Hot and Cold - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Hot and Cold

Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea and say, “Here is the message of the Amen, the faithful, the true witness, the ultimate source of God’s creation: I know all about you: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other, but since you are neither, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. (Rev 3: 14-16)

I recently received a great blessing that I’d like to share with you.

You may already be familiar with our sidewalk ministry in downtown Montreal, which we have named “Vigil 365.” It involves prayer volunteers spending about ninety minutes each day, year-round, at the centre of the abortion industry in the province of Quebec. Within a half-kilometer radius of the corner of St. Catherine and Berri Streets there are five abortion facilities, one of which performs late-term abortions (after 25 weeks of gestation).

Our presence there does not go unnoticed. Men and women from all walks of life travel through this busy intersection daily – workers, tourists, CEGEP and university students, and the homeless, as well as people on their way to or from the abortion facilities.

Reactions to our presence are varied, ranging from smiles and words of support, through mute indifference, to frowns and disparaging words.

The blessing I mentioned above came as the result of this sidewalk activity, following an exchange with a young man about 22 years old, who is passionately opposed to our presence in this public space. His attitude then as well as in two subsequent visits was antagonistic.

Much like a severe storm indiscriminatingly pickup everything in its path, his remonstrations embraced issues not limited to the pro-life movement – organised religion, women’s rights, and others endearing to us who value family, faith, and life.

Through it all, my peers and I remained calm. We also offered rebuttals to the varied comments when permitted, as the young man did listen to us.

Afterwards, on reflecting upon the three encounters, I came to recognise a tremendous blessing received. Yes, remaining calm and verbal were blessings in themselves, examples of God’s grace at work. Yet there was more, much more.

It occurred to me how much God cares about and loves this young man. In His great mercy, Our Lord manifested Himself through the presence and words of three different interlocutors – first with a vigil participant named Mary, then with me, and then with Denis, another vigil participant.

Our Lord manifested Himself to the young man, calling him to Him through three different servants, calling him to be with Him.

Through these three visitors, the young man was met, then welcomed and then listened to. He met three witnesses, all of whom were avowed believers in God and the culture of life.

Though “cold” and offensive to God and to the culture of life, he was not cast into Gehenna, but called to be part of Our Lord’s plan of an abundant life. This moment of insight permitted me to understand more clearly why Our Lord prefers those who are “cold” to the “lukewarm,” as this “coldness” can lead people to gravitate to God, unlike the “lukewarm” who remain in suspension like motes of dust hanging in the air.

A further insight. This incident revealed not only God’s largeness but also how we are His instruments to reach out to others.

I learned that God is ever ready to embrace us all, the indignant included.

I pray that you too may have such opportunities to be God’s instrument in the lives of others.

With this in mind, consider joining us in our upcoming activites so you too may experience God's munificence:

- Day of Action against renaming a city park to honour an abortionist - Saturday, September 10, 2022. See newsletter for details.

- Life Chain. On Sunday, October 2, 2022, a sixty-minute silent, prayerful vigil at the corner of Décarie Blvd. and Jean-Talon Street. Signs will be provided to draw the public’s attention to the truth that abortion is not a solution.

- 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion. From September 28, 2022, to Sunday, November 6, 2022, in Sherbrooke, QC.

Thank you for your on-going prayerful support for our mission to change hearts and establish a culture of life.

Brian Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition

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  • published this page in News 2022-08-31 13:20:41 -0400