News on yesterday's Life Chain and much more - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



News on yesterday's Life Chain and much more

I’m writing to share several updates that highlight the impact of our shared mission for life and truth in Quebec and beyond.

First, Life Chain took place on October 6 in over 300 locations across Canada, including around 20 here in Quebec. This annual event, always highly anticipated, brought together hundreds of individuals in Quebec committed to defending the dignity of human life and was a resounding success. We’re pleased to share some photos from the event, capturing moments from various locations across Quebec. A more detailed report with images and testimonies will be available next Wednesday to highlight this meaningful day.

A part of the gathering in Lévis.

The Life Chain in Gatineau.

One of the chains in the Montreal area (Carrefour Laval).

Related to the Life Chain, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Noovo News (a division of Bell Media) near Hôtel-Dieu Hospital in Lévis, where I was present with my family and parish. You can watch the coverage here:

Georges Buscemi is questioned about the Life Chain on October 4, 2024, in Lévis.

On Saturday, October 5, I also attended the benefit dinner in support of Theovox, a Christian channel that provides a crucial alternative to mainstream media, which is often indifferent or hostile to faith and life. I had the honor of giving a brief address and of receiving, on behalf of QLC, the "Veritas" award, given to regular contributors to Theovox News. QLC is proud to support this alternative media, which, it’s worth noting, provided invaluable assistance to us in organizing the Quebec March for Life this past June.

I was invited to give a short speech during the evening.

The 'Veritas' award presented to QLC during the Theovox evening.

Lastly, an important piece of news: the director of the upcoming documentary La peur au ventre, which will air on October 21, 2024, at 8:00 pm on Télé-Québec (, appeared last night on Tout le monde en parle, a very popular talk show in Quebec, running on its 21st year. A trailer for the documentary was shown to the massive audience of this program, including a clip of my statement where I unreservedly affirm that "abortion is murder, and the punishment should fit the crime." While we know that support for expectant mothers in difficulty is essential for building a culture of life, I hope this truth resonates with the Quebecers who tuned in. Tout le monde en parle reaches nearly a million viewers weekly!

Screenshot from the Tout le monde en parle episode on October 6. Click to watch the episode. The documentary is discussed in the final segment, starting at one hour and 25 minutes.

In closing, we’re very close to reaching our goal for the Fall 2024 fundraising campaign, with just around $500 left to hit our $12,000 target! A heartfelt thank you for your generosity, which enables us to continue our work of advocacy and assistance, promoting a Christian Quebec that stands for faith, family, and life, from conception to natural death.

May God bless you for your continued prayers and generosity.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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  • published this page in News 2024-10-07 14:55:29 -0400