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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Henry Morgentaler recevra la médaille de l'Ordre du Canada demain en matinée.






Morgentaler to be Awarded Order of Canada Friday October 10 in Quebec City

By John-Henry Westen

QUEBEC CITY, October 8, 2008 ( - has learned that abortionist Henry Morgentaler will be awarded the Order of Canada on Friday at 10am in Quebec City.

Official announcement is planned only for Thursday late afternoon. broke the story on Morgentaler's nomination to the Order of Canada two days prior to the official proclamation, launching a media frenzy.

The news service has since published over 70 news articles on the subject.

Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) the political arm of the pro-life movement has led the public outcry against the nomination with a petition of over 30,000 Canadians, commissioning the largest poll in the country on the subject (finding 56% opposed), and polling all Members of Parliament (finding over 100 MPs publicly in opposition).

Source: Lifesite

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