Our fight against the depopulation agenda - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Our fight against the depopulation agenda

Our movement, Quebec Life Coalition, was founded in 1989 by Gilles Grondin, a former Canadian diplomat. He had been hired by Campaign Life Coalition, a pan-Canadian pro-life group, to attend United Nations international conferences. It was well known, even at that time, that certain players among the international elite had put in place a programme to reduce the world’s population, and that these plans had to be thwarted by uniting pro-life countries on an international scale. In addition, Mr. Grondin had widely circulated document NSSM 200, produced by the US National Security Council in 1974 (declassified in the late 1980s), which advocated reducing the population of developing countries to guarantee easy access to their natural resources and thus maintain US hegemony.

Quebec Life Coalition has always understood that abortion and other attacks on human life are part of hidden agendas set up on a global scale and financed to the tune of billions. We also understand that, ultimately, these attacks on life are the manifestation of evil spiritual powers, and their ultimate defeat can only be achieved by spiritual means.

Our work is therefore one of patient restoration of souls and societies to foster a culture of faith, family and life, from conception to natural death. We accomplish this work in various ways:

  1. "Pregnant and Worried” help line (1-855-871-4442);
  2. Regular broadcasts on Théovox
  3. News site (cqv.qc.ca/blog) and presence on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube);
  4. Monthly publication of our paper newsletter;
  5. QLC conferences;
  6. Events and prayer vigils, including:
  7. Participation in politics at the federal, provincial, municipal and school board levels;
  8. Lobbying at the United Nations and other international bodies;
  9. Legal action, e.g. legal action against the 50-metre no-go zone around abortion centres in Quebec;
  10. Regular meetings and calls with other members of the pro-life movement in Canada and elsewhere in the world;

We have our work cut out for us in Quebec. As you can see, we’re working hard on many fronts. We’re doing what we can, but our material resources come from you. Please help us develop a pro-life opposition to stand up to the pro-abortion establishment in this province. Help us today.

If you’ve already donated to our summer fundraising campaign—and many have—thank you from the bottom of my heart. To date, we have raised $5584. But we only have 6 days to raise the difference, i.e. $6,416. Please give generously to help us reach our goal.

God bless you,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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  • published this page in News 2023-06-22 12:32:12 -0400