This trip will pay off for our movement - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



This trip will pay off for our movement

Last Thursday I traveled to the United States for the March for Life in Washington D.C. In the company of Jean-François Denis and his wife Nancy, hosts of the alternative Quebec media Théovox, I watched with keen interest as this annual March for Life unfolded, where, by my estimate, nearly 100,000 people gathered this year to defend the unborn child.

Our main goal was to study the organization and progress of the March, so we could better organize our own Quebec March for Life, which this year will take place in Quebec City on Saturday, June 1. Mark your calendars now for June 1!

Quebec City March for Life

A historic first

Saturday, June 1, in front of the National Assembly (Fontaine de Tourny)

Gathering from 11am

Speeches at 12pm

March through the streets of Quebec City 1pm

We filmed interviews and took lots of footage from the March on Washington, which you can see by following the link:

Also, we took time to plan certain elements of our future Walk as well as its promotion in the coming weeks. In short, we spent days filled with good memories and very useful exchanges.

Also in Washington, I spent several hours with a group of documentary filmmakers whose director, Léa Claremont-Dion, is a mother of two children and a postdoctoral research associate at Concordia University. Her documentary, filmed on behalf of Télé-Québec and scheduled for release in fall 2024, will focus on the effect, in Quebec and Canada, of the Dobbs decision, the 2022 decision of the Supreme Court of the United States which affirms that abortion is not a right and which now allows each state of the United States to legislate as it sees fit on the matter.

We spent over an hour interviewing and the team followed me through the streets of Washington D.C. and to my hotel. Knowing that Mrs. Claremont-Dion was a doctoral student and had a keen interest in philosophy and issues of social justice, I gave her as a gift the book The Last Superstition, translated in French by Quebec Life Coalition. Suspecting that she would rather be in favor of the legalization of abortion, I hope that our interview as well as the reading of this masterful and enlightening book on several points will give her something to question some of her convictions.

Campagne Québec-Vie's 35th anniversary dinner

Celebrating 35 years ! Since 1989, Quebec Life Coalition has been fighting for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death. Come celebrate with our pro-life family, in all simplicity: we'll be holding our 35th anniversary dinner on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Saint-Ambroise church hall in Montreal (side door on rue de Normandville, church located at 1215 rue Beaubien E, Montreal, QC H2S 1T8) with none other than Campaign Life Coalition president Jeff Gunnarson and myself, QLC president Georges Buscemi and Dr. Paul Saba, this year's recipient of the Gilles Grondin award for outstanding Quebec pro-life activist. For tickets (30$) call us at 1-855-996-2686.

Reminder: Students for Life -- this Friday, January 26!

A Students for Life event organized by Quebec Life Campaign will be held at our offices (3330 rue Rivier, Montreal, H1W3Z9) on Friday, January 26, featuring Brian Jenkins, head of our Pregnancy Help division "Enceinte et inquiète", Johanne De Verteuil, who also does pregnancy help in the Drummondville area, as well as Blaise Alleyne of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform and Katie Somers of Toronto Right to Life. The event starts at 5 p.m. Pizza will be served. A nominal fee to offset costs will be appreciated.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President of Quebec Life Coalition

This week's featured article:

Large turnout at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Tens of thousands of pro-lifers marched in the U.S. nation's capital for the 51st annual March for Life, and time-lapse videos now show the impressive size of the turnout.

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  • published this page in News 2024-01-24 16:47:18 -0500