Imprisoned for defending the lives of the most vulnerable - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Imprisoned for defending the lives of the most vulnerable

This week you can read about the record 315 locations across Canada where we held our Life Chain, our annual one-hour public prayer event for the unborn. You can see some photos of the event here.

Also, as we hold two 40 Days for Life vigils in Quebec (one in Montreal, one in Sherbrooke) until 5 November, you can read this testimony from a 40 Days participant imprisoned for his defence of the weakest: Will Goodman, imprisoned rescuer: "Our Lord has blessed me by allowing me this year to participate in a contemplative way in the 40 Days for Life".

To take part in the 40 Days for Life, a worldwide vigil where people of goodwill take turns prayerfully witnessing outside abortion centres for 12 hours a day and for 40 days in a row, please call Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643.

Brian Jenkins.

Finally, Bill C-314, which aims to prevent the extension of access to euthanasia to people suffering from mental illness, will be voted on 18 October. This vote is crucial if this pro-life bill is to move on to the next stage. If the vote on 18 October is negative, the bill will never see the light of day. Please contact your Member of Parliament to let him or her know that you want him or her to vote in favour of Bill C - 314!

We are seven days away from the end of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. To date, we have raised $6053. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously! If you haven't given yet, our goal is $12,000. We still have $5,947 to raise. I hope you can help us reach this goal by the end of our campaign.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi

P.S.: Please donate today, if you can. We really need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.

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  • published this page in News 2023-10-11 15:25:35 -0400