Justice delayed is justice denied - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Justice delayed is justice denied

In March 2019, Quebec Life Coalition filed a request with the Quebec Superior Court to have a provincial “bubble-zone” law (a law keeping us at 50 m or more from abortion facilities) thrown out as unconstitutional and contrary to our right to free expression.

You see, QLC had been present outside of abortion facilities for many years. Being close to the places where unborn babies are killed allows us to offer help and abortion alternatives to abortion-minded women, in the hope that they might choose life for their child.

One facility, the so-called “Morgentaler Clinic,” was getting annoyed at our constant presence outside their doors. Not only was our peaceful, prayerful presence a constant reminder to abortion staff of the evil of their work, we also successfully saved some women and their children from the deadly abortion procedure. When that facility moved to downtown Montreal in the mid 2010s, we followed them there. They then brought us to municipal court to prevent us from exercising our legal right to be near their facility. Eventually, they won their case and succeeded in pushing us back far enough from their building to render our presence much less visible to the staff and to the women entering their doors.

However, they were not happy with their small “victory,” as they worried that we could simply find another abortion facility where we could do our lifesaving work. So in 2016 they successfully lobbied the Quebec government for what is known as a “bubble-zone” law, which prevents anti-abortion efforts from taking place at less than 50 m from any building in Quebec where abortions take place.

As I wrote above, we started challenging this law in 2019. The corona-related situation has delayed things considerably. And now, after over three years and many hours of work by our lawyer and our staff, we have finally been given a date at which our case will be heard in court, during a trial that is to have 6 days of hearings.  

The court dates are, wait for it … between November 11 and November 18, 2024! That’s right, close to two years from now, and over 5 years after we filed our original arguments for opposing the law!

The expression “justice delayed is justice denied” applies in spades in this case. But this is the exact reason why we need pro-life organizations in Quebec like Quebec Life Coalition. In the life of an individual, human justice moves way, way too slowly. But an organization outlasts any one individual. That’s why it’s important to support organizations that have proven staying power.

Quebec Life Coalition has been around since 1989, fighting the good fight for faith, family and life in Quebec. We’ll prosecute this case against the Quebec government for as long as it takes. We have obtained funding to pay the legal fees for the case, but we are grateful for anything you can contribute to help us continue our sidewalk counselling, our vigils, and our street outreach. We want to keep the streets saturated with our message of hope and Life, while abortion facility owners want us off the streets for good.

Will you help us continue “bothering” the abortionists and saving lives from abortion?

We have only one week left to collect the 10,530$ that remains to reach our goal for this Advent season. If you are one of the many who have already given recently, thank you! If you haven’t already, consider a donation today

For Life,

Georges Buscemi

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  • published this page in News 2022-12-14 13:19:46 -0500