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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Shocking Move by Quebec Premier: Public Prayer Under Threat

I was stunned to hear that last Friday, François Legault suggested banning public prayer in Quebec. This comes in response to incidents, particularly in the Montreal area, involving individuals of Muslim origin. Is he trying to mimic communist regimes that outlaw all public expressions of religion? This is where the abuse of the concept of secularism or "laïcité" leads us.

A distorted view

Laïcité, in its original sense, simply means governance by laypeople rather than clergy. However, in the hands of our leaders, this concept has morphed into a supposed state neutrality toward religion—an impossible stance when some religions promote ideas that are blatantly false, dangerous, or absurd. Worse still, this distorted view is now being used to justify the eradication of all religious expression in public spaces.

Our twice-annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for an end to abortion -- Banned ?

A shocking and totalitarian proposal

If this trend continues, roadside crosses, church steeples, religious processions, nativity scenes, and everything that reminds us of our soul and eternal destiny will be banned. This grotesque proposal immediately reminded me of another major misstep by the CAQ government: when Tourism Minister Caroline Proulx banned Harvest Ministries from the Quebec City Convention Centre for being too pro-life. That case is still before the courts.

Believers penalized under flimsy pretexts

I'm fed up with seeing this government use the missteps of certain groups as an excuse to strip all believers of their rights to express their faith. These measures are thinly veiled attempts to eliminate Christianity’s influence in Quebec under the guise of pseudo-nationalism and "protecting Quebec values."

Our annual LifeChain prayer event -- Banned?

Take action: Sign the petition!

That’s why we’ve drafted a petition that we hope thousands will read and sign. We need to send François Legault a loud and clear message: these attempts to win votes by trampling on believers’ rights are unacceptable and absurd.

If you agree, please sign the petition here:


And please share the petition widely. Banning public prayer is an act of totalitarianism and staggering narrow-mindedness that we must stop. Together, let’s stand up for faith and common sense for future generations!

Thank you for your steadfast support

Finally, a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has contributed to our year-end fundraising campaign. We’ve already surpassed our goal, even though the campaign officially ends on December 18. However, with the ongoing Canada Post strike straining our operations and so many battles ahead of us—including standing up to opponents like François Legault—your support is more critical than ever. Thank you for your generosity!

Donate today >>

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. The freedom to pray in public is a fundamental right that no government should take away. If you believe, as we do, that this proposed ban on public prayer sets a dangerous precedent, sign the petition here. Then share it widely in your networks. The more voices we raise, the stronger our message: we will not stand for this totalitarian drift that seeks to erase Quebec’s Christian heritage. Thank you for your support!

Vigil 365

The Vigil 365 is a prayer vigil where, every day for one or two hours, pro-lifers pray in a public place at a certain distance from an abortuary for the end of abortion. Read the latest news about the Vigil 365...

For more information, contact Brian Jenkins on (438) 930-8643.

Have you ever thought of sharing your pro-life testimony?

Quebec Life Coalition is collecting pro-life stories for a publication.

Many of the stories that we have already heard from our supporters are powerful witnesses to the dignity of the pre-born infant and can have the potential of touching the lives of our fellow Canadians and Quebecers. Do you have a story to share?

If you had a radical change from pro-abortion to pro-life, if you surmounted hardships to keep your child, if you have adopted or were adopted, if you regretted your abortion, if you are passionate to defend life, if you have lived an exceptional, beautiful or hard situation related to life — we would like to hear from you.

We will be looking for submissions of an approximate length of 1000–5000 words (3–10 pages in a book). Please send us an e-mail at [email protected]. for more information.

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  • published this page in News 2024-12-11 17:17:49 -0500