Newsletter for July 2012 - The importance of helping pregnant women - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Newsletter for July 2012 - The importance of helping pregnant women

Dear pro-Lifer,

Blessed summer greetings to you.

We pray that people will understand that to be pro-life means to be pro-woman,

and that to be pro-woman demands that we be pro-life.”

(Taken from "Pro-Life Meditations" by Priests for Life.)

This month I want to underscore the importance of coming to the aid of women. Whether those struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or those who have already aborted, we as a society need to be front and centre in our support of both groups so as to eliminate altogether the scourge of abortion.

Before saying any more on this, I want to encourage you not to forget us over the summer months. Our bills do not take a holiday. Please click here to donate today. Your support would help us to continue supporting life initiatives such as:

  • Welcoming a delegation from the Calgary-based Canadian Centre for Bio-ethical Reform;
  • Hosting the Canada Crossroads walkers, a group of intrepid youth who are walking across the country for the cause of life; and
  • Canvassing select areas of Montreal with pro-life material.

Our Attitude Towards Women

An important way to confront and change the culture of death that we live in is to confront and change our inertia towards helping women in distress. I’m thinking of the adage; to be pro-life is to be pro-woman.

The Post-Abortive Woman

While visiting Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Laval ten days ago, a parishioner pulled me aside. He worried for the fate of his sister-in-law. The latter is post-abortive, having had three. Rightly her soul is in danger and I was asked for prayers, particularly as she shows little remorse or contrition for her acts. The parishioner struggled on what role he can play in her spiritual journey.

As he spoke with me, I recalled the words a bishop had said to St. Monica about her wayward son, Augustine. “Speak less to Augustine about God, but more to God about Augustine.”

In aiding women, whether this sister-in-law or others, I believe we need to greet them in their terms- i.e., meet them where they are at in their spiritual journey. Our role is to walk with them towards Christ. Only then will they discover the way, the light, and the truth.

Rachel’s Vineyard

Other women have recognized the gravity of their abortion. Diane (not her real name), mother of five, had her abortion some thirty years ago, as a sixteen year-old.

Her road afterwards was quite bumpy. There were years of broken relationships, drugs, and alcohol. There was estrangement from her parents. Healing appeared unattainable.

Yet healing was available and was found through participation in a post-abortion recovery ministry. The form hers took was called Rachel’s Vineyard.

Rachel’s Vineyard organizes weekend retreats throughout the year to help women who suffer mental anguish and pain after having an abortion. This ministry aims at assisting post-abortive women come to deal with the emotional, physical, and spiritual pain the death of their child has had on them.

Diane says that she continues to experience bouts of depression, yet because of the structures she learned in this ministry, she finds support and peace.

Montreal and Quebec needs a similar kind of post abortion healing retreat. In Montreal alone, there are about 10 000 abortions per year. Since unrestricted abortions came into effect in 1988, that means about 250 000.

It is our goal to organize such a retreat. With your support we can organize one as early as this fall. Will you help? Your support would allow us to get the training needed to organize such a retreat.

So, let’s continue to be supportive of women.

Yours in faith,

Brian Jenkins

English and Multicultural Communities Outreach Director

Quebec Life Coalition

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