QLC March 2014 Newsletter - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



QLC March 2014 Newsletter

Dear Friends of Life,

Blessed Lenten greetings to you and your loved ones.

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are integral elements to our Lenten observance. Dare I suggest two more: advocacy and education.

ADVOCACY - I wish to encourage you, during Lent, to acts of advocacy against an all too long provincial governmental practice of funding abortions In this mail out you will find three inserts aiding to this end.

First you will find a poster. This may be conspicuously placed so to inform your neighbours about this hideous policy.

Second, you will also find a defund abortion letter. Addressed to the provincial finance minister, we invite you to read, sign, and mail it to the Honourable Mr. Nicolas Marceau expressing your disagreement with governmental paid in full abortions.

Finally, also included herewith is a petition for you to invite friends, family, and like-minded persons to sign. Mailing this will also strengthen our position.

Remember, a unified voice has clout. No better example of this is the recent interruption of the euthanasia legislation, bill 52 – also known as Medical Aid In Dying. A vocal, unified front of physicians, non-professionals, disabled person groups, and others, both within and outside Québec, expressing disapproval for this piece of law-to-be thwarted its acceptance in the National Assembly.

(Another Lenten deed you may wish to get involved with is the April 10, 2014, day of protest. Whether meeting with your MNA on that date or gathering outside his or her local riding office, it is important to bring you our opposition to this unconscionable practice of funding abortions.

EDUCATION - In addition to advocacy, we also believe that education is fundamental to rid the blinders that are obscuring Quebecers about the harm of abortion.

To this end, we are making available a small yet powerful little booklet entitled “Sharing the Pro-Life Message.” Though published in the US and containing many facts and figures from south of the border, the booklet is helpful, nevertheless for us as it touches on generic information about the pro-life movement such as how to share the message, life in the womb, addressing pro-choice arguments, among others.

With a small financial gift, I would be delighted to mail one to you.

A second educational tool is our yearly congress.

In 2010, the Quebec City congress garnered much media attention and brought much attention to our work. Our invited guest then prelate of Quebec City, Mgr. Marc Ouellet, spoke powerfully about the sanctity of life in the womb and the inherent harm of abortion, irking the sensitivities of many within the culture of death, particularly the media.

Likewise our 2012 congress in Sherbrooke, Qc, did not go unnoticed either. Occurring during the “printemps érable” period, many disenfranchised college age youth attempted to disrupt the proceedings but were met with vigilante congress attendees, thwarting their plans.

This fall, as the leaves turn into their fabulous hues, we will meet once again and discuss how to bring colour back to the pallor that characterises much of Quebec culture. The theme remains to be determined, yet our speakers will undoubtedly discuss such topics as: abortion defunding, obstructing the euthanasia agenda, the education of our youth, among others.

There you have it: advocacy and education, two bulwarks that we at the Quebec Life Coalition foster in our efforts to maintain the values on which our province was founded and which today have been deemed “passé” by Quebec’s intelligentsia.

Thank you for your on-going support in these and other projects and have a blessed Lenten period.

For life,

Brian A. Jenkins, Outreach Coordinator

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