Le Journal de Montréal confirms that “Baby Daniel’s” abortion took place - Quebec Life Coalition
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Le Journal de Montréal confirms that “Baby Daniel’s” abortion took place

Augustin Hamilton’s Blog (Quebec Life Coalition)

Yesterday, February 16, 2023, Le Journal de Montréal published an article written by Héloïse Archambault, with the collaboration of Frédérique Giguère, reporting that a hospital felt "compelled to call the police because of aggressive anti-choice activists", essentially confirming that the baby, whom we have nicknamed "Daniel", had indeed been aborted.

This confirms, if it were necessary, that when we announced "Baby Daniel’s" forthcoming late abortion we were not spreading false news, whatever some people may think...

To take the case back to its beginning, before addressing Archambault's article, let's first look at the chronology of events as we have learned it.

On the morning of February 1, 2023, a whistleblower contacted a pro-life organization other than ours, via social networks, to communicate her dismay. She was aware of an exceptional medical staff meeting at Montreal’s Sacré-Coeur Hospital on how to perform an abortion at 38 weeks of pregnancy the next morning.

See: Pro-life organization and Montreal doctor call for challenge to abortion status quo following reports of lethal injection of unborn child at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Faced with the revelation that this barbaric, disgusting act would take place at 38 weeks, we sent an email to our subscribers the same day, asking them to pray that the abortion would not take place, that a baby would be saved.

Later that day, a pro-life Montrealer, Marie-Josée Rivest, contacted us: she had called Sacré-Coeur Hospital and an employee of the institution had confirmed to her that this late-term abortion was really going to take place the next day. Note also that about 100 people responded to our email, but other than Mrs. Rivest, no one informed us as to whether they had contacted the hospital in any way.

The following day, February 2, 2023, our first source informed us that the abortion had taken place as planned.

At noon on Friday, February 10, 2023, Quebec Life Coalition held a press conference at the corner of Fréchette Street and Gouin Boulevard West, not far from Sacré-Coeur Hospital. Note that the rally took place more than 50 meters from the hospital, in order to comply with the exclusion zone imposed by law 92 around places performing abortions.

Click here to view the press conference.

The same day, a media relations spokesperson for CIUSSS Montréal-Nord (a group of health care institutions of which Sacré-Coeur Hospital is a part) responded by email to a message from Georges Buscemi, President of Quebec Life Coalition (QLC), asking to confirm whether the procedure had taken place: "Sir, we hereby confirm that no feticide took place at Montreal’s Sacré-Coeur Hospital on February 2. This is not a procedure that is performed there at any time." Further on: "We ask you to stop relaying false information".

However, as Mr. Buscemi wrote in the update to the QLC press release, we were asking whether an "abortion" had taken place and not a "feticide", which, according to the Office de la langue française, does not have the same legal meaning. In our press release:

However, QLC considers it odd that when asked to affirm or deny that a 38-week abortion took place at said hospital on February 2 — an unfortunately legal act in Canada — the media relations spokesperson decided to deny that a "feticide" took place. But "feticide," according to the Office de la langue française du Québec, the authority on the use of French language terminology in the province, is "murder" according to canadian law, whereas abortion is not. But our question to the media spokesperson was not whether a "feticide" or "murder" of a 38-week unborn child took place, but whether an "abortion" took place.

See: Pro-life organization and Montreal doctor call for challenge to abortion status quo over reports of lethal injection of unborn child at 38 weeks of pregnancy

In the absence of further details, and given the development of the case, we can see that this spokesperson was trying to mislead us.

Here we were until Le Journal de Montréal asked us about it, and an article was published on February 16.

In her article, Archambault points out that Sacré-Coeur Hospital "had to call the police last month after receiving several calls from anti-choice activists, some of whom were aggressive".

She states:

"On February 1, confidential information about a 38-week pregnant woman about to have an abortion at Sacred Heart Hospital leaked onto social media."

She adds that the "anti-choice" group Quebec Life Coalition sent an email to its members "asking them to 'pray'". Why put in quotation marks what we say we asked? By doing so, she questions our intention. Why not question what sources say about the hospital receiving calls from "aggressive" people?

According to the article:

"In the evening, several calls were received at the hospital. According to our sources, people were calling to find out the name of the patient, others said they wanted to adopt the child. Some were aggressive."

Archambault, again according to her information, further explains that the hospital’s head of security, on the evening of February 1, called the City of Montreal police (SPVM) and that two officers came to the hospital. According to Archambault, the SPVM refused to specify the nature of the intervention.

But the fact that the hospital called the police does not mean that there was a real threat. Moreover, the SPVM does not seem to have judged the threat to be very great for having sent only two officers. What I find fault with Archambault's article is that it lacks precision. Indeed, how many "aggressive" people called the hospital? Two, four, ten, twenty? How were they "aggressive"? This is information that Archambault should have been able to provide to the public.

In this article, Archambault states that in Quebec about twenty women have late-term abortions, starting at 23 weeks. She rightly points out that these "stories are human dramas" and that all sorts of reasons push these women to make this "choice". But if they are tragedies, why make them even more terrible by killing innocent human beings?

A third trimester abortion involves, depending on the method used, the injection of digoxin into the body of the unborn baby to stop its heart, its delivery with laminaria, which can take place in the bathroom at home or in a hotel, and its possible dismemberment if there is difficulty in expelling the body. In this video below, Dr. Levatino, ex-abortionist, describes this method of 3rd trimester abortion:

Note that it appears that the abortion at Sacré-Coeur Hospital was done by injection and then caesarean section, according to our initial source.

Referring to Mrs. Rivest's call to the hospital, Mrs. Archambault reported the reaction of Patrick Ménard Martin, lawyer, a specialist in health issues, who stated that this was "a clear breach of confidentiality". As for Dr. Jean Guimont, supervisor of late-term abortions in Montreal, "we cannot tolerate this!":

We can't tolerate this. The right to an abortion is guaranteed, says Dr. Jean Guimond, who manages late-term abortions in Montreal. It's as simple as that.

Are we to understand that since killing unborn children is legal, if the mother asks for it, "it's as simple as that"?

Despite its flaws, Archambault's article confirms what we had stated, that a late-term abortion at 38 weeks of pregnancy was going to take place on February 2:

"The medical procedure took place the next day as planned, and was conducted according to standards."

Archambault also points out that before the "pandemic", that is, before 2020, Quebec sent women who wanted a late-term abortion to the United States, and that since then the "service" has been provided in Quebec - which is not entirely accurate. It is indeed the "elective" late-term abortion that is now provided in Quebec since 2020, but late-term abortions for "therapeutic" or eugenic reasons (defect, deformity of the child) were already practiced in Quebec, long before the said "pandemic"...

It should be noted that Sainte-Justine Hospital was performing late-term abortions before 2020, not only for malformations, etc., but also for "social" reasons.

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  • published this page in News 2023-03-17 20:27:28 -0400