Launch of our petition against sex reassignment for children - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Launch of our petition against sex reassignment for children

Did you know that in Quebec, a 16-year-old teen can have a “top surgery”? Did you know that in Quebec, there is no age limit to take hormone blockers?   

Just to be clear that we are talking about the same thing, when I say “top surgery” I mean the amputation of completely healthy and functioning breast tissue, also called mastectomy. Last year, in Quebec, eighteen minors went through with removing their breasts.  

Hormone blockers like Lupron, block the normal development of puberty, and are falsely advertised as completely reversible. Usually after hormone blockers, the “patient” is given hormones of the opposite sex. Last year, in Quebec, 97 biological girls (14-17-year-olds) received testosterone.   

A recent Radio-Canada report has created some turmoil, exposing the speed and lack of scrutiny for children changing their sex without the need for parental consent. Conventional media has raised some red flags but has not condemned the practice of sex change for children, nor have they asked for the government to stop it.   

So … we are! We are condemning the practice of sex change for children and asking our government to ban the practice!  

Therefore, today, we are launching a petition to ask our elected officials to ban the practice of sex change for children in Quebec. We simply want to make it so that anyone under the age of 18 is protected from doing irreversible harm to themselves. Children are the future. They are malleable, influenceable, often vulnerable and rarely, if ever, mature enough to make such life-altering decisions. Please sign our petition by clicking here.  

Also, along with signing our petition, we need your help with something else. We are in the middle of our quarterly fundraising drive. Many of you have already given, and we are very thankful for the wonderful financial support we receive from you! Thank you!!!  

If you have not recently given, please consider supporting our mission. Any amount of financial contribution, small or large, goes a long way to help us continue our work. With your contributions, we bring you articles, put on events and vigils, organize petitions, and lobby the government on your behalf, and much more. We are here, united with you, to defend life, family and faith. You can access our fundraising campaign by clicking here.  

Have a blessed holy week,  

Arpad Nagy
Political Operations Director
Quebec Life Coalition

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  • published this page in News 2024-03-27 17:12:07 -0400