The actions we undertake for faith, family and life in Quebec - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



The actions we undertake for faith, family and life in Quebec

I give thanks to God for all the work we've been doing lately on behalf of faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.

There's of course our participation in the fantastic child protection marches across Canada; the good fruits of these exceptional marches are still being harvested!

At the beginning of the month, we were also in Quebec City at the Conservative Party convention, where we were able to put forward a number of pro-family policies that will now have to inform the party's decision-makers on how to proceed in the next election.

The Conservative Party convention also saw the publication of a new French-language anti-abortion leaflet:

Entitled "Five reasons not to have an abortion", this leaflet can save lives! It's the first in a series of a dozen that we'll be putting together on a variety of subjects, including abortion, euthanasia (so-called "medical aid in dying"), marriage, faith, religion and the state, secularism... 

Finally, we're preparing for two upcoming events: the first is the "Life Chain" (see below), the pro-life, anti-abortion demonstrations that will take place this Sunday, October 1, in hundreds of locations across Canada, including a dozen in Quebec (see below).

The second is the 40 Days for Life vigil, which for Quebec this time will be held in Sherbrooke from today, 27 September, until 5 November 2023.

We're also starting the vital autumn 2023 fundraising campaign today. You know that we can only do our job with your loyal support! Please show your support by sending us a donation.

Our target is $12,000. I hope you can help us reach it by the end of our campaign on 18 October.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie

P.S. Please donate today, if you can. We greatly need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.

Quebec locations for pro-life "Life Chain" demonstrations

The prayerful pro-life demonstration Life Chain will take place this Sunday, October 1, from 2 to 3 p.m. or 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. (see below), will be held in several Quebec cities -- join the one near you!

Intersection Crémazie and St. Michel
Person in charge: Denis Beaudoin

Intersection Décarie and Jean-Talon
Person in charge: Mario Richard

Intersection Sherbrooke west and north entrance, Décarie motorway
Person in charge: Mary Barrett

Hymus and Saint Jean intersection
Person in charge: Nelly Gonzales

Intersection Lindsey and Marchand
Person in charge: Michel Bélanger

Intersection Boul. Laurier and ave Jean-de-Quen
Person in charge: Joseph Daniel Marcotte

Hôtel Dieu de Lévis Hospital, rue de Billy, 50m from the corner of rue Wolfe
Person in charge : Georges Buscemi
Time : 14h30-15h30

Queen Street & 6th Avenue, Rawdon, QC J0K 1S0
Person in charge: Évelyne Therrien

Rue King O & Bd Jacques-Cartier N, Sherbrooke, QC J1J 2E3
Manager: Brian Jenkins

1000 Rue Galt W, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1Z8
+1 819-820-0208
Manager: Louis-Paul Belisle

420 Rue Principale, Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, QC J0K 2Y0
Manager: Mathieu Binette

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  • published this page in News 2023-09-27 19:12:42 -0400