A Pro-Life Canada Needs a Pro-Life Quebec - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A Pro-Life Canada Needs a Pro-Life Quebec

Last Saturday Quebec Life Coalition was on the ground in Montreal, in the East-End park that city officials are planning to rename “Morgentaler Park,” in honour of Canada’s most notorious abortionist.

You can read our report of the event here>>

We went door-to-door to upwards of 400 homes to distribute our flyers and information. We were there to say “NO” to honouring a man who surgically killed with his own gloved hands an estimated 80,000 unborn babies in his lifetime, and has trained scores of other so-called doctors to do the same.

You can check out our Facebook Page HERE for pictures of the event. 

I want to thank all who joined us for this event, and all who prayed for us. You all contributed to building a Culture of Life in Quebec.

Today, I want to ask you a special favour. We are starting a fundraiser this fall, as we do every quarter. However, this fundraiser is especially pressing, because we have every reason to believe that Quebec needs to step it up a notch if Canada ever hopes to become pro-Life. 

Abortion started in Canada with Henry Morgentaler, a Quebecer, opening illegal clinics in Montreal. Then a Quebec Prime-Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, legalized abortion in 1969. Then all laws preventing some abortions were struck down in 1988 by the Supreme Court, thanks to Morgentaler. The following year, another Supreme Court case, originating from Quebec, decided that the unborn were not persons under the law (the famous Daigle vs. Tremblay case) Then Euthanasia was first legalized in Quebec’s National Assembly in 2014. 

Do you see a pattern here? It shows that A Pro-Life Canada needs a pro-Life Quebec!

But for that, we need your help.  And everyone, both those who live in Quebec, and those who live outside, has an interest in helping Quebec’s homegrown pro-life org—that’s us—grow even faster and become even more influential. 

Campagne Québec-Vie/ Quebec Life Coalition is dedicated to building a Christian society that defends faith, family and Life, from conception until natural death. We have a team of 6 full-time staff working to make this happen. But we can, and must, do more!

Because as it is, Quebec is still going in the wrong direction. And dragging the rest of Canada with it!

Can you help us today with a sacrificial donation, enabling our team to criss-cross Quebec, building pro-Life networks across the province, to strengthen our province and stop it from being a dead weight dragging the rest of Canada down?

Our two-week fundraiser aims to raise $15,000. You are among thousands who are reading this email, who care for the unborn, and who want Canada to protect Life. Won’t you fund Quebec’s Pro-Life org to make it happen?

Because A Pro-Life Canada Needs a Pro-Life Quebec.

Thank you for your generosity, and God bless,

Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie

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  • published this page in News 2022-09-15 14:36:56 -0400