Justin Trudeau’s imploding leadership is good news for us - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Justin Trudeau’s imploding leadership is good news for us

Justin Trudeau’s imploding leadership may trigger calls for an election sooner than we think (some say, as early as next Spring, though if the NDP-Liberal coalition holds, the next election could be as late as October 20, 2025)

Whatever the date of the next election, the party that stands the greatest chances of replacing the pro-abortion Liberal Party is the Conservative Party of Canada. Some may not be particularly fond of this party, since like all major parties it may sometimes trade off principles for power, but the fact remains that this party is likely to take over after Trudeau’s disastrous tenure.

This is why we at the Quebec Life Coalition are asking pro-lifers interested in seeking to be candidates for the Conservatives in Quebec to do so now! My colleague Arpad Nagy will be criss-crossing the province of Quebec and its 78 ridings to find suitable pro-life candidates to seek nominations to represent the Conservatives in the next election. If you reside in Quebec, stay tuned for an email from Arpad indicating how you can help us in this monumental effort.

This past week I had the pleasure of speaking at a fundraising banquet for Theovox Studios, a Quebec-based media group that broadcasts a weekly news show (on which I appear monthly) and other shows with evangelical-style content. Beside being a quite popular alternative media group in Quebec, with thousands tuning in regularly to watch their shows (their coverage was especially appreciated during the covid-related crisis), they are also ardently Pro-Life and Pro-Family. And 2024 will see our two organizations raise our partnership to a new level, though the organization and promotion of a Quebec City March for Life. Stay tuned!

In other news, my colleague Brian Jenkins has just completed the 40 Days for Life in Sherbrooke, Quebec. The 40 Days for Life are a 40-day prayer vigil for the end of abortion, of which this fall there were over 300 worldwide. For 40 Days in a row, 12 hours per day, Brian has organized a continuous presence outside a Sherbrooke abortion facility. He has thus been able to carry out a great many conversations with passers-by and has shown the citizens of that medium-sized city that Life matters, from conception to natural death.

Finally, I want to remind you of a Montreal protest on Saturday, November 18, against extending euthanasia to people with mental illness. Organized by Montreal-area Doctor Paul Saba, this protest aims to at least slow the runaway train that the euthanasia regime in Canada has become, by preventing the legal euthanasia of the vulnerable mentally ill. The poster is below:

Let's protect people with mental health problems
Gathering on Saturday, November 18, 2023
2pm - 4pm
Parc Place du Canada
Montreal (park next to the Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral)
information : [email protected]
Dr. Paul Saba
[email protected]

Thank you for reading, sharing, and acting on our information. My God bless you abundantly.

Yours for Life,

Georges Buscemi

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  • published this page in News 2023-11-08 17:35:45 -0500