Keeping mothers off the conveyor belt to abortion - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Keeping mothers off the conveyor belt to abortion

One important thing we do in defending life from conception to natural death is help mothers facing a crisis pregnancy carry their child to term.

In Quebec, most women faced with a crisis pregnancy will dutifully head to their local government health clinic (called CLSC) and most of the time be plopped onto a virtual conveyor belt to abortion. Our goal is to divert the most women possible from state health care and into more trusted hands, who will fight for both the mother’s welfare and that of her child.

That’s why we created “Enceinte et inquiète” (Pregnant and Worried) more than a decade ago. Unlike most charitable works, which, if they wish to conserve their government funding, must walk on eggshells when they provide services to the public (this means steering from anything even vaguely controversial, abortion being one of the most controversial topics of all), Enceinte et inquiète is unabashedly pro-life in its approach to helping women. We aren’t afraid of being “outed” as pro-life and losing government grants and other state largesse, since we never received a cent from the gov’t and never intend to do so, so long as it remains pro-abortion.

We receive calls for help via our toll-free hotline (1-855-871-4442) or our website ( Needs range from childbirth without health insurance, to teen pregnancy, to help finding housing, to problems with violence, and everything in between.

The last few weeks have been particularly busy, with up to 8 cases being handled at once by my colleague Brian and his growing team of volunteer women. Our work mainly consists in referral to trustworthy, vetted organisations who provide food, lodging and counselling, as well as help with finding various government subsidies or programmes.

We are literally fighting for the lives of babies and their mothers; and whether we win depends to a large extent on whether we are seen or heard. The government already has a very well-established network of referral centres – the aforementioned CLCS’s. For us to be able to divert women from these pro-abortion clinics we must advertise on social media and by other means. We also need funds to maintain our online presence and our toll-free hotline. Finally, we need staff supervised volunteers to field calls and to follow up with the women.

We are in the fight of our lives. Can you help us help women experiencing a crisis pregnancy?

We are currently in the midst of our Advent fundraising campaign; we aim to raise 15,000$. We so far have received 5,719$, for which we are very grateful. However, 9,281$ remains to be raised before the end of Christmas Day. Time is running out. Please give sacrificially today if you can!

God bless,

Georges Buscemi

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  • published this page in News 2023-12-19 12:10:22 -0500