You can make a difference for LIFE ! - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



You can make a difference for LIFE !

Dear Pro-Lifers,

We at the Quebec Life Coalition continue to be your watchmen for life and family here in Quebec and wherever fate calls us. Through different initiatives, we are informing or representing you, our benefactors, where these affronts occur. Thank you for generously supporting us.

The most pressing issue concerns the defense of the unborn. To this end, we have joined 300 other groups worldwide to confront in a peaceful and prayerful manner the wiles of the abortion mentality, wiles that consist in silencing our societies, our dialogues concerning this travesty.

This participation that I write to you about is the bi-annual prayer vigil called “40 Days for Life,” begun this past Tuesday, September 27. For the sake of newcomers to this prayer, a brief introduction is in order.

40 Days for Life is a continuous peaceful and prayerful vigil done outside an abortion facility. As a movement, we have come to recognize that we are unable to change attitudes in our own land for the abortion and contraception mentality is widely accepted as “health care” and a woman’s right. So, we humble ourselves and turn to God for help for in his beneficence and mercy he can work wonders.

Jesus, in speaking to his apostles, encouraged them that only through prayer and fasting can certain evil spirits be exorcised – Mark 9:26-29. And so we do likewise. For the next forty days, from September 28 though November 6, we are encouraging all to pray and fast to exorcise the evil that has wormed its way into the hearts of so many of our dear brothers and sisters.

  • Pray at home or in the public transit, alone or with a prayer group, for an hour or a minute.
  • Pray for the changing of heart of those who promote this unnatural butchery so they can recognize the preciousness of every life;
  • Pray for those contemplating aborting their child, that they become aware that support is readily available through both governmental and private agencies, both during their pregnancy and afterwards; and
  • Pray for those who have experienced one or more abortions so that they know that healing is readily available to them, whether through caring persons who will walk the walk with them for as long as it takes or through the healing balm that God readily has available to them.

In addition to prayer, we are aiding in a new manner – by providing a toll-free Help-line for all women interested in learning about alternatives health care options. Your generous help has permitted us to carry through with this initiative and confront this colossus of “health care” that abortion is often called.

Your contributions, either on-going or occasional basis, have permitted us to act in a couple of other ways:

This past Sunday, November 2, we at the Quebec Life Coalition participated in the Life Chain, an event involving over 1500 communities across North America;

We travelled to Cornwall to attend the annual conference of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in order to present a petition requesting that the CCCB examine the funding choices of the aid agency Development & Peace.

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