March for Life, National Networking and Happy Births! - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



March for Life, National Networking and Happy Births!

We are thrilled to share with you the latest news and events from our organization.

Firstly, we're delighted to inform you that Georges Buscemi, president of Quebec Life Coalition, recently visited the Good News Chapel Baptist Church in Montreal to promote the March for Life in Quebec. His visit was a great success, and we also had the opportunity to visit the Montreal parishes of Saint-Monica, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (thanks to a devoted sympathizer), and Corpus Christi Parish in Senneville. We shared valuable moments with these communities, further strengthening our commitment to life.

(Included below are some photos from Georges' visit to GNC.)

Additionally, our colleague Arpad Nagy attended the Canada Strong and Free conference to establish connections with conservatives and life advocates from across the country, including New Brunswick Premier Blain Higgs. This opportunity allowed us to strengthen our alliances and expand our network to promote the culture of life throughout Canada.

Arpad with the founder of the Danube Institute, John O'Sullivan.

Regarding our Pregnant and Worried (in French, Enceinte et inquiète) pregnancy help service, we have good news to share. Two of the seven women we support have recently given birth to their children: one to twins and the other to a baby boy. A touching anecdote occurred during the birth of the first twin: he came into the world while one of our volunteers was praying with the mother, during a quiet moment when no medical attendant was in the room. We continue to support and accompany the five other women awaiting the arrival of their babies, including one who feels ambivalent. Our colleague Brian will meet her on Friday to offer our support and assistance.

Additionally, we would like to inform you of the following events related to the promotion of life:

  • The March for Life in Ottawa will take place on May 9th on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. This march is an important opportunity for Canadians to come together and defend life at all its stages. We strongly encourage everyone who can to participate and testify to the importance of protecting human life.

  • We are also saddened by the recent death of Normand Meunier, a victim of severe medical negligence that led him to choose euthanasia. This tragedy underscores the importance of defending the dignity of every person, especially the most vulnerable among us.

  • Finally, we applaud the courage and commitment of Michael Del Grande in defending life. His initiative to display the pro-life flag in all Catholic schools in Toronto is an inspiring example of leadership and determination.

We thank you for your continued support of Quebec Life Coalition, and we encourage you to continue working with us to promote a culture of life in our society.

Best regards,

--Campagne Québec-Vie

p.s. Thank you for helping us promote the very first March for Life in Quebec on June 1st, 2024. Most importantly, be with us on that day!

Click here for more information on the March for Life in Quebec!

Our Articles of the Week:

Normand Meunier, euthanized after suffering serious neglect

Normand Meunier, a 66-year-old quadriplegic man, had to go to the emergency room of Saint-Jérôme Hospital in Quebec in January because he had contracted a respiratory virus, his third in three months. There, in the emergency room, according to his wife, he was left on a stretcher for four days without being frequently repositioned, leading to painful bedsores at home. Faced with this very painful condition, he decided to resort to euthanasia. He died on March 29.

The National March for Life in Ottawa will bring Canadians together to defend the right to life for all

The 27th National March for Life will take place next month, with Canadians of all ages coming together to defend and celebrate life at all its stages.

Michael Del Grande proposes displaying the pro-life flag in all Catholic schools in Toronto

"He has just introduced a motion that will be debated and voted on at the board's public meeting on April 23rd, and if passed, will require every school in the TCDSB, as well as the board office, to display the international pro-life flag, every year, for the entire month of May, starting this year!"

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  • published this page in News 2024-04-17 15:16:14 -0400