We have our marching orders - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



We have our marching orders

I’ve been telling you a lot lately about our very first March for Life in Quebec City on June 1st.

Well, you can now see the official English Website and video here.

What I want to impress upon you today is that the March for Life-- Quebec is much more than one day of pro-life witness.

The March fits into a whole year’s worth of pro-life work we do at Quebec Life Coalition, to defend and promote faith, family, and life in the province of Quebec and in the rest of Canada.

Promoting Life and Family

From March 2nd onward, we have been making presentations before various communities, about the March for Life in Quebec and the importance of defending the unborn.

A picture of our colloquium of March 2nd in Lévis

Whether on Theovox, a popular independent, Christian online network or in person, such as our conference in Lévis, we are informing and equipping Quebecers to stand for Life right where they live. And we’ve only just begun. For example, starting this Sunday, in the weeks up to the June 1st date of the March, I’ll be visiting a different church almost every weekend.

Helping Women, Saving Lives

Meanwhile, we are receiving calls to our toll-free hotline (1-855-871-4442) every week from pregnant women in need. Recently, one woman Desiree, 8 weeks pregnant, contacted us with questions about abortion. She had rent difficulties and did not think she could afford a child at the moment. When we reassured her that we had a lawyer who could help her navigate her rental troubles, she chose life for her child ! (As the situation is on-going, your prayers are most welcome at this critical juncture.)

Here is a glimpse of our other current list of women (names of which have been modified for this email) and their needs :

  • Tania (7 months pregnant) - assisted by Céline and Charlotte; homeless, yet having found sanctuary at the CHUM for the past four weeks;
  • Faith (8 months) - single mother of three (each of which living in foster care) and carrying twins; living in a women's shelter - assisted by Céline;
  • Graziana (7 months) - without RAMQ, abandoned by father and living with brother;
  • Andrea (beginning) - pregnant seeking support
  • Fatima (beginning) - foreign student at Montreal Secretarial college, without RAMQ

and two single mothers - one, from West Africa (husband in detention in Canada) seeking normalization of entry visa (assited by Céline) and the second (husband deceased) living in difficult circumstances (assisted by Jane).

Calling for Witnesses

During our speaking portion of the March on June 1st we will have a time for post-abortion witnesses to come up to the mic to express their regrets about abortion. If you or someone you know can help us with this part of our programme, please contact us.

Your ongoing support is crucial.

Your support is crucial in helping us continue doing our life-saving work. Many people have so far given to our Lent and Easter fundraiser, and we thank them. However, if you have not yet had a chance to do so, please give today. Though we have so far raised 2,934.52$, with only 9 days to go, we still have 12,065$ to go to meet our target.

God bless,

Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition

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  • published this page in News 2024-03-25 16:17:38 -0400