please contribute generously. Our goal is to raise $15,000 by April 3.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

40 Days for Life -- Montreal

Montreal's 40 Days for Life is underway until March 24. My colleague Brian Jenkins, with the help of faithful volunteers, is ensuring a 12 hours a day  (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) presence for 40 days in front of a "health" center where unborn children are being killed. Come and pray outside an abortion center for unborn children and their mothers ==> https://www.40joursmontreal.org/participer

Our articles of the week :

Macron celebrates constitutional "right" to abortion at unprecedented ceremony in Paris
For the first time in France's history, a public ceremony was held on Friday to solemnize the inclusion of a new amendment in the Constitution.

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  • published this page in News 2024-03-15 16:39:54 -0400