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Will Grant Haunt Tories?

Will the Conservative government grant to the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) come back to haunt them?

For those of you unfamiliar with recent proceedings, the CBC announced a week ago - September 22, that the Tories had awarded the provider of abortions $6 million over three years .

Reactions came swiftly from pro-life advocates. Lifesitenews reported on the story hereMyCanada initiated a "contact the PM" web page advocating for immediate action.  

This week the temperature rose a degree. Yesterday, a member of Mr. Harper's  own party, Mr. Brad Trost, the MP for Saskatoon–Humbolt - broke rank and criticised the decision. Several reports on the subject have come out earlier today, two of which from the national press. The Lifesitenews article may be found here , while The National Post article may be found here, and The Globe and Mail here. A CBC interview the Saskatchewan MP may be found here.

Could this be a turninng in PC popularity? More to follow.

p.s. The CBC is asking the following question: "By approving funding to the International Planned Parenthood Federation, has the government re-opened the abortion debate?" Click here to take part in the poll.

p.p.s. Two other agencies have taken issue with the funding of IPPF by the Canadian government - The UN watchdog Catholic Families & Human Rights Organization and the Catholic Civil Rights League.

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