Palin a 'Natural Choice for Catholics' - Quebec Life Coalition
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Palin a 'Natural Choice for Catholics'

U.S. Newswire

Friday, August 29, 2008, p. n/a

Palin a 'Natural Choice for Catholics'

312-276-5119, [email protected]

CHICAGO, Aug. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- John McCain's decision to pick a pro-family and pro-life running mate will make the McCain-Palin ticket a 'natural' for Catholic voters, said Brian Burch, President of Fidelis Political Action.

"A presidential candidate's first major executive decision is selecting a running mate and John McCain's unexpected choice of Sarah Palin inspires real confidence that a McCain Administration will be a strong ally in the pro-life and pro-family cause," said Burch. "Governor Palin is the most pro-life vice presidential candidate ever to run. We are thrilled with this choice."

"John McCain and Sarah Palin have matched their public defense of life with their own personal commitment to life," said Burch.

Burch noted that earlier this year Palin made news with the birth of her fifth child, whom she welcomed into life despite a pre-natal diagnosis that revealed the child had Down Syndrome. The governor made national headlines when she proclaimed: "I'm looking at him right now, and I see perfection. Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?"

John McCain also matched his 20-year pro-life voting record with his family's own commitment to life. John and Cindy McCain brought two orphaned girls from Bangladesh to receive medical treatment in the United States. The McCain family adopted one of them, Bridget. McCain's friend adopted the other girl.

"In both cases, we see true pro-family leaders. They stand up strong for life in the halls of power but also live the message of life in their families," said Burch.

"The inspired choice of Sarah Palin highlights the radical views of Obama- Biden on life and marriage. Catholic voters couldn't have a starker contrast this November," said Burch."Catholics, like most Americans, are cautiously optimistic that the troop surge has calmed Iraq. Catholics will naturally turn their attention to which candidate will stand strong on behalf of families," said Burch.

"Barack Obama is not that candidate. Barack Obama wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. His first act as President has nothing to do with energy or Iraq. He wants to enshrine the right to abortion in federal law by signing the Freedom of Choice Act," said Burch.

"Barack Obama is so extreme on abortion that he thinks that babies who survive an abortion and are miraculously born alive should be refused food and water and be left to die," said Burch."John McCain, together with Sarah Palin, is a natural choice for Catholics. McCain has a strong pro-life record and he has made a commitment to selecting judges who will respect the Constitution. McCain has even bucked his own party on immigration and torture. We think these positions align John McCain closer to Catholic teaching and we are proud to stand with him as he prepares for a very difficult election ahead," said Burch.

"The stakes of this election are too large to ignore. Abortion supporters are awaiting the opportunity to eliminate years of progress on pro-life legislation by electing a President who supports abortion. There are six justices on the Supreme Court over the age of 68, and granting President Obama the opportunity to fill possible vacancies would be disastrous.

America needs the experienced leadership of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

SOURCE Fidelis
2008 U.S. Newswire

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