QLC August 2014 Newsletter - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



QLC August 2014 Newsletter

Dear Friends of Life,

I have some wonderful news to share!

Your prayers and the work of one of our volunteers have saved the lives of twin girls.

That’s right – we can augment by two the number of babies saved by our efforts to end abortion.

I received this good news a fortnight ago. Invited to St-Joseph’s Oratory for an afternoon of prayer, I met Doris, one of the many faithful prayer warriors who attend our twice annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion.

Yet, her devotion does not end there. She also brings to her church our promotional material such as the prayer card entitled “Prayer for the End of Abortion,” placing it in a common area.

Not long ago, she told me, she had met a mom with a pair of twin at her church. The conversation turned to the pro-life material and on learning that Doris was the one responsible for having placed it, the mother thanked her profusely. On asking why, Doris learned the rest of the story.

One day, the mother, pregnant but ignorant that she was carrying twins, had a harrowing experience with her physician. Upon examination, the doctor, for various reasons, had advised her that she should abort.

Deeply saddened and not knowing quite what to do, she came across the material that Doris had left inside the church. Bolstered by what she read, she resolved then and there to carry through with the pregnancy, delighting even more so on learning that she was carrying twin girls.

Today mother and daughters are healthy and happy. Praise be to God!

This increases to five the number of babies saved during the Montreal 40 days for life prayer vigils.

(We believe that the number is greater as many women who have decided to keep their child after seeing us pray daily across the street from the Morgentaler abortion mill on Saint Joseph Blvd. East, do not slip us a word.)

Returning to Doris’ deed, I find this shows how our affirming gestures, however little these may be, can promote a culture of life.

Here’s another story about the big impact of small gestures. For some time now, Charlotte, one of our regular prayer volunteers, proudly wears the “Precious Feet” lapel pin - an exact replica of the size of the feet of a ten-week old unborn child. One day she gives hers to an acquaintance who took a fancy to it. In turn this woman was asked by a young woman about the pin she was wearing. On hearing what it was, the young lady exclaimed: “You mean to tell me that those are the actual size of the feet of my unborn child?!” At which point she renounced thoughts of aborting her child, something she was considering. Today little Samuel is the delight of many.

Small gestures – leaving leaflets at the back of a church, wearing a precious feet lapel pin, among others, are important.

God is calling each of us to participate in one way or another to build his kingdom of love. At the Quebec Life Coalition, I am privileged to hear these stories.

Thank you for supporting us both financially and through prayer in this endeavour.

For Life!

Brian Jenkins, Outreach Coordinator, Quebec Life Coalition

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