Harnessing the power of media for Good - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Harnessing the power of media for Good

I'm Augustin Hamilton, head of the Quebec Life Coalition news site. For the past six years, I've been publishing daily articles on the QLC site to provide arguments for pro-life advocates, to convince pro-abortionists, to offer hope or to correct the prevailing media narrative.

More concretely, my job involves searching for articles on various websites, translating articles from English to French, editing, writing and reproducing articles that certain websites kindly allow us to re-use, and finally publishing texts by QLC members or supporters. I also help to prepare the weekly emails, which I sometimes have the pleasure of writing, as I did today. I also have to illustrate the articles with free images, which I can assure you is no easy task...

Every year, mainly through our translator Dominique, we translate nearly 700 texts and articles (including the Campaign Life Coalition newsletter).

I write around forty articles a year, mostly on Quebec and Canadian affairs.

We have also published dozens of original articles, letters from supporters and reprinted articles.

We need your support to continue our work in the coming year. Please give generously to our fundraising campaign, we hope to raise $15,000 by December 25th.

"It would be a strange aberration to want to devote one's life to works of the apostolate, if one did not put Catholic journalism at the top of the list of necessary and most effective instruments". - Mgr Philippe Perrier, The power of the press and its mission, 1941.

By 1941, the effect of the press on opinion and morals was already well known. Bishop Philippe Perrier, then Vicar General of the Diocese of Montreal, used the words of Pope Pius XI to underline the importance of the press: "The press," Pius XI told Spanish journalists, "has today become a sovereign power. Power for good, power also, unfortunately, for evil."

And how much stronger this power must have become with the spread of television and the Internet! For good, no doubt, but more for evil, as we can see in Quebec, where all the major media shamelessly promote abortion and many other vices.

At Quebec Life Coalition, our eminently Christian apostolate is to put an end to the brutal murder of unborn children. It would be illusory to try to reverse this situation if we did not exercise some form of journalism!

Please give what you can -- we're two weeks away from the end of our Advent fundraising campaign; we've already raised $2,257, and now have $12,743 to go. Thank you for helping us!

For Life,

Augustin Hamilton

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  • published this page in News 2023-12-13 17:24:34 -0500