Young Pro-Lifer Graces Montreal - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Young Pro-Lifer Graces Montreal

This past weekend, we in the Montreal pro-life movement received a very special grace; Ms. Lia Mills spent three days with us.

Seventeen year-old Ms. Mills gained international attention five years ago as a video of hers, taken by her mom and a friend, and placed on YouTube went viral. To date over 1.5 millions viewers have seen her pro-life six minute video.


We invited Ms. Mills as preparation for the upcoming 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion which begins on Ash Wednesday - March 5, 2014.

During her time here in Montreal she made three speaking engagements: Holy Name of Jesus church (Laval), Loyola High School (Montreal), and Montreal Cathedral Mary queen of the World.

At holy Name of Jesus, Pastor peter Sabbath invited the young woman from Ontario to address the congregation at the end of each of the weekend masses.

sevena young pro-life advocate

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