We're almost there! - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



We're almost there!

This Saturday 1 June will see the first ever Quebec City March for Life!

We're only 4 days away from the event.

A number of pro-life and pro-family activists will be talking about their efforts and experiences in the fight for the unborn child and the family during the pre-March rally. Speakers include:

  • Georges Buscemi, President of Quebec Life Coalition
  • Dr Paul Saba, family doctor in Montreal
  • Jean-Léon Laffitte, President of the Association des Parents Catholiques du Québec and representative of Ensemble pour la protection de nos enfants
  • Jean-François Denis from ThéoVox media
  • Richard Décarie, founder of the Conservative Union movement
  • Debbie Duval from Campaign Life Coalition
  • And many more!

After the March, women who have undergone abortion or chosen life will give testimonials.

The schedule for the Quebec City March is as follows:

  • 11am Gathering (Fontaine de Tourny)
  • 12pm Speeches
  • 1pm Walk
  • 3pm Testimonies
  • 4pm End

For full details of the Quebec City March for Life, click here.

We are organising buses from Montreal, Granby, Drummondville and Ottawa. Contact Brian Jenkins at (438) 930-8643 for details.

Don't forget to announce your attendance at the March on our Facebook page and to invite your family, friends and acquaintances.

Prayer and fasting

So that God may grant us the success and good conduct of the March, we ask you to help us by praying and, if you want to go that far and if you can, by fasting and abstaining during the three days that separate us from the March for Life, from Wednesday May 29 to Friday May 31. Fasting is currently defined by the Catholic Church as follows: one meal a day, plus two snacks which together do not amount to a full meal. Abstinence, in this case, means not eating meat.

Why make such an effort? We know that by attacking abortion, we are attacking the devil's empire over our society. That's how much we need God's help and protection. In any case, it would be illusory to try to reinstate the Culture of Life in our society without God's help (or a culture at all - in my opinion, a society that no longer even worships God and has such contempt for life and the family no longer has a culture at all).

Here are a few photos of the preparations for the March for Life - check out the banners!

Come and join us at the March for Life on June 1st!

For Life,
Augustin Hamilton

Press release about the Quebec City March for Life :

A historic first: March for Life in Quebec City on June 1
This Saturday, June 1, will mark a historic moment for Quebec City, with the first-ever March for Life in the province. This event joins the ranks of Marches for Life organised worldwide, including the one in Ottawa - founded 27 years ago - which brought together thousands of demonstrators on Parliament Hill on May 9, and the one in Washington D.C., founded in 1974, which drew nearly 100,000 participants in January.

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  • published this page in News 2024-05-28 17:47:35 -0400