Preparations for a March for Life in Quebec City are well underway - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Preparations for a March for Life in Quebec City are well underway

Our 35th anniversary dinner in Montreal was a success. You can read a short report here.

Preparations for the first March for Life in Quebec City on June 1, 2024 are well underway. The official website will be ready soon. For now, relevant information can be found here. Also, you can watch the trailer for this same March here.

Click to view the video -- March for Life - Quebec

Also worth noting: the 40 Days for Life in Montreal are underway until March 24. My colleague Brian Jenkins, with the help of faithful volunteers, is lining up 12 hours a day (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) for 40 days in front of a "health" center where unborn children are being killed. Come and pray outside an abortion center for unborn children and their mothers ==>

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President of Quebec Life Coalition

Our featured article this week:

Gilles Grondin Award presented to Dr. Paul Saba, exceptional Quebec pro-lifer

On February 24, 2024, we celebrated the 35th anniversary of Campagne Québec-Vie (CQV), an organization dedicated to the protection of the unborn child since 1989, at our benefit dinner at Saint-Ambroise church in Montreal. Around 70 people, supporters and volunteers gathered in a warm atmosphere, and we presented the "Gilles Grondin" award to Dr. Paul Saba, an exceptional Quebec pro-lifer.

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  • published this page in News 2024-02-28 17:07:08 -0500