You may have heard that at Campagne Québec-Vie/Quebec Life Coalition, we are a group of six people working full-time (plus two part-time) to establish a Christian society that defends faith, family, and life, from conception until natural death.
Lately, you’ve heard about our fight against renaming a park in Montreal in honour of Henry Morgentaler, Canada’s most notorious abortionist.
What you may be wondering is, who we are, and how we got where we are now. (Today is the 3rd day of our 2-week fundraiser; if you want Quebec to be Pro-Life, please give today.)
It all started in 1989, when the Supreme Court of Canada rendered a decision that would deny the personhood of unborn children. In the “Daigle v. Tremblay” case, the Supreme Court had to decide whether a father, on account of his shared responsibility for a child, could prevent an unborn child from being aborted. The Court said NO, as it affirmed that, at least in Quebec, the child before birth was not a human being under the law.
With this decision, Quebec had just been the originator of two consecutive Supreme Court decisions which threw wide open the abortion mill doors in Canada, the first decision being the 1988 Morgentaler Supreme Court decision striking all laws preventing abortions in our country. The Canadian pro-life movement could no longer delay instituting a pro-life response in Quebec.
That’s why Jim Hughes, at the time President of Campaign Life Coalition, tapped retired, lifelong Canadian diplomat Gilles Grondin to be president of a new pro-life, homegrown organization in the province of Québec: Campagne Québec-Vie.
Ever since that time, Campagne Québec-Vie has been there to shine a light in a province that has the dubious honour of being at the “cutting edge” of almost every cultural setback in Canada, from abortion to euthanasia, from the promotion of homosexuality to the elimination of faith from the public square.
We have run dozens of LifeChains, twenty 40 Days for Life vigils, have printed countless pamphlets, flyers, posters, have published books, we have run websites, we have produced documentaries and short videos, we run social media pages, we do everything we can to affirm the truths about God and human life in a province that is doing everything it can to live as if there were no Truth and no God.
Now, more than ever, we are committed to growing and deepening our work in this province. We are keenly aware of our responsibility to bring light in the darkness. And for that, we are asking for your help. Please give what you can today.
God bless,
Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie
p.s. You now have the story on how our organization came to be. In a next email, I will introduce you to each of our full-time workers. While each story is unique, we all work at QLC/CQV for the same reason: to glorify God and to save lives. Thanks for helping us continue this life-saving work today.
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